General PTA Meeting Minutes 12/14/17

At Cozy Lake School

Start time 7pm

Meeting Called to order

Pledge of Allegiance

Attendance : sign in at Binder

Special guest Speaker: Dr. Tierney, Superintendent

President: Heather Racansky

-Color Run: April 22 @ JTMS.. Registration info to come

-babysitting available in the Media Room… Thankyou to the girl Scouts

-Join us after this meeting at the Milton Inn to mingle and chat

Treasurer: Patty Stahl

-Main Account $14,421.35

-Tricky Tray Account $12,529.21

-Believe kids profit $6,818.53

-Jefferson Municipal Alliance $250 grant toward Red Ribbon Week

VP of Volunteers: Devon Del Purgatorio

-Class Reps : working on perks .. no one wanted to be a class rep

-All class reps can go to all the parties

-All class reps get a vlue bag for the TT (only if they are attending)

-Lori Chen concern: have been a class rep for 3 years and getting really frustrating with the lack of

response for the $ needed throughout the year like for the teachers gifts etc.

-Heather Racanski is working on a form letter to be sent home in the beginning of the year to help

with getting money in the beginning of the year instead of through out the year.

-Devon Del Purgatorio: getting phone numbers at back to school night so the reps will be able to text

info to the parents instead of emailing

Spirit Rocks are going in: C you can pay for a day to put your kids name and Birth day or congratulations

ect. On the rock

-Chair person WR: Lisa Patcher

-CL: Christine DeAngelo & Eva Reina

-Kiddiekorp chair person is Christine DeAngelo

-Social Chair on board is still needed: Jennie Cassarie stepped up to be chair

-duties have not completely been defined yet but will be responsible for social nights out etc. to

bring more of the PTA members together in a social way

VP Fundraising: Vicky Reed

-Believe Kids merchandise in and distributed-Fall fundraiser done/ still have some items to be picked up…. Also had non PTA members participate as well.. Awesome

-Laura Connel has the Rocks for the Spirit Rocks

-$10/day Sign up calendar needed/ Principles need to approve where rocks will be placed

-Tricky Tray

-Tickets on sale tonight… Only a few tables left..still need dmall donated bags worth $25

-Any family that donates a complete basket of $50 value or more will be entered to win a special raffle for a 450 gift card. The winner will be selected at the January PTA meeting and does not need to be present to win. Business donations not eligible.

-An Idea: Favorite things need to be donated for a blind bag..something fun

-few tables left / need whole table money for the table to be reserved

-can still buy single seats

VP Programs: Stephanie Cappello

-PE Nights Successful: Mrs. Arias came to see how it ran and may incorporate into cozy and Milton

Mrs. DeBrito: 4th grade concert went well

5th grade Treps night - great job!

-WR School going to see movie “Wonder” being rescheduled due to the delayed opening

-4th gr. Making cookies next Tuesday

-5thgr making ginger bread housed Wednesday the 20th

-Lunch on the 19th still need 3 volunteers for lunch duty to help out due to the concerts and then

those 5thgr parents can stay and be in the front row for the concert

Dr. Tierney: Last Monday BOE meeting

-HS getting a new master schedule/ now rotating block allows HS to maneuver easier

-increased graduating seniors credits to 140 or more

-More info coming from Dr. Tierney on plans moving forward with the district like lap top computers

-Strategic Plan was to have more technology implemented this is all moving toward that goal.

-Improvements are being made on the schools = Look good on the outside of schools increases students moral and over all improves on the inside, ie: the HS Gym revamped and can now possibly be a rental space to bring in revenue

-Implementing 3 new curricula this year= may have a parents night to help with moving this along to teach parents what is being done in the classrooms.

-More info from Dr.Tierney to come !