Course Description: Biology is a study of the life and of living organisms, including their structure, function, growth, origin, evolution, and distribution. It is an overview of the characteristics of living things; study of cells, genetics and classification of living and nonliving organisms; it includes ecology, evolution, kingdoms and human body systems. The curriculum this year will include major projects, technology lessons and dissections (during second semester).

Contact Information: Mrs. McCray Room: C114 email: phone: 915- 937-3600

Conference Information: My conference period is during 5th period; 12:41 pm -1:27pm

Tutoring Hours: Tutoring is available for all students on Mondays and Wednesday afterschool until 4:40 or Monday thru Friday during A lunch only. If you are unable to come in during these times, please come and speak to me to discuss alternative arrangements.

Materials: It is imperative that all students attend class ready to learn.

·  Students will bring with them on a daily basis:

·  5 subject spiral notebook, plastic cover highly recommended

·  Pen (no red ink)/ Pencil / highlighter

*Additional materials may be needed throughout the year to fulfill major project requirements.

Class Rules: In addition to STRICTLY following all EHS rules, I expect the following “Be Attitudes” to occur in my classroom at all times:

·  BE ON TIME: you are to be in your seat when the bell rings, not walking in the door. Three tardies will result in a referral.

·  BE RESPECTFUL: That means school property as well as personal property. There will be NO disruptions while someone is speaking to the class. This includes leaving one’s seat, talking to a neighbor, writing notes, sleeping.

·  BE PREPARED: Notebook and pen (no red ink)/pencil are MANDATORY! This means that your notebook, pens, and pencils need to be brought to class every day. No notebook, no ID, no bathroom. Students will be held accountable if they lose this notebook and should make every effort to keep this notebook safe, organized, and brought to every class.

*If your notebook is damaged/lost it is YOUR responsibility to create a NEW one!*

·  BE RESPONSIBLE: you are the one who is responsible for the grade you get in this class…whether good or bad.


·  Food and/or drinks are never allowed.

·  All audio devices, iPods, mp3 players and cell phones are never allowed in this classroom. Please put your phones on silent and away from my sight during class. Any electronic device that is out and visible will be picked up and turned into the front office. This includes looking at your cell phone for the time. Save yourself $15.00 and a headache - This counts as your warning.

·  Applying makeup or personal grooming is never allowed in class. (If your makeup is picked up, it will be returned to you at the end of the day.)

·  Dress Code is highly enforced in this classroom– Garments that are considered unacceptable include but are not limited to spaghetti straps, see through attire, baggy pants showing under garments, bare backs, any garment revealing shoulders, shorts or skirts too short, and gang affiliated attire. Caps or any head gear are not allowed in school buildings (hallways and classrooms). Students are required to wear their ID’s in plain sight, on a school-issued lanyard or one purchased by the student, within the guidelines of acceptable dress code. Failure to display ID will impose a fine for replacement of ID and lanyard that day, and may impose SAC and refusal of services.



·  Students are to remain in their assigned seats until myself or substitute teacher dismisses them. The bell does not dismiss class, I do.

·  Classrooms must be in order and clean before dismissal. Check for trash around seats, tables, desks or sinks.

·  Lab stations should be wiped clean and dry before dismissal. Do not place trash in sinks.

Restroom Policy:

Each student will be given 5 restroom passes per 9 week grading period. If a student needs to use the restroom, they must have their notebooks and ID’s with them. No notebook, no ID… NO bathroom. At the end of the 9 weeks, each unused bathroom pass will convert into a point that will be added to the final exam.


1. Verbal Warning

2. Student Conference (oral) and “needs Improvement” in conduct on report card.

3. Parent Contact Attempt (phone or written note) – and “Unsatisfactory” in conduct on report card.

4. Referral and “Unsatisfactory” in conduct on report card.

Student Safety: Students will honor and adhere to all safety procedures during the school year. Students will return the Safety Contract signed by student and parent. This is worth a grade. Laboratory Breakage Policy: In the event a student breaks any laboratory materials, that student will be responsible for paying the replacement cost for each item. Students are taught proper procedures, laboratory etiquette and have agreed to these procedures by signing a safety contract, which ensures the safety of our students during lab activities.

Attendance: Attendance is critical to student success.

·  It is the student’s responsibility to ask for any work missed due to an absence. Students have the same number of days to make up an assignment as they were absent.

·  After 9 absences, students may lose credit for the class even if the absences are excused.

·  It is the student’s responsibility to attend tutoring if they are in danger of failing.

Grading: Grades will be rounded, this means that a 79.5% would round up to an 80% and so on. Progress reports will be sent home at the end of the 3rd and 6th week of each grading period.

·  There are NO extra credit assignments given.


·  All assignments must be turned in by the specified due date. Assignments are due on the day stated by the teacher at the beginning of the period unless otherwise noted. Last minute writing and/or copying may result in a zero on that assignment.

·  Missing Work – students will be allowed to redo any missing assignments. The grade for assignment will be an average of the zero received for not turning it in the first time with the grade received on the redo. Missing assignments will only be allowed to be made up for the 3 week grading period that we are currently in.

·  Makeup Work Policy: Students shall be expected to make up assignments and tests after excused absences. Students have a minimum of two days per excused absence to make up missed work. IT IS YOUR RESPONISIBILITY TO ASK MRS. MCCRAY FOR ANY WORK THAT YOU MISSED DURING YOUR ABSENCE. Assignments, bell ringers or tests missed due to an unexcused absence will result in a zero for that day.

EOC Test and Biology: Biology is a core subject and is required for graduation. This year students will be taking a content test for Biology called End of Course. Students are encouraged to master all biology concepts in order to be successful on the End of Course (EOC) Examination. Maintaining a well-organized INB will help to better prepare you for the EOC.

Please sign the bottom of the student contract, detach it from your syllabus and return it to class with the appropriate information filled in by ______. This is your first grade for the 9 weeks.

Student GOAL:

Your goal is to be the best student possible.

·  Attend class prepared with required materials every day.

·  Learn and master all science objectives so you may be successful on the Biology EOC (required for graduation.)

·  Set your goals high and have high expectations for yourself.

·  Take responsibility for your actions.

Student Contract: By signing this contract I agree to honor all safety and classroom rules set before me in Mrs. McCray’s biology syllabus. I will set high goals for myself, have high expectations and work hard to accomplish them. I will attend class ready to learn and take responsibility for my actions. I understand the consequences I will incur if I choose not to follow Mrs. McCray’s rules.

Student Name (Print):______Student Signature: ______

Parent Name (Print):______Parent Signature: ______

Parent’s Email:______