American History

Mrs. Stimpson

Roy High school



Textbook: The Americans

Welcome to American history. This course will cover our nation and the important events that helped shape it. Hopefully, you will gain an appreciation for our nation, our heritage and our freedoms. Everyone is expected to participate in the class. Part of your grade will come from participation, and you have to be present in class to receive those points. They cannot be made up.

I am only here on “A” days. I will be available those days before and after school. One of the best ways to contact me is email.

Objectives: During this course you are expected to gain an understanding of important events, people, and places in American History. Your writing, reading, and organizational skills will improve also. You will use different types of research and historical tools such as literature, art, diaries, textbooks, journals, etc.


Textbook- You will have a password for an online textbook also. If you have internet at home you won’t have to pack your book back and forth to school after you get your password.

paper and pencil daily

Composition book

Books: We will be reading 2 books this year. I only have a classroom set and books won’t be going home with you. If you are a slow reader I suggest buying the books so you have your own copy. They are cheapest at Walmart.

Escape From Slavery- Francis Bok

October Sky- Homer Hickam

Homework: Students will be given homework and reading assignments regularly. This is due on the date assigned. If you truly put in the work you will earn a good grade!!!!!

Attendance: It is difficult to make up work when you are absent. Please be in class. There are some daily assignments that cannot be made up. Attendance is a must for a good grade. Students will have 2 “A” days to make up the test or quiz if they are absent. After that they will receive a zero.

Tardies: Please sign the tardy log on the classroom door before coming in. If you don’t sign in you may be marked absent.

Grades: If you are absent you are responsible for getting your homework to me. You have 3 class days to get your absent work turned in. Please see me for prearranged and school excused absences to get your homework.

1.-Grades will be updated to the portal as scores are recorded.

2.-When a student misses due to a truancy, no makeup work will be accepted.

Citizenship: Citizenship grades are determined by classroom behavior and attitude, along with attendance.

Tests and quizzes: Tests and quizzes will be given throughout the term and will be a major portion of your grade. Quizzes may be a surprise. Tests will be at the end of each unit and will be announced.

Grading Scale:

GRADE / % / GRADE / %
A / 93-100 / C / 73-77
A- / 89-92 / C- / 70-72
B+ / 87-88 / D+ / 67-69
B / 83-86 / D / 63-66
B- / 80-82 / D- / 60-62
C+ / 77-79 / F / 59 & BELOW

Classroom Rules:

1. Follow the school rules, including dress and electronics policy.

2. Profanity or harassment of any kind will not be tolerated.


Royal R & R – School-Wide Program, Policy and Procedures:

Royal students—your academic success is very important to the teaching staff of Roy High! The ultimate goal is GRADUATION and college and career readiness!! We’ve created a program aimed at encouraging regular attendance, achievement, and responsible citizenship in each class, and expectations are high. Royal students, stay in the struggle, graduation is worth it!

Review & Reward: Throughout the week, students may earn the opportunity to leave class early during review & reward time. Students with a grade of C or higher will be given the option of leaving class, while students with a C- grade or below will be required to use the time to review, make-up, or re-learn material. Students with a C or higher may choose to remain in class for review as well. All students who are tardy to class that day or have lost attendance credit in the class will not be released during the review time. Students are required to use the review time effectively, so students who are current on all assignments for the class will be required to bring other course work, a book, or provide help/tutoring to other students reviewing material. Time spent as a “peer tutor” is viewed favorably on college scholarship and job applications!

Grades determining the release of students during Royal R & R time will be based on the current gradeposted on Friday of the previous week. A great “rule of thumb” is to attend each class regularly and stay current on class work and tests. Furthermore, students should take advantage of the extra time made available with each teacher, especially if they are struggling in the class. Occasionally, students will turn in large assignments such as portfolios and projects. These assignments require a longer period of time for grading and may not be included on the upcoming Friday grades determining a student’s release for review time. Late assignments will be used to update students’ grades, however, teachers will determine the timeline for assessing and including late work on the grades. Students should not expect late assignments to be given priority over current classwork.

Enrichment: This year, the history department will be offering several enrichment options for students on Fridays. Students are expected to take advantage of these college & career readiness opportunities, as well as those offered on a school-wide basis. Students who are off-line to graduate due to academic credit deficits and/or accrued attendance credit are required to use enrichment time to make-up credits needed to become online to graduate (via supervised APEX, credit recovery and school/community service projects). Students may also use enrichment time to make up larger assignments or get extra help from one of the history teachers. Since most students will be allowed to choose the enrichment activity they attend, students should make sure to choose based on academic needs and interest level. Attendance is required for the Friday Enrichment activities. Attendance will be recorded by the student’s homeroom (1st or 5th period) teacher and absences/tardies will count against attendance credit for homeroom classes. Additionally, enrichment time may be used for assemblies, clubs & organizations activities, and a myriad of college & career readiness opportunities throughout the year.

Student signature______

Parent Signature______