Genetics & DNA Technology Study Guide

  1. What does it mean to be homozygous dominant? Give an example of that genotype.
  1. What does it mean to be heterozygous? Give an example of that genotype.
  1. What does it mean to be homozygous recessive? Give an example of that genotype?
  1. Be able to complete monohybrid crosses in Punnett Squares. Outcomes from a Punnett Square are definite or probable?In rabbits, black fur is dominant over white fur. Show the cross of a heterozygous black male rabbit with a homozygous white female rabbit. Include genotype of parents and genotype and phenotype of possible offspring.
  1. Why did Mendel remove the male parts of the flowers when he was conducting his experiments?
  1. What are the other terms for homozygous and heterozygous?
  1. If two heterozygous individuals are crossed, what percent of their offspring are also expected to be heterozygous? Show results in a Punnett Square.
  1. What is a pedigree? What can it tell us?
  1. What is DNA Electrophoresis?
  1. What is a genome? What was the purpose of the “Human Genome Project?”
  1. What is a clone?
  1. What is a transgenic organism?
  1. What is polymerase chain reaction(PCR)?
  1. Codominance appears to ______alleles, whereas incomplete dominance appears to ______alleles.
  2. Given the P generation, a prue bred tall plant TT is crossed with a pure bred short plant tt, be able to determine the F1 generation. Then determine the F2 generation.
  1. How many dominant alleles must be present for the dominant trait to be expressed?
  2. What is the difference between selective breeding and genetic engineering?
  1. Snapdragons exhibit incomplete dominance. The dominant allele R codes for red flowers and the recessive allele r codes for white flowers. Heterozygous flowers are pink. Use a Punnett square to show a cross between a red snap dragon and a pink snap dragon. How many offspring would you expect to be red in color?
  1. Some chickens exhibit CO-Dominance, where the allele for black feathers is B and the allele for white feathers is W. Some chickens have both black and white feathers. Show a Punnett square crossing a black chicken and a white chicken. What color feathers will the offspring have?
  1. Review previous material. 