Angeliki Petropoulou

Associate Professor,

Public and Private Life

in Ancient Greece and Byzantium,

School of Humanities,

Hellenic Open University

23 Sachtouri St.,

262 22, Patras


Tel.: (0030) 210 62 12 053

Fax: (0030) 2610 36 74 27



  • Ancient Greek Religion, Epigraphy

Research Interests:

  • Divine and Heroic Cult, Social Institutions, Comparative Studies


  • Pierce College, Agia Paraskevi, Greece (High School Certificate)
  • University of Athens (B.A. in History and Archaeology)
  • University of Colorado, Boulder (Ph.D. in Classics)
  • American School of Classical Studies at Athens (Associate Member)


  • Studies in Greek Cult and Sacrificial Ritual, University of Colorado, Boulder, 1984 (Ann Arbor Michigan Microfilms, 1985)


  • State Scholarships Foundation (I.K.Y), Athens, 1966-70
  • Janet Ann Weinstein Memorial Graduate Student Scholarship, University of Colorado, Boulder, 1978-79
  • Doctoral Fellowship, University of Colorado, Boulder,1981/82
  • Winifred Cullis Grant Fellowship, International Federation of University Women, Geneva,1982


  • Certificate of Excellence in Research/Creative Work, University of Colorado,

Boulder, 1981 (with monetary award)


  • Publication Division (specialization in German), Greek National Tourism Organisation, Athens, 1973-76
  • Slide Librarian and Teaching Assistant, Department of Classics, University of Colorado, Boulder,1976-79
  • Instructor,Department of Classics, University of Colorado, Boulder, 1982/83
  • Faculty Member, Study in Greece(now Arcadia Center, Athens, 1983-84
  • Secretary of the School, American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 1983-85
  • Assistant, Associate and Senior Researcher, Institute for Greek and Roman Antiquity, National Hellenic Research Foundation, Athens 1985-2003
  • Associate Professor, Hellenic Open University, Patras,

Tutor and Module Coordinator for the undergraduate course “Public and Private Life in Greece I: From Antiquity to Post-Byzantine Times” (Greek Civilization Studies) 2003-

Other course (graduate) taught: “Orthodoxy as Heritage” (Orthodox Theology Studies) 2005-07

Administrative Experience:

  • Course Director, Greek Civilization Studies, Hellenic Open University, Patras, 2003-2005, 2008, 2009-2011

Research Projects:

  • Head, Reinforcement Programme of Human Research Manpower (1996), as part of 3rd Community Programme, Operational Programme “Competitiveness” II, Measure 4.1. Research subject: “TheNotion and Practice of Euthanasia among the Ancient Greeks and other Balkan Peoples: a Comparative Study of the Ritual of Brave and Happy death,” Institute for Greek and Roman Antiquity, National Hellenic ResearchFoundation, Athens
  • Participation in the Amykles Research Project under the direction of Professor Angelos Delivorrias, Director of the Benaki Museum, Athens 2006- (


  • Visiting Scholar at Fondation Hardt, Geneva, 1985
  • Stanley J. Seeger Visiting Research Fellow, Program in Hellenic Studies, Princeton University, 1996
  • Visiting Scholar, Trinity College, Cambridge University, UK, 2009

Guest Lectures:

  • “Xenia and the Epiphany of Asklepios,”College Year in Athens, 1984
  • «Η αυτοθυσία του Ηρακλή και η ινδοευρωπαϊκή πρακτική της αθανασίας με καύση» [=“Herakles’ Self-Sacrifice and the Indo-European Practice of Immortality by Fire”]V Lecture Series «Τελετές Μετάβασης» [=“Rites of Passage”] National Hellenic Research Foundation, Athens, 1996
  • “Herakles’ Self-Sacrifice and the Indo-European Practice of Immortality by Fire,” India International Centre, New Delhi, 2000
  • «Αρχαίες πρακτικές ευθανασίας: η περίπτωση της Κέας και της Μασσαλίας» [=“Ancient Practices of Euthanasia: The Case of Kea and Massalia”] Lecture Series «Ευθανασία: η σημαντική του καλού θανάτου» [=“Euthanasia: the semantics of ‘καλὸς’ θάνατος”] National Hellenic Research Foundation, Athens, 2000

