RESTRICTED (when complete) Candidate Number:
Promotion Application Form - EXTERNAL
Chief Superintendent
Please refer to guidance notes before completing this application.
Please note that incomplete applications will not be considered.
This section is mandatory and must be completed by the candidate.
Title: / Home address:First Name:
Last Name:
Collar Number: / Postcode:
Home phone number: / Work email:
Work phone number: / Personal email:
Mobile phone number:
The Equality Act 2010 prohibits discrimination, victimisation or harassment in employment, including recruitment. The Avon and Somerset Constabulary is committed to the development and promotion of equality of opportunity for all.
Do you have a disability you wish to declare including any learning difficulty e.g. dyslexia.
Yes No
In support of your application for promotion through the selection process, please let us know if you believe there are any reasonable adjustments we may make to assist you with at any stage of the selection process. Yes No
If you require a reasonable adjustment as part of the application stage please contact as a matter of urgency as soon as possible and prior to the closing date.
Candidates must be available for the stated assessment dates; however we will endeavour to accommodate court commitments where possible. Please indicate dates when you will be unable to attend an assessment:
PLEASE NOTE:The form must not be modified.
Boxes are provided for your responses within Section B. Please ensure that the character count does not exceed 2500 characters (including spaces) per question.
All evidence beyond 2500 characters will not be reviewed.
Please use the Police Professional Framework (PPF) to provide you with details as to the personal qualities that you need to evidence.
Please ensure that your evidence demonstrates how you meet the requirements for the role that you are being considered for.
Your evidence needs to be verified for each question. The person verifying can be anyone with the knowledge to do so, this may be a peer, subject matter expert or one of your referees. It is possible you will need a different verifier for different pieces of evidence.
A check will be made across the application forms to validate the process.
This section should be completed by the candidate.
Leading people· Inspires people to meet challenging organisational goals, creating and maintaining the momentum for change.
· Gives direction and states expectations clearly.
· Talks positively about policing and what it can achieve, building pride and self-esteem.
· Creates enthusiasm and commitment by rewarding good performance, and giving genuine recognition and praise.
· Promotes learning and development, giving honest and constructive feedback to help people understand their strengths and weaknesses, and invests time in coaching and mentoring staff.
What leadership approach have you taken to inspire, develop and motivate people you lead in times of limited resources? Please give specific examples of both approach and actions you have taken.
· Establishes a clear future picture and direction for the operational unit, focused on delivering the force vision and strategy.
· Identifies and implements change needed to meet force objectives, thinking beyond the constraints of current ways of working, and is prepared to make radical change when required.
· Thinks in the long-term, identifying better ways to deliver value for money services that meet both local and force needs.
· Encourages creativity and innovation within the operating unit.
Can you describe a time you have developed and implemented a change to improve the way in which the force delivers its objectives?
· Creates a clear plan to deliver operational performance in line with force strategy and objectives.
· Agrees demanding but achievable objectives and priorities for the operational unit, and assigns resources to deliver them as effectively as possible
· Identifies opportunities to reduce costs and ensure maximum value for money is achieved.
· Highlights good practice and uses it to address underperformance.
· Delegates responsibilities appropriately and empowers others to make decisions.
· Monitors progress and holds people to account for delivery.
What measures have you put in place to ensure effective performance within your area? Please include how you have managed competing priorities and resources.
· Promotes a real belief in public service, focusing on what matters to the public and will best serve their interests.
· Ensures that all staff understand the expectations, changing needs and concerns of different communities, and strive to address them.
· Builds public confidence by actively engaging with different communities, agencies and strategic stakeholders, developing partnerships and ensuring people can engage with the police at all levels.
· Understands partners' perspectives and priorities, and works co-operatively with them to deliver the best possible overall service to the public.
How have you ensured the service that you and your teams are delivering, meet the needs of the public?
Section B - Continued
This section should be completed by the Evidence Verifiers.
Please sign and date to verify that you have seen the evidence and that the evidence is a true reflection of the situation.
QUESTION 1 – Leading Change
Verification of evidence (please note you may be contacted to verify the above statement).Name: / Email Address: / Phone number:
QUESTION 2 – Leading People
Verification of evidence (please note you may be contacted to verify the above statement).Name: / Email Address: / Phone number:
QUESTION 3 – Managing Performance
Verification of evidence (please note you may be contacted to verify the above statement).Name: / Email Address: / Phone number:
QUESTION 4 – Professionalism
Verification of evidence (please note you may be contacted to verify the above statement).Name: / Email Address: / Phone number:
This section should be completed by the candidate’s nominated referee who must be a minimum of Chief Superintendent rank or above.
Referee RecommendationPlease provide a short statement supporting or not supporting the candidate’s suitability for promotion to the rank of Chief Superintendent.
Referees declaration of the above statement (please note you may be contacted to verify your above statement).
Collar Number: / Rank/Grade:
Email Address: / Phone number:
SECTION C: Continued
This section should be completed by a member of your current line management structure.
Senior Leadership Supporting StatementPlease provide a score for the candidate (5-1) (5 = Exceptional, 1= Unsatisfactory) :
Please provide a written statement to support your score based on your knowledge of the candidate and having reviewed the seven PPQs for Superintendent rank (Public Service, Leading Change, Leading People, Professionalism, Managing Performance, Decision Making, Working with Others) (max 200 words):
Referees declaration of the above statement (please note you may be contacted to verify your above statement).
