Tuesday, January 4, 2011
7:00 p.m.
Springfield City Hall
170 North 3rd Street
(A copy of the Nebraska Open Meeting Laws
is posted in the entry to the meeting room.)
· Announcement on Open Meetings Act
· Roll call
1. Approve Minutes of the December 16, 2010 Special Council Meeting
2. Approve Minutes of the December 21, 2010 Council Meeting
3. Approve Treasurer’s Report
4. Approve Claims and Payroll
5. Department Reports
6. Lt. Russ Zeeb with the Sarpy County Sheriff’s Department will provide a monthly service report
7. Review and approve final designs for Springfield Downtown Improvements Project; authorize notice to bid
8. Approve the Certificate of Compliance for Maintenance Agreement No. 126 for roadway surface maintenance completed by the Nebraska Department of Roads
9. Approve Invoice No. 150888 from Olsson Associates in the amount of $244.16 for professional services rendered from November 7, 2010, through December 4, 2010, for work completed on Springfield Trail Phase 3
10. Tabled December 21. Consider a request from AT&T to participate in a Lease Optimization Program, which would lower the city’s rental income from AT&T in exchange for long term rent guarantees
11. Tabled December 21. Consider changes to Community Building rental fees
12. Consider purchasing a PA system for the City Hall meeting room
13. Consider City Hall bathroom remodel in order to meet ADA requirements
14. Tabled December 21. Discuss implementing a working maintenance manager position
15. Consider a $1.00/hour increase for Louie Post for obtaining a Class II Wastewater Operator License
16. Executive Session
17. Executive Session Action
18. Motion to Adjourn
The Mayor and City Council reserve the right to adjourn into executive session per Section 84-1410 of the Nebraska Revised Statutes.
A regular meeting of the Mayor and Council of the City of Springfield, Nebraska was held at 7:00 o’clock p.m. at City Hall on January 4, 2011. Present were Mayor Mike Dill; Council Members: Eric Hayes, Dan Craney, Chad Nolte. Absent: John Bartels. Notice of this meeting was given in advance by posting in three public places, one of the designated methods of giving notice. Notice of this meeting was given in advance to the Mayor and all Council Members and a copy of their receipt of notice is attached to these Minutes. Availability of the agenda was communicated in the advance notice and in the notice to the Mayor and Council of this meeting. All proceedings hereafter shown were taken while the convened meeting was open to the public. The Mayor publicly stated to all in attendance that a current copy of the Nebraska Open Meetings Act was available for review and indicated the location of such copy posted in the room where the meeting was being held.
Agenda Item 1. Motion by Nolte, seconded by Hayes, to approve the Minutes of the December 16, 2010, special Council Meeting. AYES: Hayes, Craney, Nolte. NAYS: None.
Agenda Item 2. Motion by Nolte, seconded by Hayes, to approve the Minutes of the December 21, 2010, regular Council meeting. AYES: Hayes, Craney, Nolte. NAYS: None.
The City Clerk reported a balance on hand of $711,231.14 in cash assets; Prestige Treasury - $202,915.96; Prestige Keno Lottery - $134,279.96; Prestige Keno Progressive Jackpot - $50,037.81; Water Deposit Savings - $4,165.32; Refundable Deposits Savings - $1,213.43; Water Tower Savings - $93,654.76; Prestige Bond - $371,084.26; Sewer Restricted - $57,901.05; Money Market Library Bricks - $7,980.44; Government Securities – $190,311.02; Time Certificates as follows: Bond - $75,111.03; Tower - $56,023.67; Water - $121,663.14; Park - $11,789.90; Library Bricks - $20,784.07.
Agenda Item 3. Motion by Nolte, seconded by Hayes, to accept the Treasurer’s Report. AYES: Hayes, Craney, Nolte. NAYS: None.
Agenda Item 4. Motion by Nolte, seconded by Hayes, to approve claims due and payable as presented. AYES: Hayes, Craney, Nolte. NAYS: None.
