Gerrards Cross

Parish Council

South Lodge East Common, Gerrards Cross, SL9 7AD

Clerk Mrs D C Hepburn Park 01753 888018

Minutes of the Highways Committee

Meeting held 8.00 pm on Monday 4th November 2013

at South Lodge

Present: / Mr M Lawson, Mr Ian Gordon, Mr J Chhokar Mrs H Orme
Mr C Brown Mr P Grimes, Mr M Shiman, Mr N Moss and Mrs D C Hepburn-Park ( Clerk)
Mr N Holmes (Associate Member)
Wayne Fabian BCC Highways Engineer
1 / Apologies for absence - Mr I Bayliss / Action
2 / Actions were reviewed from the meeting on the 7th October 2013.
All covered in the meeting.
4 / Lighting

Letter from D & T Weidner 23 The Chyne asking to increase the lighting levels in the visitor car parking area.

The Committee have visited and looked at the lighting situation and feel the additional cost is not justified.
LED Solar Lighting Trial
The Council have agreed to permit a trial of this new lamp post on the triangle by the Wildwood Public House. BCC have confirmed that they will be installing it and it will be in position for only 6 months. Date and time of the installation is as yet to be confirmed.
Fulmer Way Lamp Post
There is still concern from some residents of Marsham Lodge that the new LED light does not light the area satisfactorily. Clerk to contact Leigh Electrical and establish if the fact that this is a very old iron lamp post would affect the situation or if there are alternative tops, bulbs of a higher output, or anything else that we could do to resolve the situation.
Flooding on the Windsor Road B416
WF joined the meeting.
PG circulated photos and a brief history of the flooding in the area but did confirm that the gullies did take it away eventually.
WF confirmed that he worked on the area last year and thought he had solved the problem. He had cleared out a soak away that was 10 x 6 metres and about 50 metres deep taking out about 120 tonnes of silt.
He is concerned that the area may be taking water from the motorway but as yet had not established if this is the case. He had checked that all lines going into the bore hole are clear. He is hoping to create another bore hole in the middle of the soak away so it clears faster.
DCHP – Reminded WF that he had promised to supply the Committee with a copy of the Members Update which he produces each week listing all of his actions within Gerrards Cross.
WF confirmed he would ask Cllr Hardy if this was permitted.
M & S Posts
A site meeting has been organised to discuss with Si Khan the incorrect positioning of the new posts on the Packhorse Road . Meeting 10.00am outside M & S Tuesday 12th November 2013. MS offered his apologies.
Railing to be installed outside Post Office and opposite side of the road.
There is confusion on the quote as WF advised that there was an increase in the cost of purchasing the post but the figures did not agree with the original quote.
WF Will try and get a new quote to us by the end of the week.
18 Mill Lane – residents contacted the Parish Council with information about repeated flooding of their property and a copy of their letter to the Chief Executive of BCC.
WF advised that the Highways Authority is not responsible as it is a natural water course in private property.
Mill Lane / Marsham Lane Project
The Parish Office has been trying to make contact with Keith Dolan, BCC, as he has just been allocated this project. As yet he has not returned any calls or e-mails.
CB asked that the area each side of Mill Lane bridge is cut back.
Clerk to organise.
ML asked Clerk to circulate a copy of the Traffic Calming leaflet produced by BCC.
Packhorse Road
CB has set up a Working Party meeting but ML & MS were unable to attend. However, it was agreed to still go ahead. The main topic will be to draft a letter to the Tesco Estates Manager. R Hurn and P Sellars are able to attend.
Speed & Parking Review Working party
The Working Party have met and started work on the problems with speeding down West Common. A letter was circulated to residents in the area and so far there has been a good response in numbers but there is little cohesion in the letters.
The next Working Party meeting is 19th November 2013 at 10.00a.m in the Parish office.
Parking Regulations Training
Steve Kenton BCC Parking Services will be meeting with the Working Party on 20th November 2013 at
White lining
CB In July 2013 Kevin Allen confirmed that the actions agreed after the street light switch off would be carried out. He advised that there are gaps in the white lining between Wapsey Wood and the Bell House hotel. Clerk to contact KA asking for an update on agreed works.
A413 flooding
IG circulated photographs advising that there are two areas which are now flooding and because of the high speed he feels we should escalate this to Transport for Buckinghamshire.
Construction site at rear of Four Lane End, Oxford road.
There have been numerous complaints about the way the Builders are parking on the footpath and blocking the footpath.
Please report all instances that you see to the Parish Office.
5 / Communications
This month the Committee would like to include the following in Facebook and Twitter:
Windsor Road flooding
A413 flooding
Site visit on the 11th with BCC re bollards and railings
Asking builders to be considerate and not park blocking pavements.
6 / Correspondence
7 / Date of next meeting. Monday 2nd December 2013 to follow Planning Committee.
The meeting started at 8.00pm and closed at 9.10pm

