Clarence High School Chorus

Amy Fetterly, Director


·  A moderate amount of work at the beginning of the school year, plus a small amount of work throughout the year.

·  Required personal attributes: Organizational skills, public speaking abilities.


·  Compile a database of names, emails, phone numbers and voice parts of everyone in Chorale. Share this database with the director and all officers.


·  Take attendance at each and every rehearsal, including dress rehearsals, concerts, and field trips

·  At the end of the week, record lessons in a spreadsheet from the bible.

·  Post the updated lesson spreadsheet on the Chorale bulletin board before leaving on Friday.

·  Post the weekly lesson agenda to Google Docs at the beginning of the year

·  Collect and organize any forms (i.e. field trip permission slips / contract slips etc)

·  Work the the Treble and Mixed Secretaries to create brochures of each ensemble to pass out at Open House and for Chorus Boosters to utilize in first concerts throughout the district.

·  Acquire package of thank you notes and general (blank) note cards (or design your own) to be used throughout the year.

·  Attend and keep accurate minutes of every officers’ meeting.These minutes should be posted by the following morning, with copies given to Director and any officer who requests one.

·  Write any letters pertaining to the department. This would include thank you letters, condolence, congratulations, etc.

·  Accurately fill out and post monthly chorus calendar (including birthdays) before the first of every month. Write members’ names on the rehearsal agenda when it is their birthday.

·  Provide any sign-up sheets, database printouts, etc.

·  Be an example for other members at all times. Get to know all members of the ensemble closely and make welcome those members who are new to the organization.