Collar Number:
/ Rank/Grade:
Email Address: / Phone number:
The information provided within D1 – D2 will not form part of the shortlisting process, but will be used to assist in posting decisions.
D1 Service History (Please start with the most recent)
Police ServiceDate From: / Date To:
Postings and Duties:
Police Service
Date From: / Date To:
Postings and Duties:
Police Service
Date From: / Date To:
Postings and Duties:
Police Service
Date From: / Date To:
Postings and Duties:
Police Service
Date From: / Date To:
Postings and Duties:
Police Service
Date From: / Date To:
Postings and Duties:
Police Service
Date From: / Date To:
Postings and Duties:
Police Service
Date From: / Date To:
Postings and Duties:
Police Service
Date From: / Date To:
Postings and Duties:
Police Service
Date From: / Date To:
Postings and Duties:
D2 POLICE AND OPERATIONAL TRAINING AND SKILLS (most recent / relevant – not including basic training, and only most recent requalification dates)
Training Type: / Date:Qualification (if applicable):
Training Type: / Date:
Qualification (if applicable):
Training Type: / Date:
Qualification (if applicable):
Training Type: / Date:
Qualification (if applicable):
Training Type: / Date:
Qualification (if applicable):
Training Type: / Date:
Qualification (if applicable):
Training Type: / Date:
Qualification (if applicable):
Training Type: / Date:
Qualification (if applicable):
Training Type: / Date:
Qualification (if applicable):
Training Type: / Date:
Qualification (if applicable):
Full NameDate of Birth / Age
National Insurance number
Date started in current force (Day/Month/Year) Date started in Police Service:
Current salary: £
Period of notice required:
Please provide details of your current force Human Resources department:
Contact Name:
Contact Number:
Email Address:
Full Address (Including postcode):
· Do you have any tattoos on your hands, neck, forearms or face?
If yes, describe their nature and location: / Yes No
Are you or have you ever been a member of BNP, National Front, Combat 18?
National Front
Combat 18 / Yes No
Yes No Yes No
Yes No
· Do you hold a full current driving licence?
If yes, What is your force driving grade / level? / Yes No
Do you currently have any job or business interest, which you intend to continue should you be successful?
If yes, please state the nature of this job or business and the extent of your involvement: / Yes No
Do you have a disability you wish us to know about at this stage?
If yes, please provide details of any reasonable adjustments that have been agreed to enable you to carry out your job:
Have you previously required reasonable adjustments to be made for you to carry out your role as a police officer? If so, please provide details: / Yes No
I declare that all the statements I have made in this application are true to the best of my knowledge and belief and that no relevant information has been withheld.
I understand that:
· I must inform the recruitment office without delay of any change in my circumstances.
· Financial checks will be undertaken to verify my financial status and that all such information will be treated in confidence. I consent to these checks being made.
· I give permission for Avon and Somerset Constabulary to contact the Professional Standards Unit at my current force to undertake integrity and complaints/misconduct checks.
· I give permission for Avon and Somerset Constabulary to obtain my attendance and health records
· Any offer of appointment will be subject to satisfactory references, medical examination, maintenance of fitness, and continued good conduct.
· A member of a police force who has deliberately made any false statement or omitted information in connection with his or her appointment may subsequently be liable to misconduct and/or criminal proceedings.
· I confirm a sample of my DNA has been taken in my current force. (PSNI and Scottish forces do not currently take officers' DNA).
· Successful candidates must serve wherever required to do so within the force area and must not purchase a property outside of a 20 mile radius of the station of posting
· The Chief Officer retains the right to reject any application without giving reasons.
Print Name: Signature: via email Date:
Before returning your application form, please check you have completed the following
and indicate (ü):
Have you enclosed 2 Performance Development Reviews / Staff Appraisals?Have you included your force print outs for Complaints and Misconduct Issues, Attendance and Health Record and Awards and Commendations?
Have you remembered to take a photocopy of your completed application form?
This section should be completed and signed by the candidate
CHECKLISTü Section A – Candidate personal details
ü Section B – Competency Questions
ü Section C – Recommendation (x2)
ü Section D – Additional candidate information
I certify that:
The information provided in this application form is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Signature: / Date:
Submissions of this application through e-mail will be taken as confirmation of the declaration.
The Police Service is an equal opportunities employer and is determined to ensure that:
· The workforce reflects the diverse society which it serves and that the working environment is free from any form of harassment, intimidation, bullying and victimisation.
· No job applicant or employee is treated more or less favourably on the grounds of gender, sexual orientation, age, martial status, race, colour, nationality, ethnic or national origins, disability, creed or religion.
· No job applicant or employee is disadvantaged by conditions or requirements which cannot be justified by the requirements of the job.
The information on this form is for monitoring purposes only and will not be made available to those assessing your application. The information supplied will be treated in the strictest confidence and will not affect your application in any way. Completion of this section is voluntary; the information will help us to ensure equality of opportunity.
16-24 / Bisexual / Male / Yes
36-45 / Gay/ Lesbian
Heterosexual / Female / No
46-55 / Prefer not to say
White / Asian or Asian British / Chinese or other
British / Indian / Chinese
Irish / Pakistani / Any other (please specify)
Any other White background / Bangladeshi
Any other Asian background
White and Black Caribbean / Black or Black British
White and Black African / Caribbean
White and Asian / African
Any other Mixed background / Any other Black background
Christian (state denomination if you wish)
Prefer not to say
Other (please state)
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