LIFESPAN ACTIVITIES: Homework: One Activity Per Week

·  Interview someone who was present with you at your birth. Share your story.

·  Observe children at a playground and note your observations.

·  Watch a video on the birth of a child and summarize your thoughts & feelings.

·  Visit the RCC lab third floor of HEC building and observe the development of the fetus. Draw what you feel.

·  Interview a day care center worker or kindergarten teacher. Design 3 questions.

·  Talk to an elementary child about their daily life, joys and challenges.

·  Watch a video on adolescent development and share your thoughts.

·  Talk to a teenager about their joys and challenges. Send the teen a thank you.

·  Survey college students about how they succeed in their classes. Share results.

·  Write a brief autobiographical outline of your life.

·  Compose a song about your life.

·  Design an art work or collage showing important events in your life.

·  Create a poem about lifespan birth to death.

·  Find a song on you tube about lifespan, view it and share how you felt.

·  Visit the career counseling center at RCC and share your experience.

·  Interview a veteran about their experience in the military.

·  Visit the library and make a bibliography of ten books on the subject of lifespan.

·  Interview a counselor or social worker about their service in the community.

·  Invite someone who has a different sexual orientation from you to share their life story. Invite them into our classroom.

·  Visit a senior center or assisted living home and share your observations.

·  Create a power point of photos of people at different ages.

·  Visit a funeral home or cemetary. Share your insights and feelings.

·  Fill out the Living Will form and give a copy to your primary physician.

·  Visit any local agency that helps people in our community and share your findings.

·  Do the Scavenger Hunt Activity your instructor provides.

·  Create an experiment related to lifespan development.

·  Complete a word puzzle or create your own crossword puzzle or word search.

·  Create an academic game for lifespan development. Share with classmates.

·  Report on a current event that relates to the course material.

·  Visit a petting zoo or watch a short video on pet therapy.

·  Complete two chapter tests at the end of the week’s reading.

·  Design vocabulary flash cards for 10 new words.

·  Take an online self- esteem, personality or stress inventory.

·  Bring in a guest speaker to share in our class (children, teens, adults, seniors)

·  Take a nature walk and draw your experience. Bring to class objects in nature.

·  Bring in a song that speaks to you about life span development.

·  Examine your core values and compose a journal entry reflection.

·  Write one page about the most inspirational person in your life.

·  Come up with your own activity and ask your instructor for approval.