Peter Nolan·Mount Austin High School

"There is no excuse for treating women like this."
Apparently women where HAPPY to see men treated like this and also claimed they wanted to be treated as EQUALS.
Women have brought this behavior on themselves. Congratulations!
By the way? It is going to get MUCH worse yet and women deserve EVERY BIT of what is coming.

Reply·Like·Unfollow Post·18 hours ago

Michelle Souza·Top Commenter

I guess the Bill of Rights means nothing to traitors like you.

Reply·Like·13 hours ago

Mark Wharton·Top Commenter · 26 years old

Michelle Souza It means alot. If you think the Bill of Rights should only apply to one sex or you think one sex should get special privileges you are by definition sexist.

Reply·Like·12 hours ago

Peter Nolan·Mount Austin High School

Michelle Souza
"Michelle Souza · I guess the Bill of Rights means nothing to traitors like you."
Telling LIES will get you nowhere except being called a LIAR Michelle. I have actually done more to re-introduce the rule of law to Australia and Ireland than any other one man that I know about. The US is not my concern but the book I wrote will work there too and will free any man who uses it from the tyranny of the guvment.
It is you WOMEN who betrayed US MEN by demanding that the guvment RAISE TAXES primarily on men to create your welfare state. The growth of the welfare state is a caused consequence of women having the vote.
Women should NEVER be given a vote because when they vote they vote for communism in the VAST majority. What you have today in your guvment is exactly what women demanded. Guess you women are not smar...See More

Reply·1·Unlike·12 hours ago

Peter Nolan·Mount Austin High School

Michelle Souza PS...the Bill of Rights is a document of deception. Seems you are not smart enough to know that. I would NEVER claim that it applies to me. I do NOT delegate the claiming of my rights to a document or to other men. You women are not smart enough to figure that out apparently. Most women are so dumb that you think your guvment grants you your rights.

Reply·Like·12 hours ago

Michelle Souza·Top Commenter

Mark Wharton So you only want the Constitution to apply to men then. Check. You'd be happier in Saudi Arabia, don't you think? You'd be able to marry an 8 YO girl and beat her to death for the crimes of all women on earth and no one would blink. You would be really happy there.

Reply·Like·10 hours ago

Peter Nolan·Mount Austin High School

Michelle Souza "Michelle Souza Mark Wharton So you only want the Constitution to apply to men then. Check. You'd be happier in Saudi Arabia"
You brain dead women always like trotting out FEMINIST LIES about Saudi Arabia. Well guess what sweetie?
Islam is FAR more protective and FAR kinder to WOMEN than to MEN. And everyone who has BEEN to Saudi Arabia and taken a look around for themselves KNOWS THIS TO BE TRUE.
So you can stop slandering my Saudi friends any time you like.

Reply·Like·9 hours ago

Michelle Souza·Top Commenter

Peter Nolan You're Not American. it doesn't apply to you.

Reply·Like·5 hours ago

Victoria Ford· 22 years old

Michelle Souza YOu are calling MEN traitors? While YOU WOMEN stood by and did NOTHING, while the fascist government destroyed tens of millions of men's lives through YOUR FEMINIST HATE LAWS?
You are mentally challenged, aren't you Michelle?

Reply·Like·4 hours ago

Michelle Souza·Top Commenter

Victoria Ford You're not a woman, stop charading as one with your fake account you coward. Show your real self while you post crap.

Reply·Like·4 hours ago

Michelle Souza·Top Commenter

Victoria Ford Same language same exact words as the other haters. Are you from the same group in ireland? Probably. Stop using pictures of women in your posts acting as though any woman would use this type of wording. Go complain about YOUR country in your country's forum, not mine. All FOUR of the men hating on women in this thread are from the same "father's rights group" in Ireland.

Reply·Like·4 hours ago

Michelle Souza·Top Commenter

I amend this to say: Peter Nolan and his hate brigade are not American. This is how foreigners feel about us.

Reply·Like·3 hours ago

Peter Nolan·Mount Austin High School

Michelle Souza "Michelle Souza I amend this to say: Peter Nolan and his hate brigade are not American. This is how foreigners feel about us."
Michelle. There are MORE LIES. There is not a single man here that has expressed HATE like you have expressed HATE. The HATE SPEECH is emminating from you and YOUR TYPE so that you can justify hating men.
Men like me are simply pointing this out to the lads.
And by the way. Western engilsh speaking men hold pretty much the exact same feelings as this about UK women, Canadian women, Australian women etc. It is not the nationality it is the disgusting character attributes we object to and we are willing to say so in our own names.

