/ User Manual:-
Module Name:-
Business Process:- / PS_UTM_Civil_01
Project System
Internal/General Civil Projects /

User Manual
Project System
Internal/General Civil Projects
Reference Business Process No.BSNL_BBP_PS_Civil
Version Control
Date / Version / Author / Change Description
0.1 / Anand K / Draft
0.2 / Rajeev Sharma / Review
1.0 / Rajesh Jain/Rajeev Sharma/ Anand K /Pawan Yadav / Final Submission and agreement
1.1 / Kuldeep Bidalia / Revised to accommodate FIT comments


The document has been prepared to be used by the following stake-holders:

·  End Users Performing day to day transaction as per their roles and authorization in SAP System.

·  Core Team –Directly involved in project and supporting various activities of project phases

·  Business Process Owners – Respective business leaders, involved in validating the process design

IMP note:

The information in this document is only meant to be a reference for ERP process configured as per the business process approved by BSNL management for Projects Systems Module and is not a complete description of the SAP product and its functionalities. Its main purpose is to serve as a reference document for user training and support.

Course Overview

SAP Project System supports comprehensive functions for planning, controlling and organizing all the activities carried out during the course of a project. It helps you manage your project structures, dates, costs, and resources throughout the entire project lifecycle. Course provides you with an overview of the functions in SAP Project System.

Target Audience

This course is intended for the following audiences:

·  Project managers

·  Project team members

·  Consultants

Course Prerequisites

·  Knowledge of navigating SAP systems

·  Basic knowledge of project management

Course Goals

This course will prepare you to:

·  Discuss the basic functions of SAP Project System for structuring, planning, executing, and monitoring projects

Course Objectives

After completing this course, you will be able to:

·  Use work breakdown structures, activities, and networks to structure projects

·  Discuss aspects of planning dates, resources, materials, costs, and revenues

·  Name the functions used for budgeting

·  Explain aspects and processes used for executing projects

·  Explain various period-end closing activities in Project Management

·  Use reporting options for monitoring project data

Table of Contents

1. Operative Project & WBS 7

2. Send WBS for Detailing by using Note sheet 17

3. Read note sheet received in the SAP Inbox 18

4. Create & Assign and release Preliminary Architectural Drawings 19

5. Attach Document to WBS elements 23

6. Update the Project Status as “Preliminary Drawing created”, “Municipal drg crtd & sub by SSA”& “Preliminary Drawing Approved” 24

7. Operative Network 27

8. Assign Internal Activity 31

9. Assign Service Activity 33

10. Assign General Cost Activity 37

11. Relationship between Activities 40

12. Attach Milestone to Activity 41

13. Attach Milestone to a WBS Element 43

14. Project Scheduling 45

15. Update the Project Status as Preliminary Estimate Created 46

16. Review Project Estimate Created 48

17. Update the Project Status to PEFI 49

18. Create & Assign Detailed Architectural Drawings 51

19. Send SAP Workflow for the Technical Review 55

20. Update the Project Status to “Municipal Approval Received” and “Detailed Drawing Created” 56

21. Receive Mail through SAP Workflow 57

22. Link WBS Element to Investment management 59

23. Budget Distribution to the Project 61

24. Update the Project Status to PE Approved (AAES) by Approving Authority (It is applicable for General Civil Works) 61

25. Update the Project Status to Detail Estimate (DE) Created 63

26. Update the Project Status to Detail Estimate (DE) Approved 64



27. Update the System status of a Network to Released 69

28. Update the System status of a WBS Element to Released 70

29. Activity Confirmation 72

30. Milestone Confirmation assigned to a WBS Element 74

31. Milestone Confirmation assigned to an Activity 75

32. Update the Project Status to Revision of Estimate ( If Required) 76

33. Update the Project Status to “Offered For AT” 78

34. Update the Project Status to Ready for Settlement 79

35. Update the Project Status to AT Done 80

36. Update the Status of a WBS Element to TECO (Technically Complete) 81

37. Update the Status of Network as TECO (Technically Completed) 82

38. Update the Project Status to Offered for Taking Over 83

39. Update the Project Status to Offered For Taken Over 84

40. Settlement of Activities ( FICO related) 85

41. Line Item Settlement of WBS Element ( FICO related) 86

42. Update the System Status of a WBS Element to Closed 88


SAP Project System supports comprehensive business Process for Planning, Controlling & Organizing all the activities carried out during the course of a Project. It helps you to manage your Project structure, dates, cost & Resources throughout the entire Project lifecycle.

