West Virginia Veterinary Medical Association Board Meeting

November 12, 2015 6-9pm

Potomac Regional Veterinary Conference, Greenbrier Resort

Roll Call: Dr. Gary Brown, Dr. Jim Taylor, Dr. George Seiler, Dr. Ciril Clark (Distinguished guest), Dr. Scott Moore, Dr. Shawn Sette, Dr. Josh Hunter, Dr. Jim Radcliffe, Dr. Danny Montgomery, Dr. Leslie Elliott, Dr. Alan McNeel, Dr. Holly Kossuth, Dr. Frank Cary, Mrs. Robin Schmitz, Miss Jacquelyn Davis

Dr. Sette called the meeting to order by reciting WVVMA’s Mission Statement.

Dr. Scott Moore made motion to accept the minutes from the June and September meetings. Motion was seconded and passed.

Dr. Clark discussed current happenings at VMRCVM. School continues to have a competitive pool of applicants and students. There are six seats still reserved for WV students. New curriculum starting next year.Integration of courses in a collaborative setting to improve competency. Dr. Clark mentioned what an integral part that WV plays in case contributions to the school and how appreciative they are. He is very happy with the current relationship that VMRCVM has with WV.

Miss Jacquelyn Davis introduced herself as the new Association Coordinator for the WVVMA. She’s from outside Richmond, VA and just graduated with her BS in Public Health from James Madison University in May.

Dr. Shawn Sette discussed the brochures that Robin produced for the drug representatives to hand out to the veterinarians that they visit to promote the WVVMA. He also discussed window decals. The cost is $175 for 300. Jacquelyn has had two companies contact her recently. Vet Matrix specializes in web site design and social media outputs. They want to partner with us as a member benefit (discounts in web design and social media platform outlets). They could become a potential sponsor and exhibitor. They’ll provide a rebate back to the association for members that use their services. The VVMA has proceeded to partner with them and recognizes them as a business partner. The WVVMA is mildly skeptical about endorsing them when we don’t know much about the company.

Dr. Danny Montgomery gave the treasurers report. Corporate sponsorship is up but dues are down. Last year we had a profit of $49,000, this year we have a $19,000 profit. We have $310,000 in assets. We have an increase in expenditures (radio spot, web page maintenance fee, etc.) and slight loss in our winter meeting all leading to the $30,000 decrease in profit. Out of state membership dues are up however. Dr. Holly Kossuth made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report and Dr. Elliott made 2nd motion. Passed.

Foundation report-Dr. Montgomery- $1800 higher this year, covering our scholarships. It was suggested to order new cards with new pictures on them so clients do not always receive the same card. Will continue with auctions to help with Foundation.

AVMA Delegate report-Dr. Holly Kossuth-There is so much happening in the AVMA. Dr. Kossuth recommends all to attend and give her opinions and input so she can bring them to the AVMA. Would like to have 80% of WVVMA members to join the AVMA. Dr. Sette had a question about voting transparency. Voting for an office, i.e. President, is done secretly. But all else has complete transparency. Also, does the Council on Education monitor the accreditation of veterinary technician? Dr. Sette has witnessed the decline in the quality of vet. technicians coming out. Dr. Clark discussed looking closely at the institution your potential certified technician has graduated from because several are not accredited and of poor quality. Dr. Elliott had concerns about the low cost spay neuter clinics masquerading as hospitals; what is the AVMA doing about it? The AVMA Veterinary Economics division is gathering data, but nothing concrete and enforceable at this time.

Committee Reports-

Dr. Josh Hunter-Raw Milk Bill-About commercial sale of raw milk. Will hopefully die in committee.

There will be a 7.5% decrease in the state funding for our students. Currently, we want to keep all 13 seats and each student receives around $21,000. Depending upon the state budget that will be disclosed in April, $21,000 a student receives will decrease by 7-8%. Students that go through WVU receive $3500 from the Davis-Michael Foundation toward their veterinary education.

Any controlled medication, i.e.Tramadol, if dispensed in the clinic must be reported to the state EVERYDAY! Our board is in agreement that we’d like to try to get veterinary exemption. Daily reporting trying to prevent clients from going to several different offices to get the same drugs. The rule is currently on the books like this but has not been enforced. If problems worsen, we may not have a choice.