Reply·Like·2 seconds ago

Peter Nolan·Mount Austin High School

These would be the SAME women who called cops into our houses and had them beat the shit out of us and injure us and have us arrested and locked up on false DV allegations.
These would be the SAME women who stole our children, stole our houses, destroyed our businesses and impoverished us in the family courts.
These would be the SAME women that when we asked them to stop abusing us HATED ON US AND LAUGHED AT US AND TOLD US THAT THEY COULD DO WHAT THEY WANT.
These would be the SAME women that when we asked them to help stop the criminals in the police and guvment actually RAN to those same cops and guvment to try and get them to abuse us some more.
Young men. You are HATED by your women. You have been BETRAYED by your women. And now they are asking you to notice how the cops are roughing them up a bit and they want your help.
Well? Do unto others as they have done to you. Tell the women that they have HATED ON MEN for long enough and the price they can pay for that is your indifference.

Reply·3·Unlike·Unfollow Post·18 hours ago

Deborah Conley·Got high and missed it.

Mount Austin High School? God help me, I hope your not a teacher. But if you are maybe they will read your little note.

Reply·Like·18 hours ago

Peter Nolan·Mount Austin High School

Deborah Conley For some reason the comment picked up the high school I went to. I put the CAF site address there for you to look at.
You comment is the typical HATE FILLED comments us men are used to. I happen to be one of the most talented and experienced people in the world in my line of business. You would have found that out if you bothered to type in
I am doing all of this in my own name. Oh, and by the way, I have denounced the entire membership of the Australian and Irish governments as criminals and we are putting them on trial.
Despite the HATRED spewed at me by women AND MEN alike for standing up for my rights I have committed myself to the re-introduction of the rule of law in Ireland and Australia.
Guess what. Only ONE woman is helping me. A grandmother whos daughter will not let her see her grandchild.

Reply·1·Unlike·18 hours ago

Deborah Conley·Got high and missed it.

Peter Nolan At least your not a teacher. Good luck with all your government take overs.Lord help us all if you become Queen.

Reply·Like·16 hours ago

Peter Nolan·Mount Austin High School

Deborah Conley So much HATRED.

Reply·Like·15 hours ago

Michelle Souza·Top Commenter

And the same ones that pay taxes like everyone else for the police to do their jobs.

Reply·Like·14 hours ago

Iskcon Isa Sickchildmolestingcult·Top Commenter

Peter NolanDeborah, go to hell, what have YOU done to help change society? You have done NOTHING, because you are a worthless piece of trash. You are BELOW my contempt!

Reply·Like·14 hours ago

Michelle Souza·Top Commenter

Iskcon Isa Sickchildmolestingcult You're not American. Go be evil somewhere else.

Reply·Like·13 hours ago

Peter Nolan·Mount Austin High School

Michelle Souza
"Michelle Souza · Top Commenter
And the same ones that pay taxes like everyone else for the police to do their jobs."
Women pay the vast MINORITY of taxes and get the VAST MAJORITY of tax spend even when it is CLEARLY BIASED.
In the UK 72% of welfare goes to women. This is, apparently, NOT SEXIST or discriminatory. But when welfare budgets are cut this IS, apparently, sexist and discriminatory because women are more affected than men.
In Ireland child welfare benefits can ONLY be paid to an account that ONLY the mother is the signatory to because, you know, fathers are so hopeless you could not possible rely on them to spend welfare money on children.
Such BLATANT SEXISM is not a problem for women. Well, it IS a problem for young men and they are noticing.

Reply·1·Like·12 hours ago

Peter Nolan·Mount Austin High School

Michelle Souza
"Michelle Souza · Top Commenter
Iskcon Isa Sickchildmolestingcult You're not American. Go be evil somewhere else."
Wow. So stupid and ignorant. How do you manage it?
Iskon is an american man who LEFT america. Perhaps, being so stupid and arrogant, you missed his post where he mentioned this. Men like myself and Iskon are telling young men in places like the US-Australia-UK to LEAVE and go to a place where they know what tyranny looks like and do not want any more of it. He lives in India. I spend most of my time in Germany.

I wrote a book to tell young men how to live free in the femnazi world. Here it is. It is free for any man who wishes it.

Reply·Like·12 hours ago

Iskcon Isa Sickchildmolestingcult·Top Commenter

Peter NolanYes, we young men are noticing how much western women hate men, and we have decided to simply BOYCOTT them. Western women are the most useless pieces of trash on this earth. I warn all young men to NEVER marry a western woman.

Reply·Like·12 hours ago

Michelle Souza·Top Commenter

You aren't American, go to an Ireland board and protest family law there.

Reply·Like·5 hours ago

Victoria Ford· 22 years old

Michelle Souza
Fuck off, Michelle. The level of HATRED that you have towards men is absolutely disgusting. You are an evil monster.

Reply·Like·4 hours ago

Victoria Ford· 22 years old

LOL! Big Strong Independent woman Michelle is such a loser that she BLOCKED ME because she could not handle the TRUTH.
Michelle, GET HELP. You are a sick woman.

