Carlinville Park District
Special Board Meeting Minutes
Tuesday,May 17, 2016 @7:00 p.m.

Members Present: Larry Smith,Michelle Tiburzi, Dale Chapman, Bob Duckels, Chris Gibbel, James Fosterand Administrator Regie Byots.

Smith called meeting to order at 7:00p.m.

Old Business Discussed: Byots had not heard anything from the City regarding the dam for the pond. Smith called Tim Hassara and Tim had told him nobody had mentioned anything to him. Tiburzi said that it wasn’t true because she had talked to Joe Boatman. She said Joe had spoken with Tim and he told Joe to start whenever and because of the explosion that took place Joe hasn’t been able to do anything. The over flow pipe is plugged and so is the main pipe. Tim said they will blow all of it out and bring in plenty of dirt to fill it in.

CNB Field: Duckels talked with Smith and he felt that in the motion made to approve the field being turf there was never a mention of a time to start the project. Smith emailed an attorney up by Kankakee that he knows through the Elks Corporation asking specific procedure. Duckels feels there was a misunderstanding on what was talked about. He said there was a concern about the dam cost and some reservations about the vote we took because of the potential of the cost of the turf. Smith approached Duckels about doing a revote or if that was even an option. Duckels doesn’t feel that technically we need to do a revote because there wasn’t a starting date mentioned. His statement was whether or not we needed to do a new vote because of budgetary matters that came up after the vote. Time is a consideration since there is budgetary concerns. Insurance was a concern for Tiburzi since nothing was mentioned or looked into on what the cost would be for turfing the field. Smith contacted the owner of the turf company and he has never been approached about the cost of it and that we would need to get the cost from our company. Smith went to the bank again and asked if we borrow $130,000.00 and make our first payment after the taxes come in 2017. That would give us all next summer to raise money for this project. The bank told Smith that wouldn’t be a problem. Smith knows there is animosity out there regarding this project. He remembers when the pool had issues and that the community complained that all the money went to the pool. He feels that the community will be the same way however he feels it is good for the kids and the community to turf the field. Smith asked if we waited a year what the cost would be to turf the field. Prices will be retooled by next season because of the price of material. Smith said there has been remarks in the community that there are people on the CPD Board only for baseball. Duckels said he will never cast a vote for any issue that we ever discuss on the board that I think that the community would be frustrated with it or not. I will base my votes on what I feel is the best for the park district. If someone wants to create a narrative about the board they would be creating one about all of us. He could see an argument that the board members are using commandeering public funds to use for this specific facility that their family members would benefit from. Duckels said he has researched and that our practical and legal considerations were not discussed. Interesting enough was one that was mentioned in an email that Smith received regarding the bidding. The Illinois Codes specifies at minimum we have to put it out for bids because it qualifies as an improvement and is in excess of $25,000.00. We cannot sign a contract without sending out proposal for bids. Any project over $25,000.00 has to be put out for bid. Bids have to be accepted within 14 days of bid closure. We also have to make a public notice in the newspaper that we are accepting the bids. Without regard to anyone’s opinion whether or not it is a good idea to do the project now is we jumped over the bid process, there is another layer of requirements if it is considered a design/build construction project. Not sure if this qualifies as one since it technically isn’t raising the building. He is not certain if a field would count for this or not. If it does qualify as a design/build project then there is a whole list of other things we would have to do. If we don’t follow procedure then people in the community could argue what we have done is invalid. If someone challenges it and it is invalid then we are in breach of contract. This would be a problem that nobody would want to deal with. Another fundamental thing is I don’t actually know that since we don’t own LP that we don’t have the legal authority to vote on this. Do we have the authority to move forward with this project? Duckels didn’t see anything in the code that he could find that specifies within the municipal codes. Duckels wanted to know if we have had any interface with the City. Smith is going to attend the next City Council meeting to speak to them regarding this project. He wants to see if the City will transfer Loveless Park over to us.

Smith said if he goes to the city council meeting and gets something back from them stating they don’t care then what will we do? Duckels said that we will be safe to proceed following proper procedures. It was mentioned to contact IPARKS to see what they suggest. Byots will contact them. Duckels said we would then need to vote if this is an action we are willing to take. The vote that took place legally shouldn’t have happened. We need to take proper procedure before moving forward. We need to analyze and follow steps. Putting it out for bid is first, accepting the bid is 2nd and the move forward with voting on approving the project and proceeding forward. Duckels commented we need to sit down and go over all the factors and then vote on approving a turf field. Gibbel asked what we do with the vote that was taken, Duckels said he considers it to be withdrawn. Smith commented to Duckels he is very valuable to the Park District and we appreciate everything he does for us. There has been no contract signed with us and J&L Strawn Construction so therefore it is not a valid agreement. Smith will contact the company and inform him what we need to do from here on out. Byots wanted to know where we stand with the field from here on out until we know what is going on to make the field playable. Chapman agreed to make the field playable and get use out of it this summer. Tiburzi said there is no way that we can get that field ready without spending $8,000.00 to $10,000.00 by bringing in dirt. The Park District will move forward trying to prepare CNB field as a dirt field to make it playable. CPD will kill the grass and see what they can do to make it playable. Legion Home isn’t safe enough for kids to be playing on so the sooner to get CNB playable the better. Duckels would like a better understanding of all the cost for fields, pool, parks etc. There is a lot of stuff Duckels would want to know the answers to before he votes in favor of the CNB field being turfed. He won’t be able to reach a comfort level of going forward until we know the maintenance and safety level of all parks and pool. Byots and Duckels are going to contact outside individuals to participate on a special committee for the development for CNB field.

Tiburzi wants to invite Jacob Hainsfurther to engage in donation of the funds for a fence. The Park District voted to tear the current damaged wall down that is a memorable for Dusty Hainsfurther so Tiburzi thought we should approach Hainsfurther about donating a new wall.

Smith asked if everyone was happy with the outcome of the Special Meeting and everyone agreed. We will proceed forward with proper procedure for pursuing the turf field for CNB.

Next CPD meeting is scheduled for Thursday, June 9 at 8:00 p.m.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:21p.m. with a motion from Tiburzi and 2nd by Gibbel.