Intel® Teach Program
Essentials Course
Unit Plan Template
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Unit AuthorFirst and Last Name / Jean Ann Chisum
School District / Uvalde CISD
School Name / Dalton ECC
School City, State / Uvalde, Texas
Unit Overview
Unit Title
Roll With the Changes
Unit Summary
In this unit students will discuss and discover how things change. Focus will be on personal changes but we will also cover how an animal such as a puppy or kitten, insects (butterfly), amphibians (frogs), and plants change.
Subject Area
Grade Level
Approximate Time Needed
3 hours a week for 6 weeks
Unit Foundation
Targeted Content Standards and Benchmarks
(5) Science concepts. The student knows that organisms, objects, and events have properties and patterns. The student is expected to:
(A) describe properties of objects and characteristics of organisms;
(B) observe and identify patterns including seasons, growth, and day and night and predict what happens next; and
(C) Recognize and copy patterns seen in charts and graphs.
(K.13) Underlying processes and mathematical tools. The student applies Kindergarten mathematics to solve problems connected to everyday experiences and activities in and outside of school.
The student is expected to:
(A) identify mathematics in everyday situations;
(B) solve problems with guidance that incorporates the processes of understanding the problem, making a plan, carrying out the plan, and evaluating the solution for reasonableness;
(C) select or develop an appropriate problem-solving strategy including drawing a picture, looking for a pattern, systematic guessing and checking, or acting it out in order to solve a problem
(K.11) Measurement. The student uses time to describe, compare, and order events and situations.
The student is expected to:
(B) sequence events (up to three)
Language Arts
(15) Writing/composition. The student composes original texts. The student is expected to:
(E)Generate ideas before writing on assigned tasks (K-1); and
(F) Use available technology to compose text (K-3).
Student Objectives/Learning Outcomes
Students will gather, analyze, and document changes in themselves and nature and make connections between how they change and grow and changes in nature. Students will recognize the pattern in growth and understand that everything grows and changes.
Curriculum-Framing Questions
Essential Question / What changes do you see?
Unit Questions / Why do living things change? How do living things change?
Content Questions / What is metamorphosis? Does every living thing go through metamorphosis? Name something that goes through metamorphosis? How do you change if you don’t go through metamorphosis?
Assessment Plan
Assessment Timeline
Before project work begins / Students work on projects and complete tasks / After project work is completed
· Map things that grow (sample)
· KWL chart on changes things go through as they grow
· Venn compare how two or three different living things grow / · Growth sequencing
· Blog responses / · Students will self assess using the checklist
· Teacher will monitor progress using anecdotal notes / · Students will journal what they have been doing/learning in our class blog / · Each student will create a page on our class wiki about changing as we grow
· Rubric
· Peer assessments / · Completed KWL chart
Assessment Summary
I will assess students’ prior knowledge during class discussions and the creation of the concept map – Things that Grow. Assessment will also come from student participation in weekly blogs. Students will participate in both self-assessments and peer assessments and will follow a rubric for the creation of their final product on the class wiki. Final unit mastery/non mastery will be determined by teacher anecdotal notes, self and peer assessments, and following the rubric for the final product.
Unit Details
Prerequisite Skills
Background knowledge of how things grow and change. Ability to find and maneuver a website. Ability to type simple messages. Students will also need to be able to follow a simple rubric.
Instructional Procedures
Week 1 Watch Me Grow
Literature I Love You Forever Robert Munsch, The Giving Tree Shel Silverstein, Grow Up Nina Laden, The Skeleton Inside You Philip Balestrine
Day 1
Introduce the concept of changes. Discuss things that change and use interactive writing to create a map of things that change.
Day 2
Review the concept map that was previously created. Read I Love You Forever by Robert Munch. Discuss the changes that occurred in the story.
Day 3
Using pictures from the story have students sequence the boy’s life and discuss how we all grow from infancy to adult. This could be set up as PowerPoint slides and students could work in groups to drag and drop slides into the right order.
Day 4
During writer’s workshop students will draw a picture and write 1 thing they’ve learned about human growth.
Day 5
Use shared writing to create a KWL chart about how things change as they grow
Week 2 Butterflies
Literature From Caterpillar to Butterfly Deborah Heiligman, Where Butterflies Grow Joanne Ryder, Very Hungry Caterpillar Eric Carle
Day 1
Review the concept map that was previously created and open class discussion on what students know about butterflies. Open the blog on butterflies for student comment.
Day 2
Read one of the literature selections for butterflies and add to the class KWL using shared writing. Have students continue to comment on the butterfly blog.
Day 3
Watch the time lapse video of how a caterpillar grows and changes into a butterfly. Students will complete the sequencing activity on the life cycle of a butterfly. Make sure all students have commented on the butterfly blog.
