St Leonard’s Close



WV16 4EJ


10 September 2014

A meeting of Bridgnorth Town Council will be held in the Mayor’s Parlour, College House,

St Leonard’s Close, Bridgnorth on Tuesday 16 September 2014 at 7.15 pm, when Members are summoned to attend.

Yours sincerely

Anne Wilson FILCM, BA Hons, AIH, MIPM

Town Clerk

Telephone: 01746 762231


Prayers led by the Mayoral Chaplaincy


1.  Fire Safety Announcement

2. Recording of meeting

3. Public Question Time

Question from Mr R Richards

i)  For the financial year 2013-14, what was the Council’s total income and what was its total expenditure?

Questions from Mr A Tacchi

i)  At the Full Council Meeting on the 21st Jan 14 during Public Question Time, I asked you in your capacity as Chairman of the Procurement Committee to explain why you had stated that you had felt there had been major discrepancies between the two companies which had tendered for the provision of the CCTV and that they had not tendered for the same service, I draw your attention to the Procurement Committee meeting on the 9th Oct 2013, Minute No: 0409/1314

I received an email for the Town Clerk dated the 31st Jan which contained your answer as follows: The two companies had quoted for the same service but had interpreted the tender document differently in one area only, was this your answer, if not whose?

The Mayor at the times Cllr Ray Gill confirmed to me in writing on the 3rd Feb 14 that the Town Clerk sent him the answers from Cllr Marshall to the questions that were put to you and further confirmed that the Town Clerk answered several questions I put during Public Question Time.

The Town Clerk confirmed to me by email on the 17th Feb 14 that you had no input to any answers that I may have received from the Mayor at the time, Cllr Gill or the Town Clerk.

It appears Mr Mayor that there seem to be a contradiction as to who submitted your answer.

I therefore ask you Mr Mayor, did you provide the answer to the question that I put to you on the 21st Jan 14 during Public Question Time and if not, who did?

ii)  Are you aware Mr Mayor that someone from the Council is posting on Facebook using the Council Logo and speaking on behalf of the Council?

iii)  Mr Mayor, you may or may not know that a fake profile has appeared on Facebook over many months and has been posting vile, malicious, libellous and totally unsubstantiated statements about Town Council affairs which has caused great distress to many people. I am now able to report the device signal used for posting has been located in Eardington by way of Global Positioning System, a satellite navigational system and even pin points a property, for the avoidance of doubt and in the name of common decency, will the Council resolve to investigate the matter if only to eliminate those who live in Eardington?

iv)  Mr Mayor on the 2nd Oct 2012 the Council resolved to accept a revised budget of £24,000 plus a 10 percent margin for the repair work at the Town Hall. As the work progressed invoices were submitted, the first being for £2247.12 dated 27th Sept 12, the second for£12,000 dated 8th Nov 12 and the Final invoice, shown as being the Final invoice for £11,186.16 dated 17th Nov 12. Could I therefore ask why a fourth invoice was submitted for £3105.00 dated 15th Feb 2013 which was authorised by A Wilson, but not due for payment until 30th April 2013. Did the invoice received and the payment made fall in two separate tax accounting years, what was the payment for, was this additional payment authorised by the Body corporate and who signed the cheque?

4. Apologies for absence

Members are asked to receive apologies from Members.

5. Declarations of Interest

To receive declarations under consideration on this agenda in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 s32 and The Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012

6. Report from Shropshire Council

7. Minutes

i)  To approve the minutes of the Meeting of Bridgnorth Town Council held on Tuesday 15 July 2014 at 7.15pm

(Copy attached BTC/04/1415)

8. Matters arising

i)  Updates from the Meeting of Bridgnorth Town Council held on Tuesday 15 July 2014 not included elsewhere on the agenda.

9. Town Mayor’s and Deputy Mayor’s Diary

Members are asked to note the Town Mayor’s and Deputy Mayor’s Diaries since the last Town Council meeting.

(Copy attached Appendix A)

10. Members Question Time

Members are asked to receive questions in accordance with Standing Order 8 and to take no more than 15 minutes in total.

