BELVEDERE BOWLS CLUB INC. – Regulations and By-Laws – Adopted 6th May 2016

The regulations are the key ‘delegated legislation’ of the Club (sometimes referred to as by-laws).

These are key rule and policy documents, which can address a whole range of issues for a club. The Regulations may include disciplinary regulations, election procedures, policies including member protection and anti- doping, financial management and particular sporting matters.

1.  Subscription and Fees

1.1  Annual subscription, green fees and any other fees for the coming year will be set by the Board at the March meeting each year.

1.2  Advice will be sent to members by the end of March each year.

1.3  Invoices for annual subscriptions will also be forwarded by the end of March.

1.4  Payment in advance of annual subscriptions are due by 31st May each year or such other date as determined by the Board.

1.5  If a newly elected member fails to pay his/her subscription within twenty eight (28) days after his/her election, the election shall be void unless he/she justifies the delay to the satisfaction of the Board.

2.  Membership Numbers

2.1.  Unless the Board shall otherwise decide, the maximum number or members of the club shall be three hundred (300).

2.2.  The Board shall ensure that Affiliated and Life Members constitute at least sixty (60) per cent of the total membership of the club.

3.  Liability of Members

If a member, by any breach of the Constitution or Regulations and By Laws of the Club; or by any unlawful act, causes the Club or any Officer of the Club to pay any money, such member shall be civilly liable to the Club or such Officer for the amount so paid.

4.  Damage to Property

4.1 No member shall remove from the Club House or deface or injure any article, or property of the club.

4.2 Members removing, breaking or damaging any article, or property of the Club, shall pay for the same at a price fixed by the Committee.

5.  Payment to Members

No payment of any amount shall be paid to any Officer, Servant or Member of the Club by way of commission or allowance from the receipts of the Club unless approved by the Board under Rule 25.

6.  Committees

The following committees shall be established:

6.1 Bowls Committee

6.1.1 The Bowls Committee will be responsible to the Board for running all bowls related matters by managing and overseeing the functions of the Match Committee, Selection Committee – Saturday Pennant and Selection Committee- Midweek Pennant and any other committee/position responsible for running other bowls activities as determined by the Board

6.1.2 A Bowls Committee will be comprised of eight (8) affiliated members. Composition of the Bowls Committee will a be Match Committee representative, Saturday Selection representative, Midweek Selection Representative and 5 elected by members at the Annual General Meeting.

6.1.3 The Board shall appoint a Chairperson from Bowls Committee members.

6.1.4 The Committee Members shall appoint a Bowls Secretary from its members to be the contact person and responsible for all correspondence relating to the duties of the Bowls Committee.

Bowls Secretary Duties:

1. Prepare agenda for and take minutes at Bowls Committee Meetings. Copies of the minutes to be forwarded to the Board Secretary and copy made available.

2. Process correspondence relating to all bowls matters.

3. Update Club notice boards with appropriate material. Eg. State and other club tournament details etc.

4. Together with the match committee, coordinate arrangements for special events allocated to the Club eg. state and club invitational events. This includes liaison with the Bar Manager, umpires, greens director and social/catering coordinator.

5. Arrange invitations and guest lists for special days, eg. Presidents Day.

6. Collect fees and submit entries for Regional/State events. NOTE: when monies are collected for any reason they should be passed to the Treasurer with an accompanying note for banking.

7. Prepare information relating to upcoming events and general members’ information to be announced to members at the appropriate time.

8. Order coaching manuals and Rule books for umpires (if applicable).

9. Arrange enrolment of members for coaching, umpires, markers or measurers’ courses.

10. Notify the region of the over 80’s to arrange badges and certificates. (Usually done on Presidents Day).

11. Order “8” badges for presentation to rinks that have achieved an 8, if notified.

12. Arrange awards for all club championship winners. Notify the Board so they can arrange for the honour boards to be updated.

13. Advise the club welfare officer of any club members known to be ill or injured.

6.1.5 The duties of the Bowls Committee shall be to:

1. Preparation of a list of events for the next season for inclusion in the members’ handbook to be given to the Fixture Book Coordinator.

