First name Last name

Mr. Sanders

Date of your speech

______Hour Speech 205

Note: You are not required to turn in a sentence outline for this speech like you did with Informative. You only need to turn in a detailed word outline with a bibliography page. However, the more information you have, the more likely your speech will be successful, right?

Topic (What you are persuading us to do):


A)  Attention Getting Device: (Quotation / Personal example / Story)

B)  Statement/Definition of the problem: (What exactly are you talking about?)

C)  Gravity of the problem: (If it is taken to the logical extreme what would happen if we did not solve this? Ex: Mass death, end of freedom, etc…)

D)  Scope of the problem: (How many people does the problem effect / how often does this occur?)

E) Thesis Statement (Claim + Because + Reason):

F) Call to action (What you specifically want the audience to do after your speech?) (This may also be your thesis statement. However, it all depends how you word it): “By the end of this speech you must…” or “By the end of this speech I want you to…”

G) Preview: So today we will first talk about the problems of ______, second the causes associated with ______, before finally examining the solutions of ______.

Transition to point 1:

Body (Remember: Your speech structure sub-points might not look exactly like this. However, your speech structure main points will.)

A) Problems – Explain qualitative (How Big) and quantitative (How Bad) this problem is. Remember to end each problem paragraph with an impact statement. An impact statement summarizes exactly what all of the argument made so far means in terms of the end effects it will have. (Ex: “This means that if we stay silent on this issue we are only supporting bullying by not stopping it at the source. Thus, opening the door to invite more bullies who do not fear consequences.”)







Transition to point 2:

B) Causes:







Transition to point 3:

C) Solutions:







Acknowledge Counter Argument: While I recognize that some people think (insert what the opposing side would say about your topic), we have to stand firm in knowing that... (re-state why you are correct over the opposing side).


A) Review Statement:

B) Call to action (What do you want the audience to do after the speech? This might also be your last line depending on how you word it):

C) Memorable last line:



Questions to consider….

  1. Did you remember to underline all cited information on your sentence outline?

·  Example: According to USA Today as of November 22nd, 2011, “80% of Americans do not recycle.”

  1. Did you remember to bold all cited sources on your sentence outline?

·  Example: According to USA Today as of November 22nd, 2011, “80% of Americans do not recycle.”

  1. Do you know the difference between basic and supplementary sources?

·  You need 3 basic sources. You can have an unlimited number of supplementary sources. If you forgot what is basic and what is supplementary, consult your persuasion packet at the bottom of the first page.

  1. Do you know how to do MLA citations?

·  If you go my teacher website and look under the ‘resources’ tab, you can open the “How to do MLA citations” PDF document.

  1. Do you know how you are going to save this file to work on it later?

·  Flash drive? Copy and paste this to your student district g-mail account as a Google document? Save to the SHS server?

  1. Have you thought about your visual aid requirement?

·  PowerPoint? Poster board? Handouts for the class?