
Put the following events in order. Begin with number 1, being the first thing that happened and 10 being the last thing.

_____ Romeo and Juliet meet.
_____ Juliet fakes her death.
_____ Romeo’s heart is broken by Rosaline.
_____ Juliet stabs herself.
_____ Romeo kills Tybalt.

_____Romeo buys a poison.
_____Juliet’s Father threatens to disown Juliet if she does not marry Paris.
_____ Juliet’s family gives a feast.
_____ Romeo is banished.
_____ Romeo and Juliet marry.

_____1. What term does the Chorus use to describe the lovers?

A. ill-fated B. death-doom’d C. demon-haunted D. star-crossed

_____2. Which of the following events that occurs in Act III would be considered a turning point for the play?
A. Romeo marrying Juliet C. Romeo’s banishment
B. Romeo killing Tybalt D. Juliet’s engagement to Paris

_____ 3. Dramatic irony occurs when

A. whenever Shakespeare stages a fight

B. when the audience knows something in the play that the characters do not

C. when the Friar believes he can unite the feuding families

D. when Juliet is talking by herself

_____4. How does the turning point of the play affect the mood of the play?
A. the mood is lighter, more happy C. the mood is now adventurous and exciting
B. the mood is dark and sad D. none of the above

_____5. After she refuses, what does Capulet use in an attempt to get Juliet to agree to marry Paris?
A. Pleas B. threats C. tears D. promises

_____6. Juliet’s mood when she asks for Friar Lawrence’s advice is
A.optimistic B. desperate C. confused D. guilty and shameful

_____ 7. Friar Laurence sets a plan in motion. Which of the following details is not part of his plan?

A. Juliet should consent to marry Paris B. Juliet will wake up alone in the family vault

C. Juliet should drink a vial of liquid D. Romeo will take her to Mantua after she wakes up

_____8. Before she drinks the potion, Juliet fears all of the following EXCEPT that
A. it will not work at all C. Romeo will not come for her
B. it will actually kill her D. She will wake up early and go insane

_____9. These fears about whether or not to take the potion are examples of ______conflict.

A. internal B. external C. logical D. thespian

_____10. When Juliet shares these fears in a long speech on stage by herself, she is giving a/an

A. soliloquy B. sonnet C. couplet D. aside

_____11. Why does the Apothecary agree to sell Romeo poison?

A. He is poor, and needs the money C. He can see that Romeo is passionate

B. He is afraid that Romeo will hurt him D. He is a friend of Friar Lawrence

_____12. When Romeo hears that Juliet is dead, the dramatic irony lies in the fact:

A. Juliet is already wed to Paris B. Romeo feels deep grief

C. the audience knows that Juliet is not dead D. Juliet lies in the Capulet tomb

_____13. When Balthasar and Romeo reach the Capulet vault, Balthasar says to the audience (so that Romeo cannot hear) “For all this the same, I’ll hide me hear about./His looks I fear, and his intents I doubt.” This is an example of:

A. monologue B. turning point C. aside D. characterization

_____ 14. Paris should be considered one of the villains of the story because he is trying to steal Juliet’s love from Romeo. A. True B. False

_____15. What is Paris’s last request?
A. For the two families to get along, at last C. For Romeo to be killed
B. To be buried next to Juliet D. For Romeo to be arrested

_____16. In the end of the play, what happens between the Capulets and the Montagues?
A. They reunite and become friends again C. They kill each other
B. They fight D. The Montagues agree to move to Mantua.

_____17. What type of play is Romeo and Juliet?
A. Comedy B. Tragedy C. Action D. Mystery

_____18. The following could be considered topics of Romeo and Juliet EXCEPT:
A. Love B. Hate C. Love vs. Lust D. Theft

_____19. The final two lines, “For never was a story of more woe / Than this of Juliet and her Romeo.” Is an example of a/an

A. soliloquy B. sonnet C. couplet D. aside

_____20. The events of the play cover approximately

A. a day B. a week C. a month D. a summer

_____ 21. Which of the following sentences best states a possible theme of the play?

A. Children obey your parents C. Arranged marriages are the most successful

B. Love conquers all D. Hatred leads to violence, destruction, and waste

22._____ First A. Turning Point

23._____ Second B. Exposition

24._____ Third C. Falling Action

25._____ Fourth D. Catastrophe

26._____ Fifth E. Inciting/Exciting Force

27._____Sixth AB. Rising Action

28._____Seventh AC. Moment of Final Suspense

Directions: Identify the figurative language in the following sentences. Label underlined word/phrase:

A = personification B = simile C = metaphor D = alliteration

_____ 29. It is the East, and Juliet is the sun!

_____ 30. I warrant thee my man’s as true as steel.

_____ 31. The grey-eyed morn smiles on the frowning night, check’ring the Eastern clouds with

streaks of light…

_____32. Love is a smoke raised with the fume of sighs; being purged, a fire sparkling in lovers’ eyes; being vexed, a sea nourished with lovers’ tears.

_____33. It seems she hangs upon the cheek of night as a rich jewel in an Ethiop’s ear – beauty too rich for use, for earth too dear!

_____ 34. “A thousand times the worse, to want thy light!”

DIRECTIONS: Label the following quotes from the play as

A. iambic pentameter B. not iambic pentameter

35._____ “Two households both alike in dignity”

36._____ “A plague on both your houses”

37._____ “Is the law of our side if I say ay?”

38._____ “O, that I were a glove upon that hand,”

39._____ “O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo?”

Directions: Below is a list of characters. Choose six and in the space provided, explain what role these characters played in bringing about the tragic end to the story. (2pts each)



Lady Capulet:


The Friar:



The Nurse:

Lord Capulet:


SHORT ANSWER: Choose two and answer each in a paragraph on your own sheet of paper! (6pts each)

1. Write about one moment from the story (in detail) that could have changed the entire tragic outcome had it occurred differently.

2. Were Romeo and Juliet truly in love? Be sure to give evidence from the story to support your answer.

3. Was Lord Capulet a caring father? Give evidence from the play to support your answer.

4. Can literature that was written hundreds of years ago relate to our lives today? Give three examples from the play to support your views.