NEW YORK, NY 10023
TEL.#(212) 580-9092
FAX (212) 787-3607
Purpose of the fund
The welfare fund was established to provide hospital and medical coverage for IA members and their families. Plan C was designed to fill the needs to freelance and sporadic workers who might never qualify to participate in other plans.
How Contributions are made
Contributions are made by your employers and go into a CAPP account (Contributions Available for Premium Payments). Local Union negotiate dollars per day or hour or for a percent of salary. Once enrolled, you will be mailed a quarterly statement, which shows the employers who have contributed for you. This lets you keep an eye on your CAPP balance and check to see if any contributions are missing.
How you become a Participant
When your employer contributions reach the cost of one month’s premium for our least expensive coverage (currently $100.00), you will be sent an enrollment form, which will offer you the right to participate. At that time, you will be able to choose between Option C-1 (single or family) and Option C-2 (single or family). You may now self-pay to reach the minimum amount but you can make up the difference between your employer contributions and the cost of the coverage you desire. Participation becomes automatic once you reach $300.00 (the cost of one quarter’s premium for Option C-2/single). If you have enough coverage in another health plan, you can advise us of that and use your CAPP account balance in accordance with the rules for the Medical Reimbursement Program outlined below. You can continue to participate as long as you have a balance – and even up to 24 months after your CAPP balance has been exhausted.
The Medical Reimbursement Program
If upon enrollment, you have funds in your CAPP account in excess of the premium amount for an additional quarter to cover the plan chosen, it is possible to use the balance in you CAPP account to pay certain medical expenses that may not be covered by your plan. Should you have coverage from another Health and Welfare Program, any unpaid balance on your medical expenses may be paid from your CAPP account. For more information, call the New York Office to get a copy of the materials that give detailed explanation of this program.