Check # / Account ID / Line Description / Debit Amount / NameGeneral
31016 / 8130-10-10 / R&M Bldg / 119.75 / Blankman Services
31022 / 7240-10-10 / Mileage / 61.60 / Colleen Keleher
30988 / 6080-10 / Insurance / 47.75 / Delta Dental
31032 / 7030-10-10 / Prof Svcs-Planning / 247.50 / JEO Consulting Group
31034 / 8030-10-10 / Supplies / 15.96 / Louisville Hardware
31042 / 7045-10-10 / Prof Svcs-Tech Support / 300.00 / Nebraska Community Websites
31043 / 7045-10-10 / Prof Svcs-Tech Support / 135.00 / Network Needs
31066 / 7330-10-10 / Telephone / 96.80 / NT&T
31047 / 7250-10-10 / Publication Costs / 183.15 / Omaha World Herald
31048 / 7310-10-10 / Electricity / 577.16 / OPPD
31051 / 7025-10-10 / Prof Svcs-CPA / 11,800.00 / Ric Ortmeier, CPA
31052 / 7046-10-10 / Prof Svcs-Bldg Inspector / 11.75 / Sarpy County Building Inspector
31053 / 7040-10-10 / Prof Svcs-Other / 154.22 / Sarpy County Election Commissioner
31054 / 7060-10-10 / Animal Control / 335.54 / Sarpy County Fiscal Administrator
31055 / 7050-10-10 / Law Contract / 6,608.00 / Sarpy County Treasurer
31056 / 7020-10-10 / Prof Svcs-Legal / 1,225.00 / Seidler & Seidler
31057 / 7200-10-10 / Dues / 25.00 / Springfield State Bank
30989 / 6080-10-10 / Insurance / 433.51 / Time Insurance
31058 / 8140-10-10 / R&M Equip / 153.97 / US Bank
31059 / 7280-10-10 / Laundry / 51.80 / Walkers Uniform Rental
Total / 22,583.46
31020 / 7455-20-10 / IP Address / 9.99 / Charter Communications
30988 / 6080-20-10 / Insurance / 23.40 / Delta Dental
31035 / 7480-20-10 / Janitorial / 140.00 / Marcie Schmieder
31039 / 7320-20-10 / Natural Gas / 124.73 / MUD
31066 / 7330-20-10 / Telephone / 30.54 / NT&T
31048 / 7310-20-10 / Electricity / 187.42 / OPPD
30989 / 6080-20-10 / Insurance / 593.04 / Time Insurance
Total / 1,109.12
Library Restricted
31012 / 8070-21-10 / Lib Supplies / 76.00 / AccuCut
31013 / 8060-21-10 / Books / 145.11 / Amazon
31014 / 7260-21-10 / Printing / 149.20 / ASI-Modulex
31017 / 8070-21-10 / Lib Supplies / 63.82 / Brodart Company
31021 / 8060-21-10 / Books / 15.96 / Children's BOMC
31023 / 8075-21-10 / Program Fees / 25.00 / Connie Manzer
31026 / 8060-21-10 / Videos / 44.31 / Diverse Media
31027 / 8060-21-10 / Books / 20.81 / Doubleday Book Club
31044 / 8070-21-10 / Lib Supplies / 51.43 / Nobbies
31028 / 8060-21-10 / Books / 108.04 / Thomson Gale
Total / 699.68
31010 / 9106-30-10 / Springfield Trail Phase 3 / 244.16 / Olsson Associates
31048 / 7310-30-10 / Electricity / 138.22 / OPPD
31049 / 7340-30-10 / Waste Disposal / 49.30 / Papillion Sanitation
Total / 431.68
Community Building
31034 / 8030-40-10 / Supplies / 17.49 / Louisville Hardware
31039 / 7320-40-10 / Natural Gas / 353.81 / MUD
31046 / 8130-40-10 / R&M Bldg / 199.80 / Omaha Neon Sign Company
31048 / 7310-40-10 / Electricity / 117.76 / OPPD
31049 / 7340-40-10 / Waste Disposal / 49.30 / Papillion Sanitation
31059 / 7280-40-10 / Laundry / 57.40 / Walkers Uniform Rental
Total / 795.56
30988 / 6080-50-20 / Insurance / 93.37 / Delta Dental
31065 / 8120-50-20 / Fuel / 139.58 / Fleet Services/Sinclair
31030 / 7430-50-20 / Digger's Hotline / 20.80 / Great Plains One-Call Service
31034 / 8030-50-20 / Supplies / 10.23 / Louisville Hardware
31038 / 7420-50-20 / Testing / 87.21 / Midwest Laboratories
31040 / 9042-50-20 / Meter Upgrades / 2,581.75 / Municipal Supply
31041 / 7420-50-20 / Testing / 27.00 / NE Public Health Environmental Lab
31066 / 7330-50-20 / Telephone / 137.85 / NT&T
31048 / 7310-50-20 / Electricity / 1,100.26 / OPPD
30989 / 6080-50-20 / Insurance / 1,999.38 / Time Insurance
31059 / 7290-50-20 / Uniform Allowance / 38.40 / Walkers Uniform Rental
Total / 6,235.83
31011 / 8140-60-30 / R&M Equip / 200.00 / A&M Pumping Service
31063 / 8120-60-30 / Fuel / 75.00 / Casey's General Store
31019 / 8140-60-30 / R&M Equip / 1,123.00 / CCR Auto Body
30988 / 6080-60-30 / Insurance / 71.63 / Delta Dental
31061 / 8140-60-30 / R&M Equip / 127.50 / Hayes Plumbing
31034 / 8030-60-30 / Supplies / 5.99 / Louisville Hardware
31038 / 7420-60-30 / Testing / 59.59 / Midwest Laboratories
31066 / 7330-60-30 / Telephone / 50.52 / NT&T
31048 / 7310-60-30 / Electricity / 2,007.62 / OPPD
31050 / 8140-60-30 / R&M Equip / 10.14 / Precision Industries
30989 / 6080-60-30 / Insurance / 2,122.32 / Time Insurance
31059 / 7290-60-30 / Uniform Allowance / 38.40 / Walkers Uniform Rental
Total / 5,891.71
31015 / 8030-70-40 / Supplies / 159.80 / Big State Industrial Supply
31018 / 8130-70-40 / R&M Bldg / 294.00 / Carl Jarl Locksmiths
31063 / 8120-70-40 / Fuel / 311.79 / Casey's General Store
31024 / 8140-70-40 / R&M Equip / 69.81 / Cross Dillon Tire
31025 / 8140-70-40 / R&M Equip / 280.00 / D&D Communications
30988 / 6080-70-40 / Insurance / 47.75 / Delta Dental
31031 / 9040-70-40 / Tools & Misc Equip / 995.00 / Hotsy Equipment