2. Responsible for the dissemination of information to members re: changes in the Rules of Play etc.

3. Arrange and conduct special days such as Presidents Day, Invitation Day and Gala Day, Sponsor Days, TRY Bowls days or events as specified by the Board.

4. Arrange tournaments, Club championship format and establish conditions for all Club events.

5. Liaise with the Sponsorship Officers for sponsors requirements and commitments.

6. Give direction to the Match Committee to arrange the running of special days including Presidents Day, Invitation Day and Gala Day, Sponsor Days or events as specified by the Board. Meetings will be held as required and be arranged between the Bowls and Match Committees.

7. Ensure the Club is represented at Presidents’ Days and other special bowls days at other Clubs.

8. Carry out any other duties directed by the Board.

6.1.6 In the event of a casual vacancy occurring on the Bowls Committee, the Board may appoint an affiliated member to fill such vacancy.

6.1.7 The Bowls Committee shall have the power to co-opt any affiliated member to assist in its duties but a final decision on any matter within its duties shall rest entirely with the Bowls Committee.

6.2 Match Committee

6.2.1 The Match Committee will be responsible to the Bowls Committee for the following duties:

1. To arrange teams for and control all Club fixtures with the exception of Pennant teams.

2. To conduct and make the draw for all Club Championships in line with the format provided by the Bowls Committee.

3. To conduct any other Club or special events as directed by the Bowls Committee

4. To ensure sheets are put up in the appropriate timeframe for all events.

5. Collect all green fees applicable and allocate prize money using the formula supplied by the Board.

6. Run the Barefoot Bowls Program ensuring all relevant people are informed when groups are coming to use the club.

6.2.2 A Match Committee comprising ten (10) affiliated members shall be elected by members at the Annual General Meeting.

6.2.3 The Match Committee will appoint a Chairperson.

6.2.4 The Match committee will appoint a representative from their committee to represent them on the Bowls Committee, preferable this would be the Chairperson.

6.2.5 In the event of any member of the Match Committee vacating his or her position for any reason whatsoever, then such vacancy shall be filled by another affiliated member to be appointed by the Bowls Committee.

6.2.6 The Match Committee shall have the power to co-opt any affiliated member to assist in conducting any of its duties, but a final decision on any matter within its duties shall rest entirely with the Match Committee.

6.2.7 The Committee will be required to meet Monthly and minutes of the meeting are to be completed and report given to the Bowls Secretary for the Board.

6.3 Selection Committee – Saturday Pennant

6.3.1 The Selection Committee – Saturday Pennant will be responsible to the Bowls Committee for the following duties.

The Committee is responsible to the Bowls Committee for all Saturday Pennant activities.

In carrying out those overall responsibilities, the Selection Committees duties shall include:

1. Developing and presenting for consideration by the Bowls Committee appropriate policies on Selection and/or matters relevant to the Saturday Pennant Competition.

2. Selecting players for Saturday pennant matches and posting those selections on the Pennant Selection Boards together with the names of the Team Managers and umpires. Notify the Website coordinator to have teams posted on the website.

3. Arranging all Saturday pennant matches, bankers’ play and pennant practice; arranging pennant practice matches with other Bowls Clubs, as and when appropriate.

4. Maintaining pennant records and submitting RESULTS to the PBD on the completion of the round.

5. Being available as a committee at mutually convenient times to meet players who wish to discuss their pennant selection and/or performance.

6. Reporting to the Bowls Committee on the results and achievements of the completed pennant season.

7. Recommending to the Bowls Committee the number of sides to be entered into the pennant competitions for the ensuing pennant season.

8. Training of Team managers.

9. Pre and mid-season meetings of members on pennant matters.

10. Notify the Website coordinator with match results at the end of the round and lodge the Pennant Team check sheets to the PBD

6.3.2 A Selection Committee for Saturday Pennant comprising five (5) affiliated members shall be elected by members at the Annual General Meeting.

6.3.3 A Chairperson shall be elected by the Selection Committee.

6.3.4 The Selection committee will appoint a representative from their committee to represent them on the Bowls Committee, preferable this would be the Chairperson.

