Peruvian proposal

5th Dialogue on Action for Climate Empowerment

Education, Training and International Cooperation in Climate Change

The Peruvian government, represented here the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Environment,acknowledgesthe importance of Article 6 of the Convention abouteducation, training and public awareness on climate change, message that has been considered as well in the Article 12 of the Paris Agreement, with theaim to strengthen the global response,enhancingbottom up resilience and low carbon actions.

We recognizethe important role of the Secretariatin the organization of the 4th Dialogue on Action for Climate Empowerment about PublicParticipation, Public Awareness, Public Access to Information and International Cooperation, whichallowed to share experiences, exchange of ideas, good practices and lessons between representatives of governments and non-state institutionson how those topics were relevant for enhancing effective country owned climate action.

In that same sense, we considerthat the 5th Dialogue on Action for Climate Empowerment will give a great input to strengthen the work on education and training, drawing from different initiatives that are being developed around the world. Looking forward to reinforce this objective, in this Dialogue Peru would like to share its first achievements and experiences in this matter, presenting our work in the elaboration and implementation of policies that promote awareness, education and training on climatechange and would greatly benefit from obtaining feedback to continue improvingour enhanced action.

In order to provide the guidelines and implement the policy of environmental education, the Peruvian Ministries of Education and Environment have been working together in the National Plan of Environmental Education 2017-2022, approved by the Peruvian government on the 12th of December of 2016. This Plan promotes environmental education and culture, aiming to traincitizens committed with the environment and the challenges and opportunitiesrelated to climate change.

The Ministry of Education has recognized that environmental education has a key role in responding to climate change.That’s why it’s incorporating these themes in institutional and pedagogical management, curriculum development, and training for teachers, principals and education planners.On the other hand, the Ministry will develop new resources and pedagogical approaches, identifying and promoting synergies with strategic allies looking to strengthen environmental education.

Peru’s proposal

We consider that the following topics will be of interest for the Parts for discussion exchange, and we propose them for the agenda of the 5th Dialogue on Action for Climate Empowerment:

  1. Policy development, plans and actions related to Climate Change Education,analyzingthe design of current policies and action plans, showing the achievements to date onthe issue of climate change.
  1. Introducing Climate Change Education Curriculum,briefing the curriculum of each country, analyzing how Climate Change Education is being approached, and how flexible and adaptable the curriculum is to local contexts.
  1. Progress in the construction and implementation of monitoring, report and evaluation systems in Climate Change Education in formal education,Peru will share the “Matriz de LogrosAmbientales” as an example of the mechanisms and tools to measure and report the actions in Climate Change Education in schools.
  1. Successful experiences and projects in Climate Change in schools.Public Schools Peruvian Teachers themselves sharing their experiences in developing Climate Change Education.


We put forward some guidelines to be considered when developing the themes previously stated:

  • Technical and Political Strategies for the implementation
  • Process, achieved goals and expected impacts
  • Main achievements, good practices, lessons learned,challenges and next steps