CE Meeting- Dr. Scott Moore-Winter meeting in Morgantown-OSU providing DVM speakers; the tech portion hasn’t been ironed out yet. There will be 8 hours for technicians. Pre-vet students will be able to come for free. Greenbrier meeting-Keynote speaker Dr. Coto with 8 hours of CE; trying to get radiology and soft tissue. Waiting for Dr. Graham for definitive answer on speakers. Discussed having the Winter meetings in Morgantown partnering with the University. Would be a great location for wet labs and easily accessible for students to meet our state veterinarians and be able to attend meetings. Dr. Seiler can help spearhead the meetings. Ohio State would also like to offer whatever CE they can to help the WV-OSU relationship.

Public Education- Dr. Moore played the radio ad for the board. $4000 expense (Half was paid for by OSU to have their name on the end of the ad). Ad ran for three weeks. Early yet to see how effective the ad was in bringing more clients into offices.

Leadership development- Several positions that need to be filled. Dr. Radcliffe will stay on as Reg. 1 Rep., Dr. Elliott looking for Rep. for Reg. 2, Reg. 4 Dr. Kim Smith, Reg. 6 Dr. Margie Minch. We need to find a President Elect. Dr. Montgomery Treasurer can old serve for 10 consecutive years (he has served for 8 so far). PRVC need 4 WV people to help with setting up PRVC for next year. Have to provide one person for each of the 3 committees-Small animal, Equine and Public Practice. We would need a fourth (chair) if we are holding the meeting in our state. Meetings are done over the phone, email, etc. Do not have to travel.

WVVM Foundation- Dr. Allan McNeel- Need to discuss scholarships. Currently giving 2 scholarships at $500 each. Dr. Sette recommended increasing the scholarship money. Will wait to hear after the Foundation meeting later on today. Dr. Seiler discussed Dr. Rustin Moore pushing to get WV students back into OSU. OSUCVM out of state is around 67K. One proposal to help alleviate the cost is a scholarship program. If we could get a commitment from all former OSUCVM graduates to contribute $500 a year for the next 10 years to give a one time $10,000 Freshman Scholarship if a WV student were to be accepted as an at large student to OSU. Davis Michael Foundation may consider matching the contribution (So a total of $20,000 for the student). This will be totally separate from the 13 guaranteed seats. This is for at large students only. We currently have no contact with WV students at OSU. The concern is how would this effect the current seats that we have and what are the tax implications. Dr. George Seiler will continue to speak with OSU regarding this matter. The board felt that it is worth pursuing.

Veterinary Awareness- Bus trip to Mississippi State scheduled for end of January. Veterinarians welcome to help with interviews. VMRCVM also extends open invitation to boards members for the interview process. Will be taking a bus trip to VMRCVM for their open house. No scheduled bus trips to Lincoln Memorial at this time. Is a great time to meet the students and establish mentorships.

Career Day-About 200 people showed up; Were able to meet and talk with pre-vet students. We donate $2500 to this. Pre-vet association wants to start doing an internship evening for about 2 hours on November 19. We are encouraging them to do it during Career Day.

Student liaison position- Maria Romano will be graduating this year. We would like to have one representative at MSU and at VMRCVM. Rachel Cokely (?) has accepted the position at MSU and will keep us updated on student activities and inquiries. Julia France has accepted the position for Virginia Maryland.

New Business-

New Members Confirmation-Barbara Hoffman, Reagan Rogers and Brittney Winslow. Motion was made to accept new members, seconded by Dr. Josh Hunter.

Increasing the number and levels of membership-Practice deal memberships ( to encourage practice owners to get their associates involved), Stairstep the membership fees (free first year, pay next year, etc.), Discount to first year grads, etc. If we make changes, it will have to be voted on at the next meeting.

Update on the meeting at Lincoln Memorial on the economic issues in Appalachia. Dr. Sette has the book available if anyone want to read it. Dr. Sette and Talia attended. Broke down the number of vets, dogs, cats, horses, etc. Did not, however, poll the true number of animals that would go to a clinic. There are large tracks of land without a veterinarian. And there are several animals going without care, but is it lack of veterinarians or other factors such as economics and distance? But does the state really need more veterinarians? There are many areas in excess of vets and areas devoid of veterinary care.

Update on The WVBVM Policy- No one had any questions.

Amending bylaws was tabled last meeting-We changed last year at the annual meeting who is allowed to vote (active or life members). We did not however include military persons so we changed the persons to all members. We did not get to the area of defining a quorum-who do we include, who is allowed to vote. Having a quorum has been a difficult to achieve at several of the meetings. We will have to come up with different verbiage. We have to have it in place and ready for the vote in April.

Strategic planning-nothing new

Membership drive- Nothing new

Dr. Sette adjourned the meeting. Made motion to adjourn the meeting and was seconded.