Ongo08 – Project PlanMonday, September 17, 2018

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Ongo08 – Project PlanMonday, September 17, 2018

Table of Contents




1.3Problem Statement......

1.4Operating Environment......

1.5Intended Users and Uses......

1.6Assumptions and Limitations......

1.6.1Assumptions...... Assumptions...... Assumptions......

1.6.2Limitations...... Limitations...... Limitations......

1.7Expected End Product Description......

2Proposed Approach and Design......

2.1Proposed Approach......

2.1.1Functional Requirements...... Functional Requirements...... Functional Requirements...... Sam’s America Functional Requirements......’s World Functional Requirements...... Functional Requirements......

2.1.2Constraints Considerations......

2.1.3Technology Considerations......

2.1.4Technical Approach Considerations......

2.1.5Testing and Support Approach...... Testing...... Troubleshooting and Debugging......

2.1.6Security Considerations......

2.1.7Intellectual Property Considerations......

2.1.8Commercialization Considerations......

2.1.9Possible Risk and Risk Management......

2.1.10Deliverable Schedule......

2.1.11Project Tracking Procedures......

2.2Statement of Work......

2.2.1General Tasks...... No. 1 – Problem Definition and Training...... 1a: Problem Definition Completion...... 1b: Software Training Course...... 1c: Framework Training Course...... No. 2 – User Manual Completion...... No. 3 – Finalize Preparation of Software for Release...... 3a: Find and remove unnecessary code from the project... 3b: Make all pages have a consistent look and feel...... No. 4 – Initial Release – Testing and Evaluation...... 4a: Finding Teachers Willing to Test Software...... 4b: Support Software...... 4c: Fix Bugs...... 4d: Survey Users...... No. 5 - End Product Documentation...... No. 6 - Project Reporting...... 6a: Semester Plan...... 6b: Status Report...... 6c: Weekly E-mail Reporting...... 6d: Presentation to Senior Design Class...... 6e: Industrial Review Panel......

2.2.2MTSS-Specific Tasks...... No. 7 – Code Cleanup...... No. 8 – Problem Solving Algorithm...... No. 9 – Improve Interface......

2.2.3GW/USA-Specific Tasks...... No. 10 – GW World Map Conversion...... No. 11 – Automatic Database Repopulation for USA...... No. 12 – Refine Games...... No. 13 – Help Pages for Uncle Sam’s America......

2.2.4Framework-Specific Tasks...... No. 14 – Server Account Maintenance...... 1a : Creating Accounts for local schools...... 1b : Updating Accounts for team members...... No. 15 – Framework Documentation...... 2a : Documentation for Code Structure...... 2b : Documentation for Cohesion Elements...... No. 16 – Uniformity of Applications...... No. 17 – Server Maintenance...... 4a : Migrate Code...... 4b : Continual Code Cleanup......

3Estimated Resources and Schedules......

3.1Personnel Effort Requirements......

3.2Other Required Resources......

3.3Financial Requirements......

4Closing Materials......

4.1Project Team Information......


4.1.2Faculty Advisors......

4.1.3CprE/EE 492 Team Members......

4.1.4CprE/EE 491 Team Members:......

List of Figures

Figure 1 – MTSS Home Page

Figure 2 – Globey’s World Home Page

Figure 3 – Uncle Sam’s America Home Page

Figure 4 – Gantt Chart

List of Definitions

ACS – Ames Community Schools.

Apache – A software product that serves web pages to clients requesting them. Apache can be used in conjunction with PHP in order to produce dynamic web pages that are built and delivered to the requesting client on the fly.

API – Application Programming Interface – A redefined set of interfaces to a software model

ASP – Active Server Pages – A Microsoft created language used to generate dynamic web pages.

CVS – Concurrent Version System – Provides control in keeping only one current version of the software as changes are made by all team members.

GW – Globey’s World

GUI – Graphical User Interface - A usable interface that interacts with the user and the application.

LAMP – Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP – Defines the architecture that runs Globey’s World. Refers to the operating system, server type, and programming language used to maintain Globey’s World.

Linux – An open-source operating system that is optimized for use as a web application server.

HTML – Hyper Text Markup Language - The language used to describe the formatting and presentation of a web page.

MTSS – An acronym for Mathematical Teaching Software System.

MySQL – An open-source implementation of an SQL server.

Open-source – Software whose source-code is open to the public.

PC-compatible – A personal computer which is based on the IBM x86 architecture.

PHP – Recursive-acronym for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor – A computer language that enables Apache web server to dynamically generate HTML documents.

PSA – Problem solving algorithm

SASF – Software Application Support Framework – provides standard functions for use by the educational software applications to store and manage student information within a centralized database

SQL – Structured Query Language – A language used to retrieve information from SQL-compliant databases.

USA – Uncle Sam’s America

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Ongo08 – Project PlanMonday, September 17, 2018


This section introduces the background information behind the K-12 Teaching Application Software and Support project which includes the abstract, acknowledgements, problem statement, operating environment, intended users and uses, assumptions and limitations, and expected end product description.


