Minutes of the Meeting of the Planning Committee

Held at Exeter Hall, Oxford Road, Kidlington Parish Council

On Thursday July 13th 2006

Present: Councillor D Atsoparthis (Chair)

Councillor Carole Pack

Councillor S Bird

Councillor A Graham

Councillor J Ruiz

Councillor T Wyse

(Councillor A Graham left the meeting at 8.20pm)


Councillor A. Moss and Councillor D Rae

Public Participation

Present: Ms Gale Webb

85 Maple Avenue Kidlington

Planning Application No. 06/01187/F

J.A. Pye Ltd

Demolition of existing hotel buildings and construction of 21 flats (one and two bedroom) with associated access road, parking, amenity space and landscaping.

Bowood House 238 Oxford Road, Kidlington

Ms Webb addressed the committee. She reported that she has spoken to a representative from J. A. Pye, in her opinion the design of this application is better than the previous application submitted by McCarthy-Stone.

Ms Webb’s main concern being that the Lleylandi trees screening her property and garden from the site are to be felled. (she has no problem with the felling) but would want them replaced with alternative trees as the flats will overlook her garden – Ms Webb had mentioned this to the representative from J Pye, he reported that as yet no plan has been decided for the landscaping of the site.

Declaration of Interest:


16. Minutes

The minutes of the meeting of June 15th 2006 were agreed and signed as a true record.

17. Matters arising from the Minutes of the Meeting held on June 15th 2006

a)  Item 10:- Planning Applications and item 11 – Planning Decisions

Re:- amended plans forwarded to the Parish Council from Cherwell District Council not for comment but purely for information

It was recorded in the Minutes of June 15th that minor amendments to plans were being received from Cherwell District Council not for consultation but for information and records only.

It was noted that a decision had been made by Cherwell District Council on amended plans that had not been sent to the Parish Council for consultation.

The administrative assistant reported that she had contacted Mr. B. Duxbury at Cherwell District Council.

Correspondence from Mr Duxbury was circulated.

The Committee discussed the matter and agreed that due to the pressure on Cherwell District Council to process applications within a tight timescale it was understandable that case officers may need to make an assumption that the revised plans will not alter the original comments received i.e. that an objection will stand irrespective of the revisions made.

b)  Item 14

i)  Withdrawal of Planning applications No 06/00567/F and 06/00461/F – Sainsbury’s

Correspondence was circulated

Item noted

c)  Item 14 ii

a)  Appeal Ref:APP/C3105/A/06/2008557/NWF – Jade Development

b)  Appeal Ref: APP/C3105/A/06/2010775/WF – Jade Development

Correspondence was circulated

It was noted that both Appeals have been dismissed.

d) Appeal Ref: APP/C3105/A/06/2011111

Mark Russell Hardy – alleged Breach of Planning control - Land adjoining 2 Exeter Road.

The Administrative Assistant reported that she had contacted Cherwell District Council for further information. The defence against the alleged breeches of

Planning control by Mr Hardy is that he is now going to build a garage at the

end of the garden to his property at 62 High Street and not a separate dwelling

at land adjoining 2 Exeter Road and as such the hard standing and the access

are both permitted development and do not require planning permission.

Due to the time scale further comment cannot be forwarded to the Inspectorate. As yet there is no date for the hearing. A copy of the ‘Guide to taking part in enforcement appeals’ is now in the Parish office.

18. Planning Applications

The Committee considered a list of planning applications received from Cherwell District Council.

i)  Application no. 06/01187/F - J A Pye (Oxford) Ltd

Bowood House – 238 Oxford Road Kidlington was brought forward to the beginning of the list for comment.

ii)  Application no. 06/01132/F – 29 Croft Avenue

Correspondence was circulated

Item noted

iii)  Application no. 06/01187/F – Bowood House 238 Oxford Road

Correspondence was circulated

Item noted

19. Planning Decisions

The Committee considered a list of planning allocations received from Cherwell District Council

Application no. 06/00747/F

Instrument Landing System (ILS) including: Lighting poles, localiser mast and runway safety strip.

Oxford Airport

It was noted that this application had been approved subject to the application

being notified to the Secretary of State as a departure from the Development

plan and subject to conditions. Upon receipt he will have 21 days within which

to decide if he wishes to call the application in for his own determination.

