Social Studies Notes on Colonization

History of the US – Making 13 Colonies (pp21-36)


  • Estuary – the point where the mouth of a river meets the sea
  • Powhatan – powerful Indian tribe leader. The head of 5 tribes…had power over dozens of villages and thousands of Indians…ruler or eastern Virginia
  • Yeoman – farmers (had small farms)
  • Lord de la Warr – an English nobleman

- In 1610 he became the new governor of Jamestown

- He turned the colony around

-Turned Jamestown from a place of misery to a desirable place to live

- As a result, English noblemen began trading with the Indians – local and distant tribes

  • JAMESTOWN 1609 – 1610 (England’s first permanent American colony)

- Called “the starving time” – hundreds of people died

- Indians became hostile and refused to trade or help

- Very cold and harsh temperatures – left no food

- Located near the mouth of the James River

- People ate dogs, cats, mice, rats to survive

  • ESPG (Economy, Society, Politics, Geography that describe Powhatan’s people before 1607

ECONOMY – hunters: fishers: farmers:

Grew vegetables – corn, beans, squash

They also hunted raccoon, squirrel, rabbit, turkey and deer

The men hunted, fished, and fought; the women farmed

SOCIETY - ( The culture, traditions, habits )

Everyone had their own job; men hunted, women farmed, children played games

Men and women tattooed designs on their bodies

Used body grease to ward off mosquitoes

Each tribe had a leader, priests and healers

POLITICS - (The rules or types of government or leadership)

- Each tribe had a leader called a werowance –priests and healers

GEOGRAPHY – (Land location, form)

- Jamestown located in the Chesapeake Bay area or rivers, bays, estuaries and fertile



  • The English were not concerned with Spanish attacks early on
  • King James of England worked a deal with the Spanish
  • He promised to stop raiding Spanish ships at sea of Spain would leave the English settlers alone

Virginia Company of London - plussesVirginia Company of London – minuses

- Paid for the colonists voyages to America- gave all workers salaries, so many failed to work

hard since they all got the same salary. Also, it

forbid workers from owning land

Effects of Lord de la Warr’s Arrival in Jamestown

  • He made colonists who had given up on Jamestown stay and clean, fix, and rebuild the colony
  • He encouraged colonists to fight back when the Indians showed resistance
  • Soon the Indians and colonists began to trade as peace grew between them

Effects of Pocahontas’ death

  • Daughter to the powerful chief, Powhatan
  • Died of small-pox, a disease brought here by the white man
  • Angered greatly this important chief – peace ends
  • Indian attacks on colonists begins

Funding of Jamestown

  • Funded by a group a group of investors, so they could afford more money and were able to raise more money than a single individual (like Sir Walter Raleigh in Roanoke)

Problems faced by Jamestown Colonists

  • Swampy land filled with mosquitoes
  • Impure water
  • Powerful Indian tribes
  • Harsh weather conditions
  • Colonists more interested in finding gold and riches than in building shelters and getting food to survive