Mrs. Daughtry’s Discipline Plan

As you know, good behavior and learning go hand in hand. Simple classroom rules have been established to ensure your child experiences a positive and safe learning environment. Even at the age of five, children need to learn the importance of accepting responsibilities for their actions. I expect all children to follow classroom rules and procedures, and I will help them learn to do so in a positive, fair, and equitable manner.

Classroom Rules

  1. I will follow directions.
  2. I will stay in my seat
  3. I will raise my hand and wait to be called on before speaking.
  4. I will keep my hands, feet and other objects to myself.
  5. I will respect my teacher and myself.

In our classroom we keep track of behavior with a daily conduct calendar. A face will be placed on the calendar each day. The faces will indicate to you how your child’s behavior has been throughout the day. Please initial and return this calendar daily. (i.e., happy, straight, or sad face ).I have also established a reward system to reward exceptional behavior, a system of consequences to discourage unacceptable classroom behavior.

Rewards for Exceptional BehaviorConsequences for Unacceptable Behavior

Verbal PraiseVerbal Warning

Receive cool stickers/awardsTime out/ loss of workshop privileges

Receive a healthy treatDaily behavior reflection/ loss of snack

Extra time during snackLoss of position as classroom helper

Become nominated for “Caught in the Act”Call to parents

Discipline referral

To assist students in tracking their behavior throughout the day, I have established a traffic light with colors, green, yellow, and red. At the beginning of each day each child will start on green. Clothespins with your child’s name will be moved according to behavior. If a child has difficulty following a rule or directions, first they are given a verbal warning. If the same child continues to have difficulty, they will be placed in “time out” for a short period or lose some of their independent activity time, (2nd warning). Continuous interruptions in class will lead to clips being moved to yellow or red. These colors will disallow daily classroom privileges, such as snack, centers/workshop, and interactive group activities. Severe disregard for classroom rules will warrant a phone call and further action, with possible referral to the office as a LAST resort.

I look forward to having a wonderful year with your child!

Thank you,

Mrs. Daughtry

Parents Signature ______Date ______

Student Signature ______