Ames Community Schools (ACS) has been concerned with its students’ performance in problem solving on nationally standardized exams. While ACS students usually score in the 90th percentile on traditional math skills, the scores from the problem-solving sections were around 40%. While this is significantly higher than the national average of 13%, this score lends room for improvement. In addition to improving its students’ mathematical problem solving abilities, ACS was also interested in improving its students’ knowledge of comparative US and World geography. These needs led to the MTSS, USA and GW applications, respectively.

The purpose of this project is to provide web-based software applications to help ACS achieve the goal of improving its students’ performance. These software applications include a Mathematical Teaching Software System (MTSS), a world geography application called “Globey’s World” (GW) and a United States geography program called “Uncle Sam’s America”. (USA) This software will manage student information, grades and users, to make it easier for teachers to track student progress. Additionally, this software will be built on a PHP Software Application Support Framework, which will provide standardized functions for the applications and centralized database management.

The final product will allow students to increase their problem-solving abilities and comparative geography, along with allowing students, teachers and administrators to track performance. By using the software, the students of ACS will become more skilled at problem solving and improve their knowledge of geography.


First, thanks to our faculty advisors, Dr. John Lamont and Prof. Ralph Patterson, who have given their continued guidance and support to the Ongo08 project. Thanks to all the previous team members who have contributed their efforts to the project over the past few years. Also, thanks to Ann Thompson from the Curriculum and Instruction department, for her help in determining a problem solving algorithm that will help students learn problem solving techniques. Finally, to the teachers and administrators of the AmesCommunitySchool District, whoseinitial guidance and cooperation will be imperative to the success of the project.

1.3Problem Statement

The general purpose of the K-12 Teaching Application Support and Software is to design Internet-based teaching software applications. The project will include the development of a framework that all other applications will rely on for support. The project will result in a suite of teaching applications: Mathematical Teaching Software System (MTSS), Globey’s World (GW), and Uncle Sam’s America (USA). These applications will provide children in elementary school grades 3-6 the opportunity to exercise and improve their computer skills while learning about mathematical problem solving and comparative geography. MTSS will emphasize the teaching of core mathematical skills and strengthening mathematical problem-solving techniques. Globey’s World and Uncle Sam’s America will provide an interactive way to learn about world and United States geography, respectively. The applications will have lessons that will be available to students. Teachers and administrators will be allowed access to student progress reports and will be able to customize lessons. The lessons will be able to be varied in both subject matter and difficulty at the teacher’s discretion.

The proposed approach for designing and implementing this application is to create web-based software that will allow students to access a server from their own computer, called a client. The communication between the client and the server will be accomplished via the Internet. Depending on the information provided by the client, the server will generate a custom web page for each individual client; i.e., administrator, teacher, parent, or student. A back-end database system will be used in order to store example problems, homework problems, practice quizzes and performance quizzes. In order to aid students in developing their problem solving skills, a problem-solving algorithm will be implemented to walk students through the steps of solving problems. The software will also provide educational games which will supplement, reinforce, and allow students to practice concepts learned in the classroom. Finally, a software framework will be developed, which will support the common functionality of the applications, including user accounts, lesson customization, problems, quizzes, and performance tracking. All applications and the Framework will be written using PHP, SQL, and HTML.

1.4Operating Environment

The K-12 Teaching Application uses a LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP) architecture. The web application code is written in PHP, which runs as a module in the Apache web server. The software uses a database called MySQL and runs in the Linux operating system. The use of the LAMP architecture provides a powerful open-standards environment for the web applications to run and be platform independent.

The client software is required to function on both PC-compatable and Macintoshcomputers. This requirement is met by using platform-independent HTML. The central server runs Linux and is capable of making many computations simultaneously. If adopted by all ACS elementary schools, the K-12 Teaching Application must have the hardware to support a large number of simultaneous clients.

1.5Intended Users and Uses

The initial primary users for K-12 Teaching Application Software will be students in grades 3-6 and their teachers. After the software is released, it may be used by students in grades 6-12, as teachers, curriculum coordinators and administrators determine appropriate. Other users will include administrators, parents and guardians. This application is intended for use as a supplemental instruction tool in the area of mathematical problem solving, United Statescomparative geography, and world comparative geography. Example problems, homework problems, practice quizzes and performance quizzes will be provided. Teachers will have the ability to create new problem sets to engage students with relevant challenges that coincide with subject matter in the classroom. Students’ performance will be recorded using several metrics, including scores, time taken to solve a given problem, and number of attempts.

1.6Assumptions and Limitations

The following section summarizes the assumptions and limitations for the Ongo08 project.


The following lists summarize the client- and team-centric assumptions made for the K-12 Teaching Application Software project. Assumptions

The following list summarizes the client-centric assumptions made for the K-12 Teaching Application Software project.

