IAT courses – pre-course preparation material: submission of assessments

Submission dates and rules

Submission dates for the academic year 2016/17 are:

Term / Interim* / End of term
Autumn / 15th November 2016 / 16th December 2016
Spring / 3rd March
2017 / 24thApril
Summer / 9thJune
2017 / 14thJuly

Important! Please read!

Submission dates are set to allow you to be able to organise your study time, and for your tutor to set aside dedicated marking time to ensure you receive feedback for your work in good time.

We understand that sometimes your workload, or your personal life, can have an adverse effect on your progression through your course, & you will not be able to meet the set deadline.

For times like these, we have provided you with deferral forms. These are included in every unit handbook & also on Moodle, on the ‘course preparation material’ page. These should be completed, in advance of the submission date, signed by your work supervisor & yourself, & returned to your tutor at least 48 hours before the submission date. Only in exception circumstances will a deferral form be accepted ON or AFTER the submission date.

Once a deferral form is submitted, it is up to your tutor to accept or reject your request for deferral. Submission does NOT guarantee acceptance, so it is vital the form reaches your tutor as soon as possible.

If you are unable to attend college on a set exam date, you should also complete a deferral form, as set out above. You must do EVERYTHING you can to ensure you do not book holiday etc on these dates.

*In addition to the main (end of term) submission dates, interim dates have also been added to allow you the option of submitting work earlier in the term.

This option allows you to get feedback midway through the module & so help improve your final submission.

Interim submission dates will be most useful to those online individuals who are not following the ‘fast-track’ option, or those who start a new unit mid-waythrough a term.


Late submission

Work submitted after the published submission date may still be handed in up to 3 weeks after that date without a deferral form. However, this work will be given a maximum grade of a pass. Work submitted after this period without previous agreement of a revised submission date (as agreed on the deferral form), will be returned to the student unmarked & a ‘referred’ grade will be recorded for the unit. The student may submit this work for the next submission date, but it will be treated as a re-submitted piece of work. As such, it can only achieve a maximum of a pass grade. As before, if this piece of work is submitted late, without a deferral form, the unit will have a ‘fail’ grade recorded against it.

Each piece of work may be deferred a maximum of 2 times.


Should a piece of submitted work achieve a pass grade, but you would like to attempt to gain a merit or distinction grade, then you may re-submit your work one time only. There is no guarantee that your resubmission will achieve a higher grade. This must be agreed with your tutor before you attempt your resubmission.

Should you be referred on a piece of work (because you have not met all the pass criteria), you may resubmit your assessment (or resit your exam) one time only. Your resubmission can achieve only a pass grade.

Should your resubmission still not meet the pass criteria, you will be deemed to have failed the unit. Units can be retaken to enable you to complete your qualification, but additional fees are applicable.

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