1.  What was a benefit of building the Suez Canal in Egypt? ______

2.  List four environmental problems in the Middle East. ______

3.  Give three examples of how people in the Middle East have adapted to their environment. ______


4.  Explain what economic interdependence is and give an example. ______

5.  Islam split into two different religions, the Sunni and the Shia. Why? ______

6.  What is anti-Semitism? ______

7.  How did Zionism cause a conflict/problem with the Palestinians? ______

8.  What led the US to invade Iraq in 2003? ______

9.  Why did the US invade Afghanistan in 2001? ______

10.  How has desertification caused famine and poverty in the Sahel? ______

11.  Explain how the literacy rate changes the standard of living. (3 examples) ______


12.  What is the religious symbol of the Ashanti? ______

13.  Define Apartheid in your own words. ______

14.  Why did the Afrikaners make just English and Afrikaners the only two official languages in South Africa? ______


15.  What did that do to education and the literacy rate in South Africa? ______

16.  Why would the Africans want to fight for independence if the Europeans brought so many things to Africa?


17.  The Yangtze River so important because it supplies millions of people with ______, ______, and ______.

18.  The Chinese government decides to go ahead and build the Three Gorges Dam project along the Yangtze River even though it would hurt the ______, destroy ______, and displace people because they desperately needed a reliable source of ______.

19.  If Japan has a limited amount of farmland, how do they feed their large population? ______, ______, and ______

20.  What do the Bible, Quran, and the Vedas all have in common? ______

21.  What do Buddhists believe people need to do to be happy and find peace? ______

22.  What do Buddhist have to do to reach nirvana? ______

23.  Explain who Confucius was: ______

24.  Confucianism teaches about behavior between ______, ______and ______and stresses honor in public as well as within the home.

25.  What are the three most prominent religions in SE Asia today? ______

26.  Chiang Kai-Shek’s role in the Communist Revolution? ______

27.  In the Communist Revolution of 1949 in China, Communists forced the Nationalists out of power. Where did they go? _


28.  What form of government did Mao Zedong establish in China after the Chinese Revolution? ______

Define/Explain the following terms/policies/events:

29.  Communist Revolution: ______

30.  Great Leap Forward: ______

31.  Cultural Revolution: ______

32.  Communes/Collective farms: ______

33.  Why did the US get involved in Korea and Vietnam after WWII? What were we afraid of? ______

34.  What is an “economic tiger?” What has a country done to become one? ______

35.  North Korea has made different choices from S. Korea. While S. Korea has invested in business, what has N. Korea invested in? ______

36.  How do Japanese companies invest in human capital in dealing with their workers? ______


37.  Japan was once a monarch with an Emperor in power. Today it’s considered a because the Emperor ______and the ______rules the legislature, called the ______.

38.  What is Hinduism? What are the beliefs? ______

39.  What is the Ganges River? Why is it important? ______

40.  What types of pollution affect the Ganges River? ______

41.  What is the Asian Brown Cloud? How does it affect the people of India? ______

42.  What is the Green Revolution? How has it helped improved India? ______


43.  What were some ways in which micro-lending helped the standard of living in India? ______


44.  Why did the Muslims request to divide or partition India upon India’s independence? ______


45.  What type of Industry does MOST of India have? ______

46.  After the British left South Asia, the countries were reluctant to follow the western style of economies, thus they followed more of a command/communist type of economy. Without competition, this led to widespread ______, ______, and ______.

47.  Describe how international trade with the US helps boost India’s economy? ______


Define/Explain the following terms/policies/events:

48.  Distribution of Power: Unitary: ______

49.  Distribution of Power: Confederation: ______

50.  Distribution of Power: Federal: ______

51.  Citizen Participation: Autocratic: ______

52.  Citizen Participation: Oligarchic: ______

53.  Citizen Participation: Democratic: ______

54.  Democratic Governments: parliamentary: ______

55.  Democratic Governments: Presidential: ______

56.  Types of Economies: traditional: ______

57.  Types of Economies: command: ______

58.  Types of Economies: market: ______

59.  Types of Trade Barriers: tariffs: ______

60.  Types of Trade Barriers: Quotas: ______

61.  Types of Trade Barriers: embargos ______