Minutes of Glassary Primary School Parent Council Meeting

Thursday 15th September 2016

Present: Maxine Rowe, LynseyMcCuaig, Yvonne Angus, Pamela Booth, Leigh Phillips, Fiona Helbert

Apologies: Claire Harris, Lesley Boyle

Item Discussed / Action by
Joint Headship is now confirmed as permanent as advised to parents in a recent school letter. / n/a
Previous minutes looked at (copy attached). Under matters arising road signage was mentioned. Yvonne Angus confirmed she is still to speak with June Graham regarding this and will provide an update as soon as possible. Also discussed that the parent council could consider creating/funding some sort of signage if Council is unable to provide anything. / YA
Flashing 20’s plenty signs discussed as still not flashing at correct times of day. This seems to be the case with a lot of these signs in the Argyll area. Leigh Phillips to also speak with her husband to see if her husband to see if he can speak with any contacts regarding the 20s plenty signs to get any further information. / LP
School garden is becoming increasingly overgrown and concerns have been raised by some residents regarding blocked view when coming in and out of village by car. Maxine to speak with Christophe and then parent council will arrange for some garden maintenance to be undertaken as quickly as possible, plenty of parents and residents are happy to lend a hand. Once Maxine has spoken with Christophe, Leigh Phillips to speak with Maureen Sloan Griffiths regarding possibility of Daniel Griffiths providing a bit of advice and guidance on how to maintain in the future. Pamela Booth also kindly offered that husband Stevie has some equipment and a trailer that would be very helpful. / MR
& then
Discussed need to call an EGM as soon as possible as Chairperson & Secretary need to be elected. Date set for Thursday 29thSeptember 2016, 7pm.
Pamela Booth to put message on Parent Face Book page as soon as possible and will also create a poster to put on community notice board.
Maxine to arrange for a note to go out in school children’s bags. / PB
Parent Council balance sheets looked at. Lynsey has now completed transfer of funds from Bank of Scotland account to Clydesdale. Bank of Scotland account to now be closed, this requires previous signatories and Lynsey is continuing working on this difficult to co-ordinate task.
Noted that current signatories on new account are Lynsey and Yvonne, was discussed that 2 more required. This can be finalised once Chairperson and Secretary are elected. / LMcC
Action to be taken after EGM
Leigh Phillips wondered if school could do another drive on Healthy Snacks. It was noted that this is a difficult issue for the school to monitor as it each parent’s prerogative as to what the child brings for a snack. / MR to consider
Halloween Disco will be held on Friday 28th October 2016 for the school children. Volunteers will be required to help set up after school and to be present at disco. Tuck shop to be organised. Flyers to be created and details and requests to be put on Facebook in due course. / FH
It was highlighted that has been some vandalism in the playpark and the baby swing has been burnt with a lighter. There has also been eggs smashed on one of the paths and broken glass has been discovered in the garden. We all need to keep an eye out for any further incidents.
Bin outside playpark also discussed. Council to be contacted to see if a normal rubbish bin can be reinstated as well as the dog poo bin that has recently been put in place. / FH
Maxine presented the Head Teachers report. This is attached as appendix A. / n/a
As part of Head Teachers report was enhancement activities/trips that the school are organising for the children. Parent Council discussed that school should suggest parents could consider making a donation towards travel costs of approximately £2 per child. This would only be a suggestion and not compulsory but any monies contributed this way would significantly help to preserve school funds for other things that will benefit all the children. / MR
There will be a Race Night held in the Horseshoe Pub, Kilmichaelin late November 2016. This is to be provided by the Lochgilphead Round Table and all funds raised by the Parent Council from this event will go towards future school trips and other worthy causes that will benefit the children of Glassary Primary. Further details will be sent out in due course. We hope as many people as possible will be able to attend. / FH
The children will start working on designing their own Christmas cards very soon. An order form will be sent out to all parents shortly to allow Christmas cards to be pre-ordered.
Surplus of mixed packs of Christmas cards from last year to be placed for sale in the Horseshoe Pub and other locations. If anyone would like to buy some please let the school know. / FH
Date for next Parent Council meeting to be set after EGM.

Appendix A

Head Teachers report to Glassary Parent Council 15/9/16

1)Enhancement activities – Paid from school funds

P5-7 class had volcanos workshop from Steven Wright cost £140

P5-7 class are attending a Health and Wellbeing play at the Campus on 28th September. Free – Need to book bus £75 return

P5-7 class are attending Smoke Free Me event at the campus on 6th October. Free - bus booked £75 return

Planning a trip to Edinburgh Zoo for P1-4 class as part of their endangered animals topic. Mrs Rowe and Mr Carter sat their mini bus driving assessment last week with the council. Can hire mini bus for around £30 for the day plus fuel. Admissions to zoo paid for from school funds.

2)Have booked a panto in December by a professional company who will perform in Tayvallich village hall. Cost to be split between Tayvallich, Glassary, Kilmartin and Achahoish – divided per pupil.

3)As part of our raising attainment in reading focus we have set dates for parent workshops. Phonics for P1-4 parents and Accelerated Reading for P5-7 parents, letters coming home tomorrow. Day and evening sessions – response slip for indication of attendees.

4)Pupils have nominated and voted for this year’s Pupil Council and Eco Committee. Mrs Harper is going to lead the pupil council and their first project is to make the library area more appealing. Mr Bolwell is leading the eco committee. Any parents willing to help with school garden – Lizzie and Christophe much busier now.

5) Young leaders sessions with the P7’s leading lunchtime games clubs for the younger class are going extremely well. Skills - Learning/applying, Employability/teamwork and Speaking/explanation/voice projection.