April 2008 Slane Area Meeting, Council Chamber, Duleek Civic Offices 11.30

Wednesday 16th April, 2008

An Cathoairleach Councillor Pat Boshell presided.

Members Present:Cllr. Jimmy Cudden,

Cllr. Tom Kelly

Cllr. A Dillon Gallagher

Cllr. Eoin Holmes

Officials In Attendance:Bill Sweeney, A/Area Manager,

Jim Colwell, Area Engineer

Teresa Carr. S.O.

Mary Duff. A/Asst. S.O.

Apologies:Tadhg McDonnell, Area Manager

As a mark of respect for President Hillery’s passing away, Mr Bill Sweeneycalled for 5 minutes silence which was maintained by all present.

1.0Confirmation of Minutes

1.1The minutes of the Special Planning meeting held in committee on Wednesday 19th March, 2008 were confirmed on the proposal of Cllr. J Cudden, and seconded by Cllr. Anne Dillon Gallagher.

1.2The minutes of the March Monthly meeting held on Wednesday 19th March were confirmed on the proposal of Cllr A. Dillon Gallagher and seconded by Cllr J. Cudden.

The Members then discussed the role of National politicians vis a vis local Councillors in local issues. The Members expressed the view that Area Councillors should deal with local issues and TDs / Senators with national issues and in particular they drew attention to the attendance in the public gallery of a representative of Deputy Byrne’s. Bill Sweeney explained that there was a protocol whereby the Council briefed TDs / Senatorstwice a year. Members of the public had a statutory right to attend meetings but the Memberscould place restrictions on what was reported from the meeting. At this stage the Cathaoirleach addressed the person in the public gallery and explained that he could not take verbatim notes of the meeting but that he could stay on and observe proceedings like any other member of the public.

2.0Matters raised with the permission of the Cathaoirleach.

The Members raised the following issues:

  • The impact of the impending road closure of Main Street, Duleek on public accessibility to shops and services, particularly the chemists.Will be referred to Infrastructure.
  • Faulty Public Lighting at rear of St. Cianan’s Villas, Duleek, Crook Road, & Laytown to Bettystown road needs replacement.Will be referred to ESB.
  • Completion date of Phase II R150 Kilsharvan to Julianstown. The Area Engineer advised that the road should be finished in 6 /8 weeks.
  • Unauthorised development at Julianstown on the R150. Will be referred to Planning Enforcement.
  • Inadequate sight lines at Colpe Cross on the R132 due to indiscriminate parking of vehicles for sale. Will be referred to Planning Enforcement / Gardai.
  • Update on Cowplots including maps and ownership details. The Members queried whether a cowplot could be purchased and subsequently exchanged for other land. The Area Manager stated that under the L.G. Act 2001all land should be disposed of at market value. He would arrange a report for the May meeting.
  • Lack of signage for the City North Hotel at Stamullen. Will be referred to the NRA.
  • Fire Services. A report would be presented to the Environment SPC and the Full Council later this year.
  • R132. This is now a regional road and the NRA cannot provide funding.
  • Julianstown By-Pass – Noise survey. Members requested a detailed report by E.P.A. for the next area meeting.
  • Footpaths on R150 in Julianstown too narrow. Will be referred to Infrastructure.
  • White lining at Stamullen.The Area Engineer will investigate.
  • A number of lights in Stamullen need to be connected. Will be referred to ESB.
  • Stamullen Cycle Races. Potholes will be repaired prior to race.
  • Ditch collapsed on Moorechurch to Stamullen Rd.The Area Engineer will investigate.
  • Update on submission to NRA on road signage and lining. The Area Engineer will investigate.
  • Foreshore Bye-Laws to incorporate restriction on alcohol consumption.Will be investigated.
  • Indiscriminate dumping at Mill Rd.Will be investigated.
  • Laytown Library. No update to previous report.
  • Insufficient notice of road closure in Donore.Will be referred to Infrastructure.
  • Bridge Survey report. The Area Engineer will investigate.
  • Legal status of the sale of cars on the roadside. The Area Administrator will investigate
  • Road from Ardcath to Heathtown Cross in very bad condition. The Area Engineer will investigate.
  • Road from Ardcath towards Headstown in a very dangerous condition and in particular at Roadstown Quarry. M Farrell spoke to the Quarry owners in relation to using the routes outlined in the planning permission.
  • Foothpaths / road at Narroways in need of repair and there is a bad bend between Woodside and Bettystown Wood. The Area Engineer will investigate.
  • Provision of stepping stones across the water channels that flow onto the beach at Laytown / Bettystown.The Area Engineer will investigate.
  • Provision of a Pedestrian Crossing in Bettystown Square.The Area Engineer will investigate.
  • Impact of Sewage Works on safety at DonorePrimary School. Will be referred to Infrastructure.
  • Appalling state of the Avenue. The Area Engineer will investigate.
  • Coastal erosion at Laytown Pitch & Putt Club. Will be investigated.
  • Proposed traffic calming measures for Duleek. Will be investigated.
  • Playgrounds Update. The Area Engineer said that the Slane site was suitable; the Laytown site was being registered and there was some local opposition to two possible sites on the same plot of ground on the Station Road, Duleek. Cllr Cudden stated that the people of Duleek should decide on the location of the playground and not just a select few. The people in Duleek would get a chance to make a submission when the projects go through the Part 8 process.
  • Landscaping at InseBay, Laytown. Will be referred to Planning Enforcement.
  • Completion date for the LaytownPedestrianBridge.Will revert back.
  • Convening of the Seafield Lands Management Committee. Will revert back.
  • Update on Alverno Remedial Works Scheme. Will be referred to Housing.