11. Committee minutes

Members are asked to approve minutes and confirm the recommendations contained therein and for each Committee Chairman to highlight the key issues being addressed by their committee:

i)  Planning Committee – minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 21 July 2014

(Copy attached PL/04/1415)

ii)  Administration and General Purposes Committee – minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 22 July 2014

(Copy attached AGP/03/1415)

iii)  Planning Committee – minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 4 August 2014

(Copy attached PL/05/1415)

iv)  Planning Committee – minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 18 August 2014

(Copy attached PL/06/1415)

v)  Planning Committee – minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 1 September 2014

(Copy attached PL/07/1415)

vi)  Property and Grounds Committee – minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday

2 September 2014

(Copy attached PG/03/1415)

vii)  Procurement Committee – minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 3 September 2014

(Copy attached PR/02/1415)

12. Matters arising from Committee minutes

Members are asked to receive any updates from the minutes not included elsewhere on the agenda.

13. Other Meetings

i)  Minutes of the Christmas Committee meeting held on Tuesday 2 September 2014

(Copy attached CH/02/1415)

ii)  Notes from the Events Committee and Working Party meeting held on Wednesday 3 September 2014

(Copy attached EV/02/1415)

14. Sealing of Documents

Members will be updated at the meeting with any documents that need sealing.

15. Finance

i)  Accounts for Payment

Members are asked to authorise the signing of invoices for payment and those invoices paid in between meetings.

(Copy attached Appendix B)

ii)  Income and Expenditure Report

Members are asked to note the attached Income and Expenditure Report.

(Copy attached Appendix C)

iii)  Members are asked to note the Report from the Town Clerk

(Copy attached TC/18/1415)

iv)  Level of Reserves

Members are asked to note the level of the Town Council reserves

(Copy attached Appendix D)

v)  Schedule for Signing Payroll and Payment of Accounts 2014/15

Members are asked to confirm the attached schedules for signing both the payroll and payment of accounts on a monthly basis for the next three months.

(Copy attached Appendix E)

16. Annual Return – External Auditor’s Report

Members are asked to receive the completed Annual Return External Audit Certificate for the year ended 31 March 2014 for the Bridgnorth Town Council.

(Copy attached Appendix F)

17. Administration and General Purposes Committee Meeting Dates

Members are asked to consider moving the date and days of the Administration and General Purposes Committee meetings to the first Thursday of the month. They are currently held every fourth Tuesday of the month. This move would enable any recommendations to be ratified at full Council the following week instead of these recommendations waiting three of four weeks to be ratified as is the current situation.

18. Appointment of Representatives

Members are asked to consider the appointment of Members to Council Committees

(Copy attached Appendix G)

19. Tablets for Councillors

Members are asked to consider purchasing tablets for Councillors to use for Council related business. This would significantly reduce the postage and stationery costs. If Members are in agreement, costs would then be sourced and brought back to a future meeting.

20. Town Mayor’s Winter Wonderland

Members are asked to consider a request from the Town Mayor to sponsor an illuminated tree, tableaux, Santa’s Grotto or Bandstand at his proposed Winter Wonderland in the Castle Grounds. Sponsorship amounts would vary, for example, between £100 for an illuminated tree to £1000 for the Santa’s Grotto.

This is a new initiative but it is hoped to become an annual tourist attraction taking place over one or two weekends during the first weeks of December. The Mayor’s Charities would benefit from the entrance fees income. However, for this to be viable the cost of purchasing the lighting and equipment would need to be offset.

All the work done in organising, design, building and manning the “Winter Wonderland” would be carried out by enthusiastic volunteers.

Local businesses have also been approached to provide sponsorship.

(Copy attached Appendix H)

21. SAMDev

Members are asked to consider the Submission of the Shropshire Council Site Allocations and Management of Development (SAMDev) Plan to the Secretary of State.

Members are asked to view the information on the following website before this item is discussed in full at the October Town Council meeting.

22. Donation to Charity in memory of Angela Rogers

Members are asked to consider making a donation to Cancer Research UK in memory of Angela Rogers.

