The Board of Supervisors South Abington Township, Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania held its regular meeting on Monday, August 14, 2017 at the Township Building, 104 Shady Lane Road, Chinchilla, Pennsylvania.

Chairman Stanton called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM

. Giles Stanton Present

Joseph Sproul Present

Mark Dougherty Present

David G. O’Neill, Twp. Manager Present

William Jones, Solicitor Present

Christine Griswold, Sec’y. Treas. Present

Minutes of the Meeting of 6/12/17 were read and approved as read.

Money was received from the following:

Amtrust $ 3,543.64 ROD $16,802.39

Lacka County $ 8,569.09 Magistrate $ 1,862.66

CJR $ 544.58 Susan McLane $ 7,904.08

AHSD $ 6,900.63 J Falcone $ 2,052.40

PA One Call $ 236.18 T Crea $ 40.00

Ransom $ 5,531.24 Newton $ 5,500.54

CHC $ 885.00 AH Civic League $ 2,500.00

Mark Dougherty motioned, Joseph Sproul seconded, and bills were unanimously approved for payment from the following funds:

General Fund $165,617.19 Sewer Fund $454,384.26 Highway Aid $45,217.35

Recreation Fund $10,142.08 Fire $4,703.08 PR# 1415&16 $216,247.84

Tom Schilling, Sugar Maple Lane, was in attendance to ask assistance in preventing burning in his neighborhood. Mr. Schilling has a medical condition that reacts to the smoke, which is especially bad on weekends. Supervisor Dougherty suggested a letter be sent to offenders asking them as a courtesy to be good neighbors. The Supervisor suggested the Fire Chief be contacted when the smoke is particularly bad.

Michael Cox, Dellert Drive, provided pictures of the bad road condition of Dellert Drive. The area is about 150 feet in length. Supervisor Sproul stated the area could be fit in this year with the other planned roadways for paving.

The Manager reported that the Millett Development Co-Application Agreement for the HOP is currently in legal review. The Penndot winter maintenance Agreement was produced for 2018 in the amount of $8,817.67. Joseph Sproul motioned to approve, Mark Dougherty seconded, and the agreement was unanimously approved. Mr. O’Neill also informed the Board that the Shady Lane tunnel project is in redesign to raise the deck higher. The Solicitor was given the ARWA proposed Cooperation Agreement for review. Mark Dougherty motioned to approve the purchase by Mr. Trygar of a lot on Edella Road w/Willowbrook as long as the lot was made a part of Mr. Trygar’s original lot. The lot in question is currently listed for Lackawanna County Upset Sale.

Supervisor Dougherty reported that the Fire Company is purchasing a $350,000 new tanker with a $290,000 FEMA grant. The existing tanker will be offered for sale. Supervisor Dougherty, after discussion, also motioned to upgrade the existing cell phone plan so that all affected personnel had the same plan and the same phone. Joseph Sproul seconded and the motion was unanimously approved.

There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 7:35 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Christine Griswold

Township Secretary