Day 4
During writer’s workshop have students draw and write what they’ve learned about how butterflies change as they grow.
Day 5
Use interactive/shared writing to create a T chart to compare how humans and butterflies change.
Week 3 Frogs
Literature From Tadpole to Frog Wendy Pfeffer, Jump Frog Jump Robert Kalan, From Tadpole to Frog Sally Hewill, The Mysterious Tadpole Steven Kellogg, Tadpole Rex Kurt Cyrus
Day 1
Read Jump Frog Jump by Robert Kalan. Have students pair share one thing they know about frogs. Each student pair should determine if what they shared is true or make believe. Questions or arguments may be given to another group or the teacher. Students should post one comment to the class blog sometime this week.
Day 2
Read From Tadpole to Frog. As a class, use the document camera to sequence the stages of frog growth.
Day 3
Watch The Caterpillar and the Polliwog from and begin a discussion about how butterfly and frog changes are similar/different.
Day 4
Use shared writing to create a Venn Diagram from our discussion yesterday about butterfly and frog changes.
Day 5
During writer’s workshop have students document what they know about how frogs grow.
Week 4 Animals
Literature Wild Baby Animals Karen Wallace, Puppy Angela Royston, Chick Angela Royston
Day 1
Look back at the concept map from week 1. This week we will be discussing how animals grow. Read Wild Baby Animals by Karen Wallace. Are the changes animals go through as they grow most like humans, butterflies, or frogs? Have students vote by placing an animal cut out in the box labeled with the one they think it is most like, human, butterfly, or frog.
Day 2
Discuss our voting results from yesterday. Make sure each child posts on the class blog at some point during the week.
Day 3
Read Puppy by Angela Royston. Have a class discussion on how puppies change as they grow. Break students into groups to work on drawing/labeling the stages that puppies go through as they grow.
Day 4
Continue group work from yesterday and then have groups share their work with the class.
Day 5
During writer’s workshop have students write what they’ve learned about how puppies grow.
Week 5 Plants
Literature From Seed to an Apple Anita Geheri, Make it Grow Melinda Lilly, Planting a Rainbow Lois Ehlert, Growing Vegetable Soup Lois Ehlert, I’m a Seed Jean Marzollo, The Tiny Seed Eric Carle
Day 1
Revisit concept map. This week we are discussing how plants change as they grow. As a group, discuss how plants different from the other changes we’ve been talking about this 6 weeks. Chart student responses.
Day 2
Read Planting a Rainbow by Lois Ehlert. How do plants change as they grow? Make sure students post on the classroom blog sometime this week.
Day 3
Read From Seed to Apple by Anita Geheri. Discussion on whether all plants make fruit. Sequence the changes in the growth of a plant.
Day 4
During Writer’s Workshop write one thing you’ve learned about how plants change as they grow.
Day 5
Each student will make a comparison about how the changes they go through are like a butterfly, frog, animal, or plant. This sheet along with the writer’s workshop pages from this six weeks will be put together to form a book about how things change as they grow.
Week 6 Final Project Creation
During this week students will work on creating their wiki page with a high school helper/parent volunteer. Students will be responsible for placing their pictures on their page in the correct order. Students should write a caption for each picture discussing what part of the changes/growth each picture shows. Upon completion each student will review each page of the class wiki and comment on each student’s page using the discussion tab associated with that page.
Accommodations for Differentiated Instruction
Special Needs Students / Provide adult/high school helper support and peer tutors. Group heterogeneously with students who are willing to provide extra support. Allow extra time as needed.
Nonnative Speakers / Provide native language support through Ell teacher or another nonnative speaker in the class, provide concrete examples.
Gifted/Talented Students / Have these students serve as experts or tech support. Have students provide a PowerPoint on another change in nature and link or embed it in the class wiki.
Materials and Resources Required For Unit
Technology – Hardware (Click boxes of all equipment needed)
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Intel® Teach Program
Essentials Course
Document CameraComputer(s)
Digital Camera
DVD Player
Internet Connection / Laser Disk
Projection System
Television / VCR
Video Camera
Video Conferencing Equip.
Technology – Software (Click boxes of all software needed.)
Desktop Publishing
E-mail Software
Encyclopedia on CD-ROM / Image Processing
Internet Web Browser
Multimedia / Web Page Development
Word Processing
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Intel® Teach Program
Essentials Course
Printed Materials / Library Books, rubric, self-check and peer check formsSupplies / Pictures of students from parents
Internet Resources / Class Wiki, time lapse video of caterpillar changing into a butterfly
Other Resources / Parent and/or high school volunteers
Programs of the Intel® Education Initiative are funded by the Intel Foundation and Intel Corporation.
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