Katie Donovan

Founder of Equal Pay Negotiations LLC, Equal Pay Innovator

Salary and Career Negotiation Consultant, & Keynote Speaker

"We have to get rid of salary history — it's on every application. All it does is set us up for failure," Katie Donovan

“If the boss talks about your great cookies instead of your great ideas, then your raises and promotions can take a hit,” Katie Donovan

"Then ask (a headhunter) if they could get you the same type of job for higher pay. You become a much better negotiator when you know you have options." Katie Donovan

”Now, if women with agents are getting such bad deals compared to their male colleagues, what are the average workingwomen to expect?” Katie Donova

Contact Information

Katie Donovan, Founder, Equal Pay Negotiations LLC



Massachusetts Pay Equity Legislation filed January 2015

“This bill provides commonsense solutions, each of which is long overdue.” Representative Ellen Story

“This bill makes important changes to help close the wage gap”

Senator Karen Spilka

Miss Donovan’s Innovative Contributions to the Bill

1) Advertisement to recruit candidates for hire or independent contractors to fill a position within the organization include the minimum rate of pay and

2) Prohibits for a current or prospective employer, personally or through an agent, to seek salary history information, including but not limited to compensation and benefits

“I really enjoyed your SWE webinar today. It was like cheesecake, full of rich material and pleasant.” Sheryl C.

"Thanks to your amazingcoaching, I negotiated a salary package15% higher than the initial offer." Anne T.

“It was a really great session, one of the most valuable I’ve ever participated in.” Clayelle W.

“…how this job compared with my other work (I get $45-$65/per hour). So, I calculated my rate … and discovered I was paid $122, $104, $93.6, and $70.20 per hour…. I am a happy camper; thanks for your help.” Paula S.


Katie Donovan is a salary and career negotiation consultant, equal pay innovator, and keynote speaker. Her company Equal Pay Negotiations LLC teacheswomen pay, benefits and career negotiation through online courses, mobile apps, workshops, and personal consulting.

Katie has a 360-degree background in employment that includes working for a staffing firm, an applicant-tracking developer, and a trade association. This background gives her the perspective of income negotiation as part of the hiring process, not a conflict. She also has 20 years experience in negotiating. Her experience enabled her to innovative the elimination of previous pay in the hiring process and requiring job advertisements to include minimum pay as means to close the gender pay gap.

Ms. Donovan speaks and conducts workshops on equal pay, salary negotiations, and career management at such venues as Harvard Business School, NASDAQ, National Association of Women MBAs Conference, Association of American University Women, University of North Carolina, and Mom Corps. She has been interviewed on WGBH’s Greater Boston, HuffPost Live, and NPR’s All Things Considered; and has been quoted by Cosmopolitan, Forbes, US News & World Report, Woman’s Day, Salary.com, The Glass Hammer, and many other media outlets.

Ms. Donovan earned her MBA from McCallum School of Business, Bentley University in Waltham, MA and a BA in Economics from College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, MA. She is a member of the Legislative Taskforce of National Organization for Women (NOW) Mass Chapter, the Steering Committee of 2020 Women on Boards Boston Chapter, the Board of Visitors of Miss Hall’s School, Society of Human Resource Managers (SHRM), American Association of University Women (AAUW), Ellevate, and Boston GLOW.

Katie grew up in Chelsea, MA and has stayed close to her roots, as has her extended family. She loves Boston and its two best sports, Red Sox baseballand politics. When not working on issues about equal pay and salary negotiation, she can be found enjoying Boston and Cape Cod with friends and family, practicing yoga, and baking.


The Sony Hack, Gender Pay Gap, and the Agents’ Role

How to Answer Questions about Previous Salary and Ensure Fair Pay

Salary History: Gender Pay Gap’s Holy Grail

Negotiating Salary When YOU are Replaceable

Salary Negotiation Lessons for Our Daughters (and Ourselves)

Blog Posts @ Equal Pay Negotiations

10 Things to Know Before You TalkSalary

Salary Adjustment vsRaise

The Players in the Game of Salary Negotiations

Negotiating the Nonnegotiable Salary and Benefit Package

Tactic: Silence is Golden When Negotiating

Popular Speaking Topics

“…thank you for thebrilliantpresentation you gave at the HBS conference… Thankgoodness there's smart people like you to open our eyes andprovide us with thoughtful answers for these kind of situations :)” María S.

“The information shared was so informative, well structured, approachable, effective and still delivered with a sense of humor and sass that is so essential to the GLOW brand.” LeahMoschella, FounderBoston Glow

Yes, You Can Say That: Lines to Negotiate $1 Million More in Your Career

People who negotiate their income earn an extra $1Million during their career. They also improve their potential to move into leadership roles. Come to this session and learn how to be one of these people. You will learn the expectations, preparation, and ultimately the language of pay and benefits negotiation. The session will include:

·  Why negotiating your first offer is like the first dance at a wedding

·  Research to do to know the market value of the job

·  When the negotiation truly started

·  Words to continue the negotiation

·  Phrases to overcome management’s objections

·  How to end the negotiation on a good note

10 Things Every Women Should Know before Talking Salary

Pay negotiation is expected by 86% of hiring managers. It is a key element to career management and it is one method each woman can use to minimize her personal gender pay gap. Yet, it is an unknown skill to many. This presentation will show you how pay negotiation is so important with some stories from candidates, hiring managers, and recruiters. Then it is time to learn how.

