SDE Reviewed April 25, 2017



THIS CONTRACT, made this ______day of ______year of _____ , by and between ______Charter School in ______, Idaho (“the School”), and ______(“the Certified Personnel”).


1.The School hereby employs the Certified Personnel pursuant to Idaho Code § 33-5206for the duration of the ______school year consisting of a period of days, and agrees to pay the Certified Personnel for said services a sum of ______Dollars ($______) of which ______shall be payable on the ______day(s) of the months ______year of ______to ______year of _____ inclusive, and such other monetary benefits as accorded to its certificated employees by the School.

2.Assignment(s): ______

and such other duties as may be assigned by the School for which the Certified Personnel is properly certified and endorsed.

3.The Certified Personnel agrees to perform all assignments made by the School in accordance with the highest professional standards and to have and maintain the legal qualifications required for the assignment or to teach in the aforesaid grades or subjects during all times that performance is required hereunder.

4.It is understood and agreed between the parties that this Contract is subject to the applicable laws of the State of Idaho, such duly adopted rules of the State Board of Education that apply to public charter schools, and the policies of the School which are, by reference, incorporated herein and made a part of this agreement the same as if fully set forth herein.

5. Any material false statement knowingly made in the written application for a position with the School shall constitute

sufficient ground for voiding this Contract.

6.The School Board of Directors may terminate or reduce the full-time equivalency status of this contract upon conclusion of the school year stated in Section 1 of this contract, without owing any further compensation, in the event that the Board institutes a reduction in force pursuant to Section 33-522A, Idaho Code, resulting in the termination or reduction of the employment relationship between the School and the Certified Personnel.

7.It is mutually understood and agreed by and between the parties that nothing herein contained shall operate or be construed as a waiver of any of the rights, powers, privileges, or duties of either party hereto, by and under the laws of the State of Idaho, except as expressly stated in this Contract.

8.The terms of this Contract shall be subject to amendment and adjustment to conform to the terms of a Master Contract, if any, applicable for the same school year as this Contract, including, but not limited to, amendments or modifications made pursuant to Section 33-522, Idaho Code.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the School has caused this Contract to be executed in its name by its proper officials and the Certified Personnel has executed the same all on the date first above written.


______By ______, CHAIRMAN


Attest: ______


This contract form was prepared pursuant to Section 33-5206(4), Idaho Code, and approved by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, as a contract which may be used by charter schools. Any other form must be approved by the State Superintendent, and reviewed for reapproval every three years.