Unity House, 39 Chalton Street, London, NW1 1JD





To be held on


10th & 11TH APRIL 2015


Ryde Town Club

25-27 Star Street,


Isle of Wight




President P Rossiter South Devon Bus

Vice President D Gilbey South Devon Bus

Secretary K Murphy Newport IOW No 2

Officer M Cash RMT General Secretary


M Gale Poole & District

J Ide Poole & District

D Wicks Newport IOW No2

A Lister Southampton No 5

P Simmonds South Devon Bus


I Hodge Exeter No 2

G Goddard North Devon Bus


1. Opening of Conference - Ryde Mayor. Roi Milburn.

2. Election of tellers

3. Liaison Committee report

4. Secretary’s report

5. Auditors’ report

6. Consultative Committee report

7. Council of Executives’ report

8. Regional Organisers’ reports

9. Conference resolutions

10. Elections

11.  Resolutions for AGM

12.  Date and venue for conference 2017

Guest Speakers

13. RMT National President P Pinkney

14. RMT General Secretary M Cash

15. Wessex Reg Organiser M Tosh

16. Traffic Commissioner S Bell

17. Thompsons Solicitors T.B.N.

18. Council of Executives P Mcdonald

19. RMT Education & Org Unit A Pottage

Hours of Conference

Friday 10th 09.30 – 17.00 hours

Saturday 11th 09.30 – Finish of business

Conference Functions

Thursday 9th April. Free Night.

Friday 10th April. A three course Evening Dinner in Salvatore’s Restaurant Ryde - 19-30.

Can each Delegate send me a choice of a starter and main course AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.

Starter- Prawn Cocktail. Melon Parisiene. Mushrooms in Garlick. Vegetable Soup.

Mains – Breast of Chicken topped with ham cheese tomato. Rack of Lamb with mint & red wine. Sea Bass Fillet with prawn & cream sauce. Vegetable Pasta. ( A donation will be requested.)


1. Attacks on trade unionslegislations.

That this bus workers conference calls upon the union to fight against the proposed further attacks on trade unionslegislations which will make it even more difficult for bus workers to take any strike action.

Moved by South Devon Bus. FOR AGAINST ABSTENTIONS ______

2. National Bus Workers Officer.

That this bus workers conference re-iterates the importance for the election of a national bus workers officer who will be responsible for representing the bus working grades within our great union, this person must have a good knowledge of the bus industry.

Moved by South Devon Bus. FOR AGAINST ABSTENTIONS ______

3. Large Vehicle awareness.

We ask that this bus workers conference request that the EC to lobby the Government to put compulsory large vehicle awareness as part of the standard driving test.

Moved by Exeter No2. FOR AGAINST ABSTENTIONS ______

4. Drivers leaflets

This Conference requests the RMT to remind Bus Companies and/or Highway Authorities concerned that when planned major roadworks cause diversions and considerable and prolonged delays to bus services, a leaflet is provided for passengers explaining the delays which will help 1) the passengers 2) ease the burden on bus drivers explaining the delays.

Moved by Chester Branch. FOR AGAINST ABSTENTIONS ______

5. Drivers Hours

Camborne Bus Branch members feel that a campaign to equalise the differentials between Domestic and European Union driving hours for P.C.V. Drivers should be given top priority.
We would also like to see an abolition of the ruling that drivers on domestic work are allowed to take breaks between successive duties of as little as EIGHT AND A HALF HOURS on up to three occasions in a working week.
We urge the union to enter into meaningful talks with all bus company employers, where the R.M.T. has negotiating rights, with a view to securing these objectives.
We strongly feel that it is no longer morally acceptable for a driver to be at the controls of a bus for periods of up to FIVE AND A HALF HOURS before being legally entitled to take a break.”

Moved by Camborne Branch. FOR AGAINST ABSTENTIONS ______

6. Bus Position on the H & S Advisory Committee

This branch feels that Busworkers are under represented on the National Health and Safety Advisory Committee as there is no seat held by Busworkers and feel there should be a rule change to have an extra seat added as a permanent place on this body for a representative from the bus industry.

Moved by Falmouth Bus Branch. FOR AGAINST ABSTENTIONS ______

7. Bus Cab Design.

This conference calls upon the wider union to enter into discussions with bus manufacturers and bus companies where we have recognition, in order that the comfort of the driver is considered in the design of the cab area.
The cabs of buses are our workplaces. Driving for up to five and a half hours at a time in a poorly designed seat and a poorly laid out cab can cause lasting damage to our members.

Moved by Poole & District Branch. FOR AGAINST ABSTENTIONS ______

8. Cuts to the Bus Sector.

This conference calls upon the wider union to mount a co-ordinated campaign to fight the various cuts to the bus sector.

We have seen various attempts to fight cuts to bus funding including the buses matter booklet, but we need to go further with a sustained campaign to give the issues the widest possible coverage.

Moved by Poole & District Branch. FOR AGAINST ABSTENTIONS ______

9. Central Negotiating Meetings.

That this Bus conference calls upon the EC to look in to the setting up of a central negotiating meeting with in the bus companies that we operate in.

The meetings should consist of the Secretary and Chair of every branch with in that region.

They should be held at least every 3 months. At the present in Go-Southcoast each branch are having their conditions attacked one by one. A central meeting will keep us united, and aware of what is happening in our area.

Moved by Newport IOW N02. FOR AGAINST ABSTENTIONS ______

Direction to Ryde Town Club. 25-27 Star Street, Ryde, Isle of Wight, Po332JH. 01983718785

Walk up Ryde high street from Union street, turn left at the Star Inn, walk pass the cinema on your left side and the venue is 50 yards down on your right hand side.



1.  NAME
The name of the Conference shall be “National Bus Workers Conference”.

To promote co-ordination of the work of all RMT branches having bus workers membership, insofar as membership activity for the Union and interest in the national demands for improved working conditions are concerned.

The meetings shall be annually in April. Each annual conference to decide the place for the next meeting.

Conference to be composed of duly elected delegates from branches with bus membership. Each branch with less that 100 bus members may send two delegates. Branches with more than 100 members may send two delegates for the first 100 members with one additional delegate for every 100 members or part thereinafter.

Affiliation fees are paid direct from Head Office, in accordance with the 1983 SGM decision.

There shall be a President, Vice-President, Secretary (who shall also be Financial Secretary), two Auditors and five Executive Committee members, all of whom shall be elected at each annual conference, excepting that the President’s position shall be filled by the Vice President elected in the previous year. All officers shall hold office until the next annual conference and shall remain members of the Union for that period; they shall be eligible for re-election. The Auditors shall not be deemed officers.

The President and Secretary shall be empowered to call a meeting of the Executive Committee should they consider it necessary; and the Executive Committee may call a special conference in such action is warranted. Expenses of officers and Executive Committee members shall be paid from conference funds at the rate of fares, lost time and out-of-pocket expenses.

Notices for receipt of items for the agenda and nominations for official positions shall be sent to branches not less than 16 weeks prior to conference. Items for the agenda shall reach the Secretary not less that 1 week prior to conference. The preliminary agenda shall be published as soon after that date, seeking amendments which shall reach the Secretary no less than four weeks prior to conference. Each item for the agenda to be written on separate sheets of paper. The Executive Committee and Auditors shall meet the day before conference for the purpose of arranging the agenda and preparing the financial report.

All funds of conference, except working balances, shall be kept in the Unity Trust plc. All payments over £5.00 to be paid by cheque, signed by the President and Secretary.