Executive meeting
Held at Starplex, Evanston Sth on 2nd September 2015
Meeting commenced: 19:40
1. Present: John Ellis, Rachel Ford, Linda Harris, David Harris, Kym Hannam, Frank Chessell, Bev Chessell, Danny Somerville, Craig Henderson, Simon Granfield
2. Apologies: Troy Lymn, Steve Blee, Ian Watson
3. Business arising from the Committee meeting of 5th August 2015
Item 3, Signage – John has seen the sign and thinks it looks great but otherwise no progress.
Item 14, First aid room – Minor plumbing still needed to stop a leak in the cupboard.
Item 29, Kitchen tiles – The stainless steel has now been bent and delivered to site. It just needs to be put up.
Item 34, PA system – New microphones have been purchased and worked well when tested. The amplifier still needs to be sorted out. John has a quote for both a single and dual channel amplifier both without pre-amp. Kym felt that a pre-amp was a necessity and will make further enquiries.
Item 36, Asthma training – The training date and venue have been set. Wednesday 23rd September at Southern.
4. Treasurer’s report
See attached.
We have received entry fees for a further 21 entrants in the Masters Games, otherwise it has been a fairly quiet month income wise.
Our next loan repayment is due in a couple of weeks.
Motion: That the treasurer’s report for the month of August be accepted
Moved: Rachel Ford Seconded: David Harris
5. Correspondence in
Email from SA Community – Request to update SA community listing.
Email from SA Trophy & Badge – Trophy catalogue.
Email x 3 from John Monty – Mini Moto racing hire agreement finalisation.
Letter from John Monty – Mini Moto hire agreement.
Email from SmartyHost – Discontinuation of support for PHP 5.2.
Email from Mark Hicks – Request to hire track for Mini Moto racing, October long weekend.
Email x 2 from Ian Williams – Eligibility of non licence holders to enter AMG.
Email from AKA of SA – Reply to Ian Williams email above.
Email from Schubert EO – Active Club Program & Volunteer Support Fund.
Email from Nick Champion MP – Grant update.
Email from AKA of SA – Further reply to Ian Williams email.
Email from AKA of SA – Email to Peter Fritz requesting clarification of use of single event license.
Email from Mini Moto Racing – Advice of approval of race meeting.
Email x 2 from John Monty – Settlement of invoice for race meeting.
Emails numerous related to AMG – Planning, admin, confirmation of dinner attendance.
Email from Nick Champion MP – Grant update – Solar Towns Programme
6. Correspondence out
Email x 4 to John Monty – Mini Moto hire agreement, bank details and invoice.
Email x 2 to AKA of SA – Eligibility of non licence holders to enter AMG.
7. AKA report
Presented by Simon Granfield. See attached.
In addition, Melissa circulated the list of positions that are up for election this year and asked clubs if they had any nominations. Melissa has a possible nomination for the Treasurer position. David made the point that he would like to see the supp regs committee filled with the various competition secretaries as they generally write the supp regs. In this way they would all get a better understanding of how they need to be written.
There was speculation as to whether or not Peter Fritz would continue in the Executive Commissioner role given that he is not standing for GKCSA president again for next year. Against this Danny was asked if he would still be interested in being nominated for the role. He agreed to in the event that Peter does not nominate. (He has since confirmed that Peter will stand again and has withdrawn his nomination).
John asked if anyone knew which track or club would be hosting a round of the AKC next year. Simon will ask at the next SKC and request the state to follow up with KA if needs be.
8. General business
8.1 Australian Masters Games
There were a number of issues to sort regarding the games preparation. We will need tables for the dinner. We’ll source among ourselves. We’ll need some sort of hard surface floor for the marquee. John suggested that we get 5 tonnes of gravel that would suit the traps and use that, then it can be put in the traps afterwards.
David will arrange security for the track for the 2 nights of the event. We’ll also need to book up to 3 rooms for 2 nights for officials at the Vine Inn. David will arrange this also.
The ambulance has been confirmed.
We have about 3 weeks left to promote the event. Simon suggested that we hit the social media particularly Kartbook and Facebook. Rachel has already been pushing the event on Facebook.
As there are likely to be at least a few people who do not have a club membership prior to the event we will offer a club membership for $10 until year end for these people exclusive of a track key.
Simon will attend the last AMG meeting on Wednesday 9th September.
8.2 Mini moto racing
The mini moto racing guys used the track last weekend but the lock for which they have a key had been moved so that it was hanging on the chain rather than a part of the chain. Thanks go to Barry for cutting the chain and giving them access at short notice.
Mark Hicks has asked if they can use the track again for the full weekend of 10th / 11th October. There was a short discussion about the merits or otherwise of this proposal.
Motion: We hire the track to Mini Moto Racing for the weekend of 10th / 11th October for $600 + GST.
Moved: Simon Granfield Seconded: John Ellis
Simon to notify Mark of the club’s decision.
8.3 Special AGM
Normally the special AGM would be held in September but Simon didn’t get a notice out to members early enough advising them of the meeting. As such it will be held in conjunction with the October meeting instead. Rachel will send an email to all members.
8.4 New weigh shed
We need to find out from Michael Yeo if or when we need to go to get the display shed from the show grounds.
8.5 Working bee
We will need to do another pre-race working been prior to the Masters Games event. At a minimum we will need to mow, empty bins, rake traps. Also we need to try and flatten the lumps in the track where we have fungi growing beneath the surface. Simon to bring his compactor for this.
Working bee set for Saturday 26th September from 9am.
8.6 Flowers
Linda thanked the club for the flower arrangement that was sent in remembrance of her granddaughter.
Meeting closed: 21:40