3.0Roadworks Programme 2008

The Members received and noted a report on the above. The Area Engineerrequested that the Members agree to one change as follows in the report:

County Road Surface Dressing the L-16011-0 at Lougher be substituted for the L-5611-0 at Roughgrange as the latter road would be used for diversions during the Donore sewer upgrade. The L-5611-0 would be included in the 2009 programme. The Members agreed to this change.

4.0Report on matters raised at the March Meeting.

The Members received a report on the above and raised the following issues:

  • Traffic calming measures at StackallenSchool. Included in this year’s school road safety programme.
  • Provision of a footpath on the L-5617-0at Bellewstown on the opposite side of the road to the school. The Area Engineer stated that this would make the road very narrow and hence more dangerous.
  • Duleek Courthouse. The Members would be updated at the next meeting.
  • Taking in charge. Teresa Carr circulated a list of the estates which the Council propose to take in charge

5.0Update on Quaries:

Jim Colwell updated the Members on the following quarries:

  • Roadstone, Denhamstown,Ardcath.
  • Kilsaran, Bellewstown
  • Keegans, Bellewstown
  • Murphys, Gormanston
  • Knockmooney, Slane

The Members, while acknowledging the Area Engineer’s report, requested that the Council official dealing with quarries attend the May Area Meeting and give a full comprehensive report.

6.0Notice of Question.

6.1Will the Area Manager undertake to prepare, as a matter of urgency, the appropriate technical report to assess whether introducing a weight restriction on the BoyneBridge through Slane is necessary in the interests of public safety. Given that an alternative route exists for heavy traffic can he comment as to the most expedient way of introducing and enforcing such a weight restriction?

Bill Sweeney stated he would follow up on the original report done at the time of the traffic calming measures and revert back to the Members.


Cllr Kelly stated that the overhead signage and the road dividing mats were in need of attention. The Area Engineer will investigate.

7.0Items/Correspondence raised by the Area Manager

Nothing Raised.

8.0To discuss matters in accordance with the recommendations of the Protocol Committee.

Nothing Raised.

The meeting then ended (13.05)

Minutes April ’08 Monthly Meeting Page 1 of 4

Meath County Council, Duleek One Stop Shop, Main Street, Duleek, CountyMeath

Telephone: 041 9880700, Fax: 041 9880139, Email: , web: