Job Aid

Planning and Prioritization – Digging Deeper

How Are Your Time Management Skills?

Identify the number of times each has occurred in the past week and place that number on the line before each item.

____ You forgot about or failed to meet a deadline.

____ You put off returning someone’s phone call, and then forgot you were supposed to call him or her until he or she called a second time.

____ You either forgot about a meeting or appointment, or were late for one.

____ You completed something, then misplaced it and had to do it a second time.

____ You could not find something.

____ You spent so much time socializing that you could not complete the things you wanted to get done.

____ You could not do a task because you were missing information or supplies.

____ Your e-mail inbox had multiple messages from the same person because you did not respond to an earlier message.

____ You were behind returning phone calls or reading your e-mail inbox.

____ You completed a task or job quickly and without the kind of attention you would like to have given it.

____ You took work home to finish that should have been completed during the business day.

____ You did not have time to focus on key tasks; you were caught up in small issues.

____ You procrastinated, putting off tasks that seemed overwhelming.

____ You forgot to do something that your family needed you to do.

____ Your total score

The lower the score, the more efficient you are at managing your time.

Are You Doing Too Much?

Check yourself on these questions to see how overloaded you may be. Rate the statement using the following scale.

(3) Agree (2) Not Sure (1) Disagree

___ 1. I feel totally responsible for group projects.

___ 2. I believe the job is always done best if I do it myself.

___ 3. I am unable to satisfy my family’s needs and requests.

___ 4. I am involved in many things I wish I could get out of.

___ 5. I feel guilty because I cannot devote enough time to some jobs.

___ 6. Any time I join a group, I am assigned a leadership position.

___ 7. I am so busy I do not have time to eat, sleep, or relax.

___ 8. I have trouble deciding what is really important.

___ 9. I hardly ever say “no” when I am asked to do something.

___ 10. I do not want to let anyone down, so I usually agree to help.

____ Total Score

How you did:

24 or more: You are on a collision course with disaster.

23 – 15: You deserve more of yourself than you are getting.

Less than 15: Congratulations! No one controls your life except you.

Planning and Organization Digging Deeper v 1.3 1