Belton ISD School Health Advisory Council Meeting

April 12, 2012

The School Health Advisory Council met on Thursday April 12, 2012 at 11:45 a.m. at the Administration building.

PRESENT Ed Braeuer Laura Osborn Brenda Potts

Tracy Booth Nancy Whitaker Brandi Karnowski Jackie Houlden Karen Boney Amanda Sarinana Sharon Chaffin Cynthia Zawieja Manju Gaglani

Ali Thompson Mike Hagan Shawnee Barron

Cyndie Davis Karen Crochet Paul Sotello

Raymona Wilburn Ravonne McCray Debi Handley

ABSENT Jon Wallin Juana Gutierrez Ericka Mitchell

Mike Bergman Heather Presley Lynsie Hale

Karen Velasquez Cynthia Simerly Teresa Pare Terri Kemp Judy Owens Ben Smith Robert Greenberg Kathy Peterson Donna Lee Pollack Susan Burchfield Amanda Cooper Denise Gilbert

Susan Kincannon Amanda Necessary Kris Hobson

Kathy Rutherford Lacey Sanders Cheryl Hutchinson

Courtney Kerr Tiffany Armstrong Doug Taylor

Jonathan Ray Nicole Velasquez Janelle Baisden

Kate Roddy Pam Phillips Brenda Rumbayl Bethany House Beverly Stephens Dianna Sargent

Scott Moger Darrell Becker Sandy Blevins

Kim Christy-Anderson

Ed Braeuer, Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum & Instruction welcomes everybody to the last SHAC meeting for 2011-2012 school year.

Pertussis Response

Debi Handley nurse at Tarver Elementary spoke to the group about pertussis also known as the “whooping cough.” Pertussis is a highly contagious bacterial infection that causes coughing. A fact sheet from the Texas Department of State Health Services was passed out about this illness. The pertussis vaccine called DTaP is a series of immunizations given to children ages 2, 4, 6, & 15 to 18 months old with an additional shot at 4 to 6 years of age for a total of 5 doses. Pertussis is very dangerous for infants under the age of one year. The coverage for the vaccine is about 75% and unfortunately, we all are still susceptible in getting this illness. There are 16 cases confirmed in the central Texas area from the Bell County Health Department.

Ms. Handley reported that a case of the whooping cough was found at Lakewood right before spring break and Leon Heights just recently. When there is a confirmed case, the school sends a letter out confirming case/cases of this illness to parents. The student/students that are confirmed to have pertussis is given letter to instruct the parents on treatment. An oral treatment of antibiotics also known as Z-Pack is given. Once they have, the disease they are contagious without a cough for 5 to 7 days then the cough will start. A person will be contagious for another 14 days however when they have completed the Z-Pack treatment they will no longer be contagious. A cough from pertussis can last up to 60 days.

Control of Head Lice review (parent request)

Debi Handley handed out a guideline information sheet for the district to the group to address concerns per parent request on controlling head lice. Some of the guidelines listed below are:

  1. Screening procedures

a)  NO unwarranted mass screenings that will disrupt student & teacher class time.

b)  When to check individual students

·  When someone reports the possibility of a child having head lice

c)  How often/when to check entire school

·  Check entire classroom when lice if found or has been reported in a specific room.

  1. Parent/Guardian Notification

a)  Parent will be notified to pick child up who has head lice and to return the following day free of lice

b)  Have lice handout information accessible to parents/guardians

  1. Exclusion Protocol

a)  Include what happens if the parent is not home

·  Principal discretion – child staying in clinic, or other designated environment

·  Truant officer of CIS may be asked to make home visit

b)  If parent is contacted yet unable or refuses to pick up child

·  Parent may be given a form stating that if they are delayed next time, truant officer, police or CPS may be called

c)  CPS may be contacted if child appears to have developed an infection from scratching with lice infestation

d)  CPS may be contacted for chronic cases

  1. Readmission criteria:

a)  Re-check child before he/she allowed back in classroom again in another week when possible

  1. Definition of and district response to excessive absences:

a)  Help address issue with parents who cannot keep their children free of lice.

b)  TEA criteria for excessive absences

c)  Guidelines from PEIMS

  1. Classroom Prevention:

a)  How/when to clean/vacuum

b)  Hanging of coats, backpacks

c)  Sharing lockers with coats, hats, & backpacks

  1. In-service training for school staff:

a)  First of school year

b)  BISD on-line training

  1. Resources:

a)  DSHS

b)  CDC www.cdcgov/ncidod/dpd/parasites/lice /default.htm

c)  ACT (Aware Central Texas) 254-939-7582 (parents must agree to assistance from this program)

Flu Vaccines

Ed Braeuer introduced Manju Gaglani, MD & Ravonne Wilburn from Scott and White hospital to talk a little about the possibility of flu vaccines for students at BISD. Administrators at Scott and White are looking into the funding along with the help from the Bell County Health Department to provide this service. More information will be given in the next School Health Advisory Council the beginning of the fall school year.

Bond Presentation

Ed Braeuer wanted to mention the upcoming bond election May 12. For more information about the bond you can visit the BISD website at the bottom of the page you will see Quick Links, click on 2012 Bond information.

SHAC Priorities for 2012 -2013

Ed Braeuer handed a sheet to the table groups to list ideas for issues for the 2012 – 2013 School Health Advisory Council to address. Possible areas to consider include:

·  Nutrition

a)  Microwaves to warm up meals from home

b)  District policy for student food & drink choices at all levels

c)  Water @ lunch

d)  Nutrition education in science/math curriculum or bring back health class

·  Wellness

a)  Policy review for wellness programs with employees; incentives

b)  On campus workouts

c)  Teach about changing habits on eating and exercising for a healthier future

d)  Flu vaccines

e)  Worth the wait

f)  Eating disorders discussions & sensitivity to anorexia bulimia etc. Teacher training particularly with coaches

·  Safety

a)  Sidewalks for campus

b)  School bus – Seat belts or alternate transportation offered for parents who want children to wear seat belts

c)  Practice “active shooter” drills

d)  Tornado and flooding safety

e)  Distracted Driving (Texting)

·  Health Services

a)  Asthma inhaler training

b)  Present a lesson about healthy eating during a PE class by the campus nurses

c)  Obesity concerns

·  Communication

a)  Give more information out to parents from on district policies about health issues.

·  Other

a)  Classroom snacks

b)  Dental information distribution about sealant programs

c)  Focus on disease prevention and health promotion

d)  Physical & mental health issues

Family Fun and Fitness Event

Ed Braeuer informed the committee about the family fun and fitness event. Mr. Braeuer visited with the athletic department about when would be the best date to have this event and have it tied to a football game. The two suggested dates are September 21 and October 19. Mr. Braeuer made the suggestion for October 19 (Belton vs. Copperas Cove), which is also “Think Pink” (Breast Cancer Awareness) night. Ed Braeuer will make arrangement with the City of Belton for the use of Chisholm Trail Park grounds. A volunteer sheet was left on the tables for people to sign up as either chairperson or member for the following subcommittees.

·  Sponsorships

·  Concessions

·  Activities

·  Communications/Promotions

Commitment Forms for 2012 – 2013

A commitment form was available for anyone that was interested in serving again for next year. The commitment form was also e-mailed to the members.

With there being no further comments or questions, the meeting adjourned @ 1:00.

No meetings have been scheduled at this time for the next school year.

Minutes recorded by Sharon Chaffin.