A.Prior to the start of the game, the coaches shall meet at home plate to discuss C.G.S.L. rules and any ground rules for the diamond.

B.A game will consist of 5 innings, if possible.

C.There is a 1 hour and 30 minute time limit on all games. No new inning may begin after this time.

D.There will be one minute to run on and off the field between innings. This is to encourage players to hustle and allow for more playing time.

E.Base coaches shall umpire first and third bases. Pitcher will umpire second and home.

F.A minimum of 8 players are required, the game may be played but is a forfeit.

G.With the exception of the rules listed on this sheet all other IHSA rules apply.


A.The pitching distance shall be 30 feet but the pitcher may move up if felt necessary.

B.The ball will be a 10”.

C.The bases distance will be 55 feet.

D.The catchers must wear gear including a helmet, facemask, throat protector and chest protector. Shin guards are optional. E. Batters boxes are required.

F.Half way lines should be marked between all bases.

G.Batting helmets with face protectors are required.

H.No metal spikes are allowed.


A.All players play in the field. There will be 6 infielders as follows: pitcher, catcher, 1st base, 2nd base 3rd base and shortstop. The rest of the players will play outfield and will be 10ft. behind the base path before each batter.

B.One defensive coach may be in the field to “coach” fielders. An additional coach should back up the catcher after pitches to speed up the game. This coach shall give the ball to the catcher to throw back.

C.Players must play a different position each inning. Player cannot play same position in same game.

D.The infield fly rule does not apply.

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A.10 runs are maximum scored in and inning.

B.All players bat each inning unless the maximum runs have scored or unless four fielding outs have been made. (Strikeouts do not count as fielding outs.)

C.If one team has more players than the other, the team with fewer batters will bat extra players in order so as to have the same number of batters as the larger team. D.Players cannot receive a “base on balls” (walk).

E.The offensive team will provide their own coach to pitch to their own hitters; they will also provide 2 other coaches, on coaching at first and one coaching at third.

F.When a ball is hit into the outfield, the runners may advance until ball is touched by an infielder on a return throw; at that point in time, if the runner is not half way to the base she must return to the previous base.

G.Runners may not advance on an overthrow.

H.No base stealing is allowed. Runners may leave base when the bat hits the ball.

I.No intentional bunting allowed.

J.Six strikes are allowed. If a foul ball occurs on the sixth strike, she will receive another pitch. A caught sixth strike (or foul tip) by catcher is an out. Batters may not advance on a dropped sixth strike.

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