Environmental Science Midterm Study Guide (Chapters 1-6)

The midterm will be 75 multiple choice questions. Below is a guide of all the material covered in Chapters 1-6.

  1. **Define (KNOW THESE WORDS!!!): Environmentalist, Nonrenewable natural resource, Renewable natural resource, Biocentrism, Ecocentrism, Anthropocentrism, ecological footprint, modeling, ethics, climate, weather, aphotic zone, photic zone, benthic zone, biome, brackish, estuary, kelp, positive feedback loop, negative feedback loop, condensation, evaporation, producers, hypoxia, supply, demand, primary succession, secondary succession, resource partitioning, character displacement, predation, parasitic, mutualism, realized niche, herbivory, immigration, emigration, ecosystem, logistic growth, community, sex ratio, habitat,
  2. What is quantitative data? Give an example?
  3. Why is environmental science considered an interdisciplinary field?
  4. What has happened to resource consumption in the last several hundred years?
  5. What is the main difference between a theory and a hypothesis?
  6. What percentage of Earth’s surfaced is covered in water?
  7. Which ecosystems are considered standing freshwater ecosystems?
  8. What are the key characteristics of a bog?
  9. What ocean zone begins at the edge of the continental shelf and then extends outward into deeper water?
  10. Why do shorter trees and plants that make up the understory in tropical rain forests have large, flat leaves?
  11. What is the difference between a deciduous and a coniferous tree?
  12. Why is salinity, depth, and whether the water is flowing or standing used by scientists?
  13. Which zone of an aquatic ecosystem tends to have the highest temperature?
  14. Marshes, swamps, and bogs are examples of .
  15. In which zones do crabs, mussels, anemone, barnacles, and sea stars live?
  16. Why is water often called “the universal solvent”?
  17. Predator prey relationships are an example of what type of feedback loop?
  18. What function does carbon dioxide play in Earth’s atmosphere?
  19. What are some examples of the biogeochemical cycles we discussed in class? (hint: what nutrients are cycled?)
  20. What are some common sources of phosphorus?
  21. During the process of nitrogen fixation, nitrogen gas is converted to .
  22. What are some examples of “ecolabeling”?
  23. What will the producer do when then demand for a product is low?
  24. What is the main difference between primary and secondary succession?
  25. What amount of energy is lost when it is transferred between trophic levels?
  26. When the environment changes too quickly for an organism to adapt, what will occur?
  27. What is the ultimate source of energy in any ecosystem?
  28. In a food web that consists of grass, mice, deer, coyotes, and hawks, which species is likely to have the greatest biomass?
  29. How many mass extinctions have occurred?
  30. In a mass extinction, the rate of extinction exceeds .
  31. Know the five levels of ecological organization and what makes each different than the others.
  32. What is the equation for determining population growth?

I will allow ONE 3x5 notecard to be used on the exam. All other materials are prohibited. This notecard may be front and back and must be hand written. (TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS OPPORTUNITY!).

On test day, please bring a #2 pencil and your notecard. You will not need any other materials.