·  The Civil unit undertakes the following activities:

·  Civil wing carries out in-house planning, design and execution of buildings and infrastructure through experienced and registered contractors.

·  Project planning and design is facilitated through computers using various reputed software of the Civil Engineering field.

·  Structural Drawings are being prepared by departmental staff either manually or through computers.

·  All the infrastructure projects are done through systematic approach to project management techniques in a time bound manner.

·  All the construction works are closely monitored at various levels to ensure quality of work and its timely completion.

Important information to be note Down:-

·  Note down the Order Numbers that has been created

·  All documents are to be created in reference to the preceding document.

·  All transaction can be created either by selecting the required transaction from menu path or by simply entering the Transaction Code for the respective transaction in the menu bar.

1.  Operative Project & WBS

Project Definition: Project Definition is a binding framework in SAP for all Organizational Elements created within a Project (e.g. WBS and SAP Networks). Data like Company Code, Plant and Person Responsible can be defaulted in a WBS Element if it is initially entered in the Project Definition.

WBS: Work breakdown structure (WBS) is a model of the Project that organizes Project tasks into a hierarchy. It forms the operative basis for planning Costs, Revenues, and Payments, as well as for Scheduling, and Budgeting.

Following steps shall be followed to create a Project and WBS elements:-

Create Project



Menu path / Logistics à Project system à Project àSpecial Maintenance function àWork Break Down Structure(WBS)àCreate
Transaction / CJ01

1.  Click on open number (Refer Fig. below)

2.  Select the appropriate coding mask (For example CV/10/000006) for project definition in Start value.

Definition-Open Number-This is the vacant number available.

Enter to take proposed project definition

(Note: Please use Project Coding Mask CV/12/000001 for Financial Year 2012-13)

3. Enter project profile: BSNL_CV Civil (Fig. below)

4. Enter Standard Project Definition (Project to be copied) in Template section (Refer Fig.1 below) (Alternatively Project may be created directly as per CM End User Script with out copying option as detailed here)

Press Enter

(Definition-Project profile-This contain default values and control parameters for processing objects and functions in the Project System)

5. Enter description/Short text for project:

6. Click on Basic data tab (Organization section) and,

Enter Company code, Business Area & Plant (Refer Fig.)

Field Description / Remarks
Company code / Select the relevant Project circle
Business area* / Select the Project Area
Plant / Select the relevant Plant
Person Responsible / Select the Person In charge from the selection options

*Business Area:- In this filed enter the “Project Area (SSA)” which is executing the work

7. Click on Details – Project Definition customer fields & enter the relevant data

8. Now, Click on WBS element Overview

9. Click on Replace. Enter Serial No. of Standard Project from which is data is copied in the Search & Serial No. of Operative Project in ‘Replace with’. Click on Replace.

10. Click on include.

11. Ensure that the all the blocks (Except top WBS element) in column PE (Planning element) are ticked.

(Definition-Planning Element- An element of a work breakdown structure for which costs can be planned)

If this un-ticked for a particular WBS element, system will not allow planning cost for that WBS element.

14. Ensure that the all the blocks (Except top WBS element) in column Acct (Account Assignment Element) are ticked.

(Definition-Account Assignment Element- An element of a work breakdown structure for which costs can be planned)

If this un-ticked for a particular WBS element, system will not allow posting actual cost for that WBS element.


