Nov 3, 2013 IPHA General Membership Meeting

President Shelly Prehoda called the meeting to order at 1:15.

Secretarys Report – posted on the website. Brandi moved and Lindsay Kanosky seconded to approve the minutes. Motion carried.

Treasurers Report – Jerry handed out copies and reviewed. Made about $33,000 and had good shows. Belvedere attendance was down (youth World show) and the Duquoin show was canceled. Judge expenses were higher as Jerry made an effort to hire judges from other states. Jerry went over the 2013 income and expenses and reviewed various accounts the club has.

No question s or concerns so Kate Rodgriguez moved to accept and Sonnie Moore seconded. Motion carried.

Shelly – National elections resul;ts. 2014 directions Jerry and Fred have 2 years, Kristy one year and Cheryl Newman is the alternate.

Reminded everyone to make sure they mark the membership form on email . We will use the post office for mail if you don't want to receive or don't have email. The meeting today would have been the annual meeting with elections but we had to postpone due to a little less than 21 days notice. 2 directorship are open along with a director at large and someone to fill the last year of Doug Nichols term. Shelly has reached her term limit as president. If you have any nominations for any offices.. please let Shelly or Dale know.

Old Business – Show schedule

2014 dates

April 19/20 – Gifford POR split combined.

May 17/18 Gordyville Illinois show Saturday and Indiana show is Sunday

May 31/June1 Gifford split combined POR.

June 28 – Belvidere

Aug 16 Hopedale 2 judge show

Sept 6 Hopedale 2 judge show

September 20/21 Rockford (Ledges) Saturday – Illinois show, Sunday - Wisconsin show.

October 4/5 Futurity Show Gifford

Jana bought up the combined shows with other states. The income and expenses are split 50/50. She does not want them split 50/50 but either as 2 different show expenses or the split is weighed towards Illinois. Facility expenses may be the same for both days. There are different sets of judges each day.

These shows are a trial for this year to see what works and what doesn't. Discussion ensued on splitting t he income and expenses different ways. We stated that our club said we would split 50/50 and told the other states clubs we would do so. Shelly said this is a gesture of good will .. We will see how the first year goes.

There were no other issues bought up to discuss.

Show Committee bill changes.

Committee had proposed changes to present.

To combine amateur showmanship and western pleasure and if combined to track them separately for year end results. APHA rules says that if there are 5 or less in a class the show manager can combine even if there is objection. If both classes are 2 point classes you can combine and if there is an objection it can not be combined.

Jana moved to leave the amateur split. Rhonda seconded. Motion Carried.

Recommend to combine all junior and senior halter at shows. This is only for Amateur. Lorna moved we do this and Brandi Daugherty seconded. Motion carried.

Suggestion to add amateur walk trot showmanship, trail, horsemanship and equitation to show bill.

Shelly asked to make sure that we say on the show bill that if you are in a lope class you can not show in walk trot. You have to have the amateur walk trot card. To show in APHA walk/trot classes. Brandi D. moved to add those walk trot classes specified and Carrie Wilburn seconded. Motion carried.

We currently do not offer grand and reserve for breeding stock halter mares Show committee recommends we add. Lorna recommended adding amateur SPB reserve and grand. Connie P seconded and motion carried.

Show committee talked about all day fee for one horse with different riders. This would not work. The show committee recommends that there is a drawing for someone to win their expenses at each show by a drawing from pre entries. This person must be a IPHA member. Kristy moved we do this for free entries for one Illinois member per show (one horse/one rider combo), with no shavings included. Lisa Riddle seconded. Motion carried.

Sonnie Moore asked if we could have a class between the last amateur western pleasure and Junior western pleasure . This would help with an amateur riding in their class and a trainer showing in the Junior Pleasure. Motion carried (see below)

Awards – Kristy – recommended award rule changes. Awards committee recommends to set the qualifying number to 6 times shown in a class to be eligible for highpoint or reserve and to offer high point awards to the high point open, amateur and youth halter. Walk trot and novice would not have to show in a halter requirement for their all around. Also they recommend to change that you must be qualified (shown 6 times) n all of your classes to qualify for all around. Mark Merriman moved to approve these changes and Pam Toohill seconded. Carried.

Futurity proposal changes – Jerry read over these - Scott Schuetz is setting up a Futurity website. Jerry will remind him that IPHA will not pay any additional web sites fees.

Entries, payment or papers for the Futurity will not be accepted after the Date of Sept 15. Steve Morse moved and Connie Morse seconded. Motion carried.

Using a Credit card payment for futurity entries and stallion services and charge the appropriate fee to the user for the costs IPHA incurs. IPHA has already decided to try this for regular fees for the other shows show. Steve M moved and Brandi D seconded that we do this. Motion carried.

Add a 2 yr old Halter so they can participate in the triple crown. This would start when the foals of 2015 are two years old. Or we have a 3 year performance class. Lungline, 2 year old wp and 3 yr old wp. Same horse could be eligible for each one (halter or performance). Mark M moving to add 2 yr old halter, 3 yr old western pleasure and 3 year old HUS. This is effective for the FOAL of 2015 and the same horse could be eligible for each division, halter or performance . Kristy D asked for clarification. And Mark repeated his motion. Connie seconded. Motion carried.

Moving date of mare nomination to Dec 31. This would spread paperwork out over the year. Steve moved and Carri seconded. Motion carried.

Handicapped accommodations- We would like to moving to the same as APHA rules. Mark moved and Brandi seconded The motion carried.

Remove split in weanling colts and fillies on IFOS. Board suggested lowering the fee to $50 for these.

Motion to split the weanlings was not seconded and died . Steve M made the motion made to lower the fees to $50. Rhonda B seconded. Motion carried.

7 day deadline requirement for the entry fee for IFOS.. Mark moved Pam T seconded. Motion carried.

Junior western pleasure moved to follow nov am western pleasure in the class schedule and to move IFOS 2/3 HUS and 2 yr old HUS to follow senior HUS. Jerry moved to do these changes, Mark seconded. Motion carried.

Kate R asked if we could have a break during the Futurity show for the meeting. Jerry will add a break as show manager.

Directory – size of ad to Connie by December 1.

Banquet – Jan 18 same place. Meal charges – Members 15 and non members 25. Do we subsidize members costs? Steve M moved that we do this and Julie B seconded. Motion carried.

Dale B (in Shelly's absence ) asked for a motion that the meeting be adjourned. Julie moved and Steve seconded. Adjourned at 3:07.