  • All client computers are connected to the Internet, with sufficient connection speed to support the project.
  • Clients are usinga modern web browser.
  • Client computers have enough processing power to run Internet-based applications.
  • Computer expertise will be available locally to assist clients in troubleshooting problems with local software and Internet connections and to assist the students when they are using the system.
  • No students using the software will have disabilities involving sight, dexterity or reading comprehension which hinder computer use.
  • The students will be expected to learn the relevant topics prior to their use of the software. This software shall be a supplement to classroom instruction.
  • The instructor will know and have mastery of the relevant topics
  • The applications may be used at home with parent supervision or in a classroom environment with teacher supervision.
  • During development, teacher and administrator support for the software will be provided via . This email address will be used to contact the Ongo08 team. Assumptions

The following list summarizes the team-centric assumptions made for the K-12 Teaching Application Software project.

  • Team members will have permission to access the server database and the source code.
  • Final builds of the applications will be hosted on a computer managed by the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of Iowa State University.
  • The teams will have access to a development environment on a separate machine from the production environment.
  • The framework and the hardware will have a high level of stability.
  • The applications will not use proprietary web browser extensions or enhancements.
  • The framework may be used by future developers to create additional educational applications.


The following lists summarize the client- and team-centric limitations to the K-12 Teaching Application Software project’s development. Limitations

The following list summarizes the client-centric limitations to the K-12 Teaching Application Software project’s development.

  • Internet connections and speeds are limited and may not be consistent or reliable.
  • Computer/processor speeds of the client machines are limited.
  • Not all students will have access to computers in their homes.
  • Younger students may not have enough experience using computers or know how to type. Students should be able to interact with the program in a way appropriate for their age level.
  • The total number of users from all participating school districts is limited by the processing power of the server. Limitations

The following list summarizes the team-centric limitations to the K-12 Teaching Application Software project’s development.

  • New team members may not be familiar with PHP or MySQL.
  • The size of the database is limited by MySQL.
  • The PHP language is under development; it is possible that updates must be made to adapt to feature deprecation.
  • A limited number of applications will be running on the framework at any one time to prevent overloading the server.

1.7Expected End Product Description

At project completion, the end product will be a set of K-12 Teaching Application Support and Software. It will contain at least three applications (GW, MTSS and USA) in order to provide an online interactive environment for teachers and students. These applications will be built on a PHP Software Application Support Framework, which will provide standardized functions for the applications and centralized database management. Students will be able to log in and use any of the three applications. Using the MTSS application, students willattempt to solve mathematical problems. In GW and USA, students will learn about comparative geography and solve problems on selected topics. The end product will be stable software that provides benefits to both teachers and students.

During external testing and after deployment, the Ongo08 team will be available via the email address for any concerns that arise.

Also, one of the most important products this semester will be an updated user’s manual. This will be provided in electronic form, and it will combine the efforts of all the sub-teams to provide an overall guide to the teaching software. This manual will help users have an idea about how to use the features of the system. The user’s manual will include detailed instructions on common steps and problems the users may encounter.

In the software, the homepage will allow access to all three teaching applications. The welcome pages for MTSS, Globey’s World, and Uncle Sam’s America are shown in Figures 1, 2, and 3 on the following pages.

Figure 1 – MTSS Home Page

Figure 2 – Globey’s World Home Page

Figure 3 – Uncle Sam’s America Home Page

The eventual end product will be a library of PHP code and MySQL database table skeletons. The framework library will present a common framework for web-based educational application development. Developers will be able to utilize the framework to build highly innovative and customizable applications for web-based training, instruction, assessment, and other forms of education. The framework will be highly customizable and will be open to changes, additions, or corrections. The key to the success of this end product will be detailed documentation and further development. The framework is a low-cost alternative to traditional specialized educational software. Thus, it should provide for an improved return on investment for both existing and future computer networks. The savings incurred should allow schools to further enhance or expand their technology base throughout the school system. Security will be incorporated so that only authorized users are able to retrieve these grades.

The first part of the K-12 Teaching Application Software is mathematical problem-solving software called MTSS that will be available to ACS teachers and their students through the Internet. The end product will result in software to allow students to practice their mathematical problem-solving skills. They will be able to quiz themselves on math problems and adjust the difficulty level to get experience with different problems.

The Globey’s World (GW) application is a web application that will serve as a supplement for educators to use when teaching world geography. The application has an extensive help system and full quizzing functionality. In addition, this software provides games that use world geography information. Teachers will be able to access student statistics in order to gauge student progress. The software will allow instructors to enhance the application by creating new problems, editing existing problems, and modifying/updating solutions as needed. The students will use a map of the world as their main interface into the application, from which they can click on countries to find out more information about the region.

Uncle Sam’s America is a web application that allows teachers to have support when teaching United States geography. Students will be able to log in, learn about the states, and solve problems based on comparison problem sets. Game features will further encourage learning through an interaction with the computer. In a similar manner as Globey’s World, teachers will be able to access statistics to check the performance of the students. Teachers will also be able to add to the application by creating additional problems for the students to solve. The main interface for USAconsists of a map of the United States, where each state is linked to an information page about that state. There is a function to compare the states to each other in given categories, as well a quiz page.