Supplemental Table 3: Key findings in similar therapeutic studies of ocular melanoma

Procedure related deaths / Total SAE / Pts with SAE / Extra-hepatic, n (%)
Median OS / Hepatic PFS / RECIST, n (%)
ref / n / f/u / CR / PR / SD / PD / Other
n/a / Current study / 20 / 5.19 / 2.46 / 2.46 / 1 (5) / 10 (50) / 5 (25) / 4 (20) / 1 / 19 / 10 / 13 (65)
15 / 2015 BCNU / 50 / 7.1 / 5 / NR / 0 (0) / 3 (6) / 33 (69) / 12 (25) / 0 / NR / NR / none / all had hepatic tumor burden >50%
3 / 2015 DEBIRI Norway / 14 / 9.4 / NR / 1.5 / 0 (0) / 0 (0) / 2 (15) / 11(85) / 1 / 12 / 9 / 2 (14) / DEBIRI versus DTIC
14 / 2012 TACE fotemustine / 21 / 28.7**** / 7.3 / NR / 0 (0) / 3 (14) / 6 (29) / 12 (57) / 0 / 0 / 0 / 2 (10)
16 / 2010 MDACC HACE / 125 / 6.7 / 3.8 / NR / 0 (0) / 29 (27) / 68 (65) / 8 (8) / 5 / NR / NR / 47 (38)
4 / 2010 TACE cisplatin / 14 / 11.5 / 8.5 / NR / 0 (0) / 8 (57) / 4 (29) / 2 (14) / NR / NR / NR / NR / all had post-embolization syndrome
17 / 2010 TACE fotemustine / 25 / 6 / 3 / NR / 0 (0) / 4 (16) / 14 (56) / 7 (28) / 0 / 0 / 0 / 11 (44) / most had heavy liver burden
18 / 2009 DEBIRI Italy / 10 / NR / NR / NR / 0 (0) / 10 (100) / 0 (0) / 0 (0) / 0 / NR / NR / NR / QOL (ESAS)
12 / 2009 HACE (cis,doxo,mito) / 21 / 7.6 / NR / NR / NR / NR / NR / NR / NR / NR / NR / 12 (57)
13 / 2014 TACE (doxo, mito) / 15 / 5.6 / NR / NR / 0 (0) / 4 (27) / 5 (33) / 6 (40) / NR / NR / NR / 11 (73)

OS–overall survival after diagnosis of metastatic disease; PFS–progression-free survival; RECIST –Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors; f/u–follow up; CR–complete response; PR–partial response; SD–stable disease; PD–progressive disease; NR–not reached; SAE–serious adverse events; BCNU–1,3-bis(2-chloroethyl)-1-nitrosourea; DEBIRI–drug-eluting beads irinotecan; DTIC–dacarbazine; TACE–transarterial chemoembolization; HACE–hepatic artery chemoembolization; QOL–quality of life; ESAS – Edmonton Symptom Assessment System; cis–cisplatin; doxo–doxorubicin; mito–mitomycin