Name: P#: Night Vocab Vocab Word Definition Visual Clue
1. Allies / A state formally cooperating with another for a military or other purpose2. Anti-Semitism / Prejudice or discrimination against Jews
3. Auschwitz-Birkenau / Largest of the Nazi concentration camps, located in southwestern Poland.
4. Bergen-Belsen / A concentration camp in Northern Germany
5.Bombardment / A continuous attack with bombs, shells, or other missiles.
6. Kabbalah / the name applied to the whole range of Jewish mystical activity.
7. Deportation / Forced removal of Jews in Nazi-occupied countries
8. Displaced persons (DP’s) / term for the hundreds of thousands of Jewish refugees and millions of
non-Jews uprooted by the devastation of World War II
9. Firmament / Cosmological theories describe the physical structure of the universe.
10. Forced-labor camps / Camps where prisoners were used as slave labor.
11. Genocide / Deliberate, systematic murder of an entire cultural, racial, or religious group
12.Ghetto / part of a city to which Jews were restricted and segregated.
13. Gestapo / the secret police of Nazi Germany, their main tool of oppression and destruction
14. Holocaust / the systematic, bureaucratic, state-sponsored persecution and murder of six million Jews by the Nazi regime and its collaborators.
15. Kaddish / A Jewish prayer recited in the daily ritual of the synagogue
16. Kapo / prisoner who is in charge of a group of inmates in Nazi concentration camps
17. Muselmann / death camp slang word for prisoners on the edge of death who have surrendered to their fate
18. Nazi / The National Socialist German Workers' Party
19. Passover / A Jewish commemorating the Hebrews' liberation from slavery in Egypt
20.Pentecost / the Jewish festival of Shavuoth.
21.Persecution / hostility and ill-treatment, especially because of race or political or religious beliefs
22. Rabbi / A Jew trained and ordained for professional religious leadership, teacher
23. Rosh Hashanah / Jewish New Year celebration
24. Propaganda / information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.
25. SS (Schutzstaffel) / Political police in charge of the concentration and death camps
26. Synagogue / The house of worship and communal center of a Jewish congregation
27. Talmud / the body of Jewish civil and ceremonial law
28. Third Reich / term used to describe the Nazi regime in Germany from 1933 to 1945.
29. Torah / Hebrew Bible
30. Yellow Star of David / Symbol worn on clothing to identify Jews