By the end of the session you will know how to:

·  Research and determine your target salary

·  Discuss your strengths and contributions as they align to your company’s needs

·  Determine whether you need to discuss a raise, salary adjustment, or is it time to look for a new job

Equal Pay Policy Innovations

Sometimes big improvements can occur with the smallest of changes. Katie introduced elimination of salary history and the inclusion of minimum pay in job advertisements to address the gender pay gap in 2011. Massachusetts is the first state to have a Pay Equity Bill with such provisions. Learn how these changes can minimize the gender pay gap and the racial pay gap as well asthe journey taken to get an idea into a potential bill and hopefully as law.

In this session you will learn

·  How pay history hurts compounds and perpetuates the gender pay gap

·  Why including minimum pay in job ads will help close the gender pay gap

·  Creating credibility as a new voice in an long established movement

·  Developing alliances to give your ideas strength

Pay Yourself More: Negotiating for the Women Business Owner & Consultant

Money may not be the reason you started your business but money is the fuel that will keep your business going. Unfortunately, the Gender Pay Gap is not just for employees. We women entrepreneurs pay ourselves less than men about 80 cents to every dollar a man earns. For some it may be a matter of simply paying yourself less. For others it is a matter of keeping enough money in the business to keep it going. Factors at play include the amount of investors, the types of business, the reasons you started your own business, and yes, the ability to negotiate with partners, vendors, and clients. In this session learn about the three elements of negotiation:

·  The market value for your products and services

·  The need the opens wallets from customers and partners

·  The value you and your organization bring to the table

By the end of the session you will know how to talk about your company’s products and services in a manner that speaks to the market, the need, and the value. You will know what to say to the first no from a potential client, vendor, or partner to discover where the win/win for each relationship is.

Negotiating Your Career: Understanding and Communicating The Impact of Your Contributions

Everyone has different career goals yet most will face similar challenges during their career. Moving from the inexperienced new hire at your first job to the in demand professional working the dream jobtakes some negotiating. Negotiating for stretch assignments. Negotiating for resources. Negotiating for acknowledgement. You probably already are doing the work that makes you ready for the next step in your careerbut are you getting your manager’s attention? You need to. Communicating in a manner that speaks to management is a skill that many have not fostered. Often dismissed as “office politics” or “kissing up”, many consider it beneath them. It should not be. Negotiating Your Careerwill teach you a new perspective of and how to implement this critical career management skill.

In this session you will learn to:

·  Understand your impact beyond your department

·  Promote yourself without bragging

·  Grab attention quickly

·  Move you from a should include to have to have

Online Courses

Equal Pay Negotiations Offers three online courses for the three most common employment negotiations:

·  Starting Salary

·  Raise

·  Job Flexibility

By the end of each course, individuals will have developed a personalized script for the negotiation with their boss through a combination of lecture videos and worksheets. Each course is priced at $149.

Earn More Girl, Mobile Application

To eliminate the gender pay gap, women need to aim for the pay men are earning. Unfortunately, all salary research shows the results for both men and women, thus they are lower than your true target pay. Earn More Girl adjusts your current pay to what men are earning and adjusts your target pay to the pay men are earning by using data from the Department of Labor. Discover your personal pay gap and learn the true target salary for your job with Earn More Girl.

Television Interview and Media Coverage

Greater Boston (WGBH): Salary Negotiation Experts Talk National Equal Pay Day (video clip)

Possible Interview Questions

  1. What is a salary and career negotiation consultant and why would a woman need one?
  1. How did you become a salary negotiation consultant?
  1. What are some of the results your clients have achieved by negotiating their salary, benefits, and career?
  1. What else should women negotiate in their job other than pay?
  1. How does negotiation impact the gender pay gap?
  1. Should you still negotiate if the offer meets your financial needs?
  1. What are some of the best tactics to use in negotiations?
  1. What are some of the common mistakes when negotiating salary?
  1. Are women putting their job or job offer at risk if they negotiate the pay and benefits?
  1. Why do you promote salary history as a bias step within the hiring process?
  1. Why do you believe the pay of a job should be included in job postings (advertisements)?
  1. How did you get those provisions included in An Act to Establish Pay Equity filed in Mass on January 16, 2015?
  1. Who is the Equal Pay Coalition?
  1. Does the bill have support in the Mass State House?
  1. How can people in Mass support the bill if they want to see it passed?
  1. Why is equal pay important to businesses and the economy?
  1. What can women do until the time such this or a similar bill is passed into law?
  1. What can companies do?


Email: Phone: +1 781 219-4801

Web: EqualPayNegotiations.com Facebook: /EqualPayNegotiations

Twitter: KDSalaryCoach LinkedIn and Skype: DonovanKatie