31045 / 8030-70-40 / Supplies / 287.17 / HSBC Business Solutions
31032 / 7010-70-40 / Prof Svcs-Engineer / 3,000.00 / JEO Consulting Group
31033 / 9077-70-40 / Street Paving Project / 7,328.00 / JEO Consulting Group
31034 / 8030-70-40 / Supplies / 26.97 / Louisville Hardware
31034 / 8130-70-40 / R&M Bldg / 328.30 / Louisville Hardware
31036 / 7270-70-40 / Insurance / 11.00 / Marcotte Insurance Agency
31037 / 8130-70-40 / R&M Bldg / 131.14 / Menards
31039 / 7320-70-40 / Natural Gas / 540.58 / MUD
31064 / 9077-70-40 / Street Paving Project / 225.00 / NE Health & Human Services
31066 / 7330-70-40 / Telephone / 45.18 / NT&T
31048 / 7310-70-40 / Electricity / 3,463.97 / OPPD
31049 / 7340-70-40 / Waste Disposal / 49.30 / Papillion Sanitation
30989 / 6080-70-40 / Insurance / 740.28 / Time Insurance
31059 / 7290-70-40 / Uniform Allowance / 38.40 / Walkers Uniform Rental
31060 / 8100-70-40 / Sand / 1,697.13 / Westover Rock & Sand
Total / 20,070.57
Payroll / 23,863.36
Agenda Item 5. No Department Report from Hayes. No Department Report from Craney. Nolte reported that employees have been painting and organizing the new maintenance shop. He also reported that the street department ordered new street signs and ball park signs which will be put up in the spring. Nolte noted that he is also working on obtaining bids for shelving in the shop and to repair the roof at City Hall. Mayor Dill reported that he and the City Clerk attended the January United Cities of Sarpy County meeting.
Agenda Item 6. Council reviewed the Sarpy County Sheriff’s Department monthly service report. Lt. Russ Zeeb was unable to attend the meeting.
Agenda Item 7. Tylor Bottorff, Project Engineer with JEO Consulting Group, reviewed the final design plans for the Springfield Downtown Improvements Project. Bottorff reviewed lighting options provided by OPPD. He informed the Council that if the city selected a decorative pole from OPPD that the city would be charged a usage fee on the monthly bill and that OPPD would be responsible for pole maintenance. However, he reported that OPPD does not offer decorative poles that are capable of hanging banners or holiday decorations on them or that have electrical outlets on them to plug in decorations. If the city were interested in a light pole that offered these options, the city would need to purchase poles from a separate company. The city would then be required to maintain the poles. Bottorff noted that if OPPD does not install their own poles the city would also be responsible for running the conduit for the new poles, which would cost an additional $15,000 - $20,000. He also estimated light poles purchased from another company to cost approximately $3,000 each. Council requested JEO obtain additional information concerning the light poles. Bottorff also reviewed ADA ramps, railing selections and placement, and concrete staining sealant. Motion by Nolte, seconded by Hayes, to issue a check to the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services for the plan review fee and to authorize JEO Consulting Group to submit the final designs of the Springfield Downtown Improvements Project to the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services for review and approval. AYES: Hayes, Craney, Nolte. NAYS: None.
Agenda Item 8. Council discussed terms of the maintenance agreement with the Nebraska Department of Roads and inquired as to which party was responsible for median maintenance. Council requested that a representative of the Nebraska Department of Roads attend the next Council meeting. Motion by Nolte, seconded by Craney, to approve the Certificate of Compliance for Maintenance Agreement No. 126 for roadway surface maintenance completed by the Nebraska Department of Roads. AYES: Hayes, Craney, Nolte. NAYS: None.
Agenda Item 9. Motion by Hayes, seconded by Craney, to approve Invoice No. 150888 from Olsson Associates in the amount of $244.16 for professional services rendered from November 7, 2010, through December 4, 2010, for work completed on Springfield Trail Phase 3. AYES: Hayes, Craney, Nolte. NAYS: None.
Agenda Item 10. Bill Seidler, City Attorney, reviewed the contract terms, rental amounts and termination procedures specified in the original Option and Lease Agreement between the city and New Cingular Wireless, now known as AT&T. Council reviewed the two Lease Optimization Program options submitted by Black Dot Wireless, on behalf of AT&T. Motion by Hayes, seconded by Nolte, to direct the City Clerk to send a letter to Black Dot Wireless, on behalf of AT&T, stating that the city is not interested in participating in either Lease Optimization Program option and that the contract will remain the same. AYES: Hayes, Craney, Nolte. NAYS: None.