Colorado USAG Xcel League


June 5, 2015

Date: Friday, June 5, 2015

Location: Peak

Time: 6:00 pm

Advisors In attendance:

Cheryl Baits (Executive Director)

Trevor Campbell (Assistant Director)

Amanda Webb (Communications Advisor)

Mike Flower (Financial Advisor)


2015 Season Recap

  1. Growth of program (reported by Trevor)- 1,500 athletes this season- 4th largest league in the nation. There was discussion regarding the challenges of hosting large meets and having large teams. Some research will take place with both Pennsylvania and Michigan to see how they handle a large program in their states.
  1. State Meets- All three State meet hosts provided input on what is working well and areas needing improvement. Emphasis was placed on the importance of getting rosters and payment in on time and reporting accurate numbers when questionnaires were sent out.With the inaccuracy of numbers, excess medals were purchased by the host teams. A survey question will be distributed asking whether the Xcel program should buy those medals back and maintain an inventory for use in the subsequent year.
  1. Financials (reported by Mike)-Mike presented a “life-to-date” report on financial results through May 2015. A copy of the report is attached. He indicated that, after payment of outstanding bills, the program has $1.360 of available funds and 43 members in good standing.

Membership approved an honorarium in the amount of $150 to Jim Tarnowski for his work administering the web site and consolidating meet scores for the season for use in the state meets. This leaves an available balance of $1,210.

See attached Financial Report.

2016 Season

  1. Xcel State Clinic will be at held at DU on Sunday, January 3, 2016. Please keep your eyes out for details later in the year.
  1. Discussion took place in regards to changing Gold, Platinum and Diamond season to move up to January or February start and having the state meets for those levels in early May. The reason for the change was to align the State meets with the desired Xcel regional Meet in late May or early June. This will be put to a vote through our survey once parameters have been established at the Regional meeting. It was also discussed that Silver and Bronze season would remain on the current calendar of March- June.
  1. Further discussion on State Meets determined that there probably needs to be four separate State meets in 2016. Input will be requested from membership through a survey.
  1. At this time we do not have concrete information on where and when the 2016 Xcel Regional/All Star Meet. We will communicate details as we receive them.

Open Discussion

There was open discussion around several topics including the 2016 competition calendar, awarding of regular meets and the 2016 state meets. The Committee encourages everyone to send in any ideas, concerns or questions to be addressed for the 2016 season to Amanda Webb at no later than June 26, 2015. Relevant items will be added to the survey.

Committee Nominations

If you or someone you know is interested in running for a subcommittee position (you may nominate yourself), please email your nominations to Amanda Webb at no later than June 26, 2015.

Positions that are up for election are:

Assistant Director

Financial Advisor

Communications Advisor


Amanda Webb Wretschko| Gymnastics Director |Team Coach
399 Dad Clark Drive | Highlands Ranch, CO | 80126
Voicemail:303.382.8036| Main:303.797.8082