Reply·Like·4 hours ago

Lester Ballard·University of Tennessee, Knoxville

Michelle Souza You are a typical american cunt, hateful and full of hubris, bashing other people for their national origins.

Reply·Like·4 hours ago

Peter Nolan·Mount Austin High School

Michelle Souza "Michelle Souza You aren't American, go to an Ireland board and protest family law there."
The same legislation is in force in the US. Sexist legislation like mandatory arrest policies and VAWA abound in the US. false rape allegations abound in the US.
Michelle. When you spread your HATE? You will not long be able to do so with impunity.

Reply·Like·2 seconds ago

Peter Nolan·Mount Austin High School

And here are examples of the HATRED I have had to endure to bring about justice for the crimes my ex committed during divorce.

And here is the PROOF of these crimes.

Cry me a river women are getting beaten up by the SAME cops they have been wielding as their own person thugs and criminals for decades.

Reply·1·Like·Unfollow Post·18 hours ago

Mark Wharton·Top Commenter · 26 years old

I understand that you were hurt and these people that think that only women should be saved from police misconduct are sexist. The answer is not to encourage the abuse of women but to want to get rid of police abuse across the board regardless of sex, race etc.

Reply·Like·12 hours ago

Peter Nolan·Mount Austin High School

Mark Wharton The answer is new courts which is what we are doing. CAF is for new common law courts.

Reply·Like·9 hours ago

Iskcon Isa Sickchildmolestingcult·Top Commenter

Message from Anonymous to American Women:
We, Anonymous, are American men, and we have decided to never marry an American woman. In a nutshell, American women are the most likely to cheat on you, to divorce you, to get fat, to steal half of your money in the divorce courts, don't know how to cook or clean, don't want to have children, etc. Therefore, what intelligent man would want to get involved with American women?
American women are generally immature, selfish, extremely arrogant and self-centered, mentally unstable, irresponsible, and highly unchaste. The behavior of most American women is utterly disgusting, to say the least.
We encourage all American men to NEVER MARRY American women, and date/marry only foreign (non-American) women.
Tens of millions of American men have had their lives completely destroyed by America...See More

Reply·7·Unlike·Follow Post·Saturday at 3:08pm

Shalamee Campbell·Subscribe·Student of Life, teacher, healer and peacemakeratGraceful Living

You need to take a long look in a mirror...your projections is disturbing. There is something in you that needs healing. I am praying for you.

Reply·5·Like·Saturday at 5:03pm

Betsy Singh-Anand·Top Commenter · Works atUndergoing mid-life career change

I have no doubt that there are many women out there who look at men as a means to a financial end. It sounds as though you've met at least one of them. HOWEVER!!! I would really like to know just exactly where to find one of you "upstanding, hard-working, traditional" men who will ALLOW his spouse to stay at home and run that home in a good manner. The men I have met seem to think a spouse should work full-time (and more) outside of the home, AND raise children, keep the house, etc. They want the "stuff" two incomes can purchase ... and they want the house to be maintained as if the wife did not work outside. It's impossible. I missed both of my children's childhoods. You have no idea of the guilt women carry over this, not just me. You have no way to know what it feels like to take that 6 week old baby to the freakin' sitter and leave it. All because the "man" wasn't man enough to be"The Man"! It most certainly was not because I wanted things to be that way! As a matter of fact, I am a very good cook. I am well able to keep a clean and tidy home. I can sew. I can garden AND I know how to can and freeze the produce grown in that garden. I can budget and stick to the budget. And sure enough, I'm fully American, with both sides of my family being here since before the Revolutionary War. Here I am! Where the hell are the real "men"????????

Reply·10·Like·Saturday at 7:41pm

jwoody12382(signed in using yahoo)

Many of us agree with your comment. We couldn't have said it any better. Why are there so many single American women? Keep living the way you do and you will only have yourselves. I think that there is a word for that!

Reply·4·Unlike·Saturday at 9:08pm

Michelle Souza·Top Commenter

jwoody12382 So, you agree a 5 YO CHILD should be ARRESTED for having a library book out? Really? Your hatred of females extends to babies? Get your head right.

Reply·Like·23 hours ago

Aaron Baker·Top Commenter ·Morse Senior High

What I hate is how the hot ones treat you like sheeat in public.
I went on vacation to Asia 5 months ago. What a big difference. I could walk up to any girl and just talk to her. All the girls were friendly. It was so different I felt like a big weight came off of my shoulders.
Yes I had a women call the police on me saying i raped her and to this day I don't even know what she looks like or anything about her. Being handcuffed and stood on the corner in your neighborhood for half an hour being made to look like a criminal is quite humiliating.
I've already got a girl waiting for me in Asia which I will marry.