6.3.5 In the event of a casual vacancy occurring on the Selection Committee – Saturday Pennant, the Bowls Committee may appoint an affiliated member to fill such vacancy.

6.3.6 The Selection Committee – Saturday Pennant shall have the power to co-opt any affiliated member to assist in its duties but a final decision on any matter within its duties shall rest entirely with the Selection Committee

6.4 Selection Committee – Midweek Pennant

6.4.1 The Selection Committee – Midweek Pennant will be responsible to the Bowls Committee for the following duties;

The Committee is responsible to the Bowls Committee for all midweek Pennant activities.

In carrying out those overall responsibilities, the Selection Committees duties shall include:

1. Developing and presenting for consideration by the Bowls Committee appropriate policies on Selection and/or matters relevant to the Midweek Pennant Competition.

2. Selecting players for Midweek pennant matches and posting those selections on the Pennant Selection Boards together with the names of the Team Managers and umpires. Notify the Website coordinate to have teams posted on the website.

3. Arranging all Midweek pennant matches, bankers’ play and pennant practice; arranging pennant practice matches with other Bowls Clubs, as and when appropriate.

4. Maintaining pennant records and submitting RESULTS to the PBD on completion of the round.

5. Being available as a committee at mutually convenient times to meet players who wish to discuss their pennant selection and/or performance.

6. Reporting to the Bowls Committee on the results and achievements of the completed pennant season.

7. Recommending to the Bowls Committee the number of sides to be entered into the pennant competitions for the ensuing pennant season.

8. Training of Team managers.

9. Pre and mid-season meetings of members on pennant matters.

10. Notify the Website coordinator with match results at the end of the round and lodge the Pennant Team check sheets to the PBD

6.4.2 A Selection Committee for Midweek Pennant comprising five (5) affiliated members shall be elected by members at the Annual General Meeting.

6.4.3 A Chairperson shall be elected by the Selection Committee.

6.4.4 The Selection committee will appoint a representative from their committee to represent them on the Bowls Committee, preferable this would be the Chairperson.

6.4.5 In the event of a casual vacancy occurring on the Selection Committee – Midweek Pennant, the Bowls Committee may appoint an affiliated member to fill such vacancy.

6.4.6 The Selection Committee- Midweek Pennant shall have the power to co-opt any affiliated member to assist in its duties but a final decision on any matter within its duties shall rest entirely with the Selection Committee.

6.5 Social & Catering Committee- Board Appointed

The Board will appoint a Social & Catering Committee Chairperson, who in conjunction with the Board will co-opt members to form a Social Committee.

The duties of the Social Committee will be:

6.5.1  Organization of all Social, Entertainment and Catering events.

6.5.2 Advise the Fixture Book Coordinator of the program of events for inclusion in the club handbook.

6.5.3 Advertise events in the club newsletter, website, Facebook page and on notice boards.

6.5.4 Liaise with the Providor and Bar Manger in respect of each scheduled event.

6.5.5 Arrange for assistance from members as required. This will include setting up and cleaning up after the event.

6.6 Other Committees

Other Committees may be determined by the Board from time to time.

7.  Appointed Positions

As set out in Clause 20 of the Club’s constitution, the Board may establish and delegate any of its functions, powers or duties (except the power to delegate) to such appointed positions as it thinks fit. The Board may recall or revoke any such delegation or appointment and may amend or repeal any decision made by such appointed position.

The Board shall determine in writing the duties and powers afforded to any appointed position and the person appointed to such position shall, in the exercise of such delegated powers, conform to any directions or Regulations that may be prescribed by the Board.

Such appointed positions shall include, but not limited to:

7.1 Welfare Officer – Board Appointed

There shall be (2) two welfare officers, one (1) female and one (1) male, appointed by the board, who will be:

7.1.1 Responsible for and reporting to the Board and keeping the Club informed of members who are ill, injured or who have passed away.

7.1.2  Advise Secretary of the details of any member who has passed away.

7.1.3 On behalf of the Club send a sympathy card to the family of the member and flowers to the funeral if applicable. Where necessary try to arrange for a representative to attend the funeral.