Selected Publications:

  • “The Eparchê Documents and the Early Oracle at Oropus, Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies 22(1981): 39-63
  • “The Thracian Funerary Rites (Hdt. 5.8) and Similar Greek Practices,” Talanta, Proceedings of the Dutch Archaeological Historical Society 18/19 (1986-1987): 29-47
  • “The Sacrifice of Eumaeus Reconsidered,” Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies 28 (1987): 135-49
  • “The Interment of Patroklos (Iliad 23.252-57), American Journal of Philology 109 (1988): 482-95
  • “The Laphrian Holocaust at Patrai and its Celtic Parallel. A Ritual with Indo--European Components?” inJ. Dalfen, G. Petersmann and F. F. Schwartz, Religio graeco-romana,Festschrift für Walter Pötscher, Grazer Beiträge, Supplbd. 5 (1993): 313-34
  • «Αρχαίες πρακτικές ευθανασίας: Κέα και Μασσαλία» [=“Ancient Practices of Euthanasia: the Case of Kea and Massalia”] in Ευθανασία: Η σημαντική του ‘καλού’ θανάτου: [=Euthanasia: the semantics ofκαλὸς θάνατος]:9-29. Athens, 2000. National Hellenic Research Foundation, “Επιστήμης Κοινωνία”: Ειδικές Μορφωτικές Εκδηλώσεις [=“Knowledge Sharing”: Special Educational Lectures]
  • “The death of Masistios and the mourning for his loss (Hdt. 9.20-25.1)” in S. M. R. Darbandi and A. Zournatzi (eds.) Ancient Greece and Ancient Iran: Cross-Cutural Encounters, 1st International Conference, Athens, 11-13 November: 9-30. Athens, 2008. National Hellenic Research Foundation, Cultural Center of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran, and Hellenic National Commission for Unesco
  • «Το λιβάνι και η σμύρνα στη λατρεία της Παφίας Αφροδίτης» [=“Incense and Myrrh in the Cult of Paphian Aphrodite”] Proceedings of the IV International Cyprological Congress, Lefkosia 29 Αpril-3 Μay 2008 (in print)
  • “The Spartan Royal Funeral in Comparative Perspective” in Cavanagh H., Cavanagh W. and Roy, J. (eds.) Honouring the Dead in the Peloponnese, Proceedings of the conference held at Sparta 23-25 April 2009: 583-612.The University of Nottingham, Centre for Spartan and Peloponnesian Studies

University Textbooks:

  • «Οικογενειακοί θεσμοί» [=“Family Institutions”] in Α. Μήλιος, Ν. Μπιργάλιας, Ελ. Παπαευθυμίου and Α. Πετροπούλου, Δημόσιος και Ιδιωτικός Βίος στην Αρχαία Ελλάδα [=Public and Private Life in Ancient Greece]vol. Α, Δημόσιος και Ιδιωτικός Βίος στην Ελλάδα Ι: Από την Αρχαιότητα έως και τα Μεταβυζαντινά Χρόνια [=Public and Private Life in Greece I: From Antiquity to Post-Byzantine Times]: 279-326.Patras, 2000. Hellenic Open University
  • (ed.) Αθήνα και Σπάρτη, Aρχαϊκή-Kλασική περίοδος. Ανθολόγιο, κείμενα από τη σύγχρονη βιβλιογραφία [=Athens and Sparta: The Archaic and Classical Periods. An Anthology. Texts from the Current Bibliography]. Δημόσιος και Ιδιωτικός Βίος στην Ελλάδα Ι [=Public and Private Life in Ancient Greece I], Patras, 2008. Hellenic Open University

Work in progress:

  • Monograph on the identities and cults of Apollo Amyklaios and Hyakinthos for the series «Αμύκλες » [=“Amykles”] of the Amykles Research Project.


  • Associate Fellow, Centre for the Study of Play and Recreation, University of Greenwhich (since 2011)