20. Temporary Traffic Regulations Order – S14 (i) Road Traffic Regulation

Act 1984 – Temporary Road Closure/10mph Speed Limit A44 Yarnton –


Correspondence was circulated

Item noted

21. Letter from J A Pye (Oxford) Ltd re: Bowood House – Application no.


Correspondence was circulated

Item noted

22. Oxfordshire Minerals and Waste Development Framework Minerals and

Waste issues and options Consultation Paper. June 2006

Correspondence was circulated including a questionnaire to be returned

by August 11th 2006.

Resolved that any comments on the questionnaire will be agreed by the

next Planning meeting on August 2nd 2006.

23. Correspondence:-

Cherwell Local Development Framework:-

Banbury and North Cherwell Site Allocations Development Plan

Issues and Options Paper

Correspondence was circulated from Cherwell District Council requesting

any comments on the issues and options paper to be forwarded by August

18th 2006.

The Committee noted that this paper covers only Banbury and North

Cherwell, not Kidlington. A copy of the Issues and Options Paper

is in the Parish Office.


That comment if any will be decided at the next Planning meeting on August

2nd 2006

24. Any Other Business



Cherwell District Council

Planning Applications

13th July 2006


Mr And Mrs T M Percey

Demolition of existing dwellings. Erection of 3 No. bungalows and 10 No. apartments in two and three storey building with associated parking and amenity areas.

90/92 Bicester Road Kidlington

No comment


Mr & Mrs John

Rear dormer window

16 Exeter Road Kidlington

No objection


33rd Oxford (Kidlington) Scouts

Replacement of large shed with garage

Scout centre Blenheim Road Kidlington

No objection


MacKays Stores Ltd

Internal and external alterations to shop including alterations to shop front

Unit 1 & 2 The Hampden Building High Street Kidlington

No objection


Mr & Mrs Ring

Single storey rear extension

88 Evans Lane Kidlington

No objection


Mr & Mrs D Middleditch

Single storey front extension

34 Evenlode Crescent Kidlington

No objection


Sainsbury’s Supermarkets Ltd

Petrol filling station (PFS) kiosk and canopy signage. Resubmission 06/00481/ADV

Sainsbury’s 289 Oxford Road Kidlington

No objection


H M Prison Service

Erection of steel training tower

Her Majesty Prison Services College Evenlode Crescent Kidlington

No objection


Mr B Proffitt

Single storey rear extension

154 The Moors Kidlington

No objection


Mr J Ralph

Erection of 1 no. detached dwelling at rear

29 Croft Avenue Kidlington

No objection


Inchcape Toyota

Illuminated and non-illuminated motor dealership signage

Inchcape Toyota Oxford Motor Park Langford Lane Kidlington

No objection


Mr A Bari

Two storey side and first floor rear extension (amendments to 05/00781/F)

10 The Moorlands Kidlington

No objection


Mr & Mrs Mitchell

Two storey side/rear and single storey rear extension (amendments to 05/01792/F)

214 Oxford Road Kidlington

No objection


Mr C Aust

Repair of PRC house with new masonry walls including construction of single/two storey sided and rear extensions with rear conservatory

56 Queens Avenue Kidlington

No objection


Mr G J Lucas

First floor rear extension over existing single storey extension

242 Oxford Road Kidlington

No objection


J A Pye (Oxford) Ltd

Demolition of existing hotel buildings and construction of 21 no. flats (one and two bed) with associated access road, parking, amenity space and landscaping

Bowood House 238 Oxford Road Kidlington

The Parish Council wishes to raise no objections to the application and makes the following observation –As private open space has been provided within the plan the Parish Council would look for a contribution to public open space/play equipment etc.within Kidlington.


Mr Saleh Niazi

Demolition of existing property and erection of a pair of semi-detached dwellings.

100 The Moors Kidlington

The Parish Council object to this application on the grounds that the design of the proposal is not compatible with the character or appearance of existing dwelling and as such is contrary to Policy C30 of the adopted local plan


Jose Granja

Erection of 1 no. detached dwelling. (Amendments to permission 05/02351/F to include basement to 1 no dwelling)

190 The Moors Kidlington

No objection


Mark Hall

Fell 1 no Ash and 1 no Hawthorn, crown reduce Yew by 30% and Prunus by 5%

99 Green Road Kidlington

The Parish Council has no objection to this application subject to inspection by Cherwell District Council’s Tree Officer.