23. Riverside Clearance

Members are asked to consider the attached email from Glen McGrandle, Street Scene Manager at Shropshire Council regarding clearance of the Riverside.

A cost breakdown from Ringway is expected shortly.

(Copy attached Appendix I)

24. Correspondence from Shropshire Council

i)  Polling Places Review 2014

At the July Town Council meeting, Members made the following resolution:

RESOLVED: that the Deputy Town Clerk responds on behalf of the Town Council suggesting that the Low Town Community Hall be used as a polling station for part of Morfe Ward.

Members are asked to note the response received from Shropshire Council:

Following the conclusion of the Polling Places Review 2014 consultation period, the ERO considered your request for residents of Morfe Ward to utilise Low Town Community Hall.

Following consultation with both Ward Members, the ERO considers the existing polling station an appropriate venue and would not currently recommend moving Morfe Ward electorate to this area.”

ii)  Warm Communities Funding

Members are asked to consider the following correspondence received from Shropshire Council regarding Warm Communities Funding:

Shropshire Council is inviting communities across Shropshire to apply for funding to support projects that maximise energy efficiency, affordable warmth and/or resilience to climate change within their respective communities.

A grant pot of £4,000 is being made available, which will support a minimum of two communities. Support worth up to £2,000 will also be provided to a wider range of groups through a series of workshops and training.

The funding is aimed at helping communities through the process of;

· Identifying need in their community

· Developing solutions

· Implementing solutions through supported project delivery

Projects could range from communities supporting vulnerable people in times of adverse weather to organising a community bulk buy of heating fuel or energy efficiency products. We would like to hear from any community about any ideas they may have. A community can be any group of people living within the same place or having shared characteristics or interests. They do not need to be formally constituted to receive support.

Communities should submit their ideas by 5pm on Tuesday 30th September. Further guidance and an application form is available at .

The project is being managed by Marches Energy Agency (MEA) on behalf of Shropshire Council. For more information on the project and to register your interest, please contact Oliver Rothwell on 01743 277114

iii)  Re-tendering of Local Bus Service Contracts

Members are asked to note that the following bus contract expires at the end of March 2015.

Contract Number / Route Numbers / Route / Days of Operation / Operator
BR0114 / 113,114,115,116,88,99 / Bridgnorth to Telford/ Weston Heath to Bridgnorth / Mondays to Saturdays / Arriva Midlands

Members are asked to comment on these services or any particular journeys by Wednesday 24th September 2014.

25. Conference/Meeting Updates

Members are asked to note the following reports and minutes:

From Staff:

i)  Report from the Outdoors and Properties Manager regarding Cemetery Management and Compliance Course and Accident Investigations/Risk Assessments Training from Ellis Whittam

(Copy attached Appendix J)

From Members:

i)  Report on Shropshire Radio discussion on flooding from Councillors G Mountcastle and Ms V Voysey

(Copy attached Appendix K)

From Outside Bodies:

i)  Minutes from the meeting of the Bridgnorth & District Twinning Association held on Thursday 10 July 2014

(Copy attached Appendix L)

ii)  Minutes from the meeting of the Bridgnorth & District Twinning Association held on Thursday 24 July 2014

(Copy attached Appendix M)

iii)  Minutes from the meeting of the Bridgnorth & District Twinning Association held on Thursday 21 August 2014

(Copy attached Appendix N)

26. Other Correspondence

i)  NALC – Technical Consultation on Planning

Members are asked to consider the NALC Technical Consultation on Planning which can be found on the following website:

ii)  NALC Larger Councils Committee Elections 2014-2016

Members are asked to consider nominating one Member to compete for election for the NALC Larger Councils Committee.

The Committee meets four times a year and represents the policy interests of the larger Councils. The meeting dates for 2015 are as follows:

·  20 January 2015 – London

·  28 April 2015 – London

·  6-7 July 2015 – Away Visit to a Larger Council

·  20 October 2015 - London

Further information is available on the following website:

iii)  NALC – Media Release 1 September 2014

Members are asked to note the correspondence from NALC regarding their disappointment at DCLG ‘no’ to business rate funding for Parishes.