Select the respective WBS & click on in the left bottom corner

Do the detailing of each of the WBS element by entering the relevent information., like Enter the “Person Responsible (SPOC)” etc.


Change Project

Menu path / Logistics à Project system à Project àSpecial Maintenance function àWork Break Down Structure(WBS)àChange
Transaction / CJ02

For making any changes in the parameters once the project is created the above menu path OR the Transaction is to be used.

Display Project



Menu path / Logistics à Project system à Project àSpecial Maintenance function àWork Break Down Structure(WBS)àDisplay
Transaction / CJ03

2.  Send WBS for Detailing by using Note sheet



Open the WBS element Customer Field and press “Create Note sheet”

·  In the Comment box add/see the comments and press

·  If you want to see the details of the WBS element in edit mode press .

·  If you want to see the details of the WBS element in display mode press

·  If you want to see document/s attached to the mentioned WBS element then press

·  If Print of all comments of existing Notesheet is required then press

·  If you want to see estimated cost of the project then press

·  If you want to approve Project Estimation (subjected to user authorization) then press

3.  Read note sheet received in the SAP Inbox



Menu path / Office à Workplace
Transaction / SBWP

Click on the .

The note sheet screen will appear. Add the details and forward it to next level, as explained in the Step-6.

Alternatively use the note sheet by the going through the T-Code CJ02.

4.  Create & Assign and release Preliminary Architectural Drawings



Menu path / Logistics à Project system à Documents àDocument Management Systemà Document àCreate
Transaction / CV01N

Select the document type “ZCD”

Select the file in your local system which is to be uploaded

Click on Save (Ctrl+S)

Note down the generated document no.

Change Document and Approve the Preliminary Drawing by the Concerned Authority



Menu path / Logistics à Project system à Documents àDocument Management Systemà Document àChange
Transaction / CV02N

Enter the document No. of the Preliminary Drawing and change the relevant status.

5.  Attach Document to WBS elements

Change Document



Enter the document no and go to detail.

Select the “Object Links” tab and enter the relevant WBS element and save it.

Menu path / Logistics à Project system à Documents àDocument Management Systemà Document àChange
Transaction / CV02N

6.  Update the Project Status as “Preliminary Drawing created”, “Municipal drg crtd & sub by SSA”& “Preliminary Drawing Approved”

Change WBS



Menu path / Logistics à Project system à Project àSpecial Maintenance function àWBS àChange
Transaction / CJ02

1.  Enter the WBS Element No. Press Enter.

2.  Select the WBS Element.

3.  Click on details

4.  Click on

5.  Check the Status Profile. Select the relevant status.

6.  Click on Back & Check the new status

Once Preliminary drawings are created, a set of document is send to corresponding Municipal Authorities for their concurrence.

7.  Similarly change the status of other WBS Elements.

8.  Click on Save.

7.  Operative Network

Create Network



Menu path / Logistics à Project system à Project àSpecial Maintenance function àNetworkàCreate
Transaction / CN21

1.  Select the Network Profile: BSNL_CV Civil Network Profile and press ENTER (Refer Fig. below)

(Definition-Network Profile- The profiles contain default values and control parameters for processing objects and functions in the Project System)

2.  Enter Following data

Field Description / Remarks
Network Type / Select the relevant Project circle
Plant / Select the relevant Plant
MRP Controller / Select the “001” value

a.  Enter the Std Network(If required) from which data is to be copied

b.  Enter description for the Network & Relevant Business Area

c.  Go to assignments tab Enter project definition and WBS element(Operative Project)

d.  Click on Save

Note down the network number created for further processing on it.

Change Network



Menu path / Logistics à Project system à Project àSpecial Maintenance function àNetworkàChange
Transaction / CN22

For making any changes in the network once it is created the above menu path OR the Transaction is to be used.

Display Network



Menu path / Logistics à Project system à Project àSpecial Maintenance function à Network àDisplay
Transaction / CN23

To view the network created the above menu path OR the Transaction is to be used.

8.  Assign Internal Activity