MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Kurt Wheeler,Trustee Amy Mann,Trustee Dave Porter, TrusteeFritz Koennecke, Trustee Jim Joseph

ALSO PRESENT: Bill Carr, Mike Hayes, Maureen Hays-Mitchell, Paul Curtin, Jason Emerson, Bob Lucas, Helen Stacy, Dick Mitchell, Amanda Bury, Melissa Snyder, Pat Carmeli, Ken Hammond, Kari Hammond, Eric Burrell, Anna Merchant

The Village Board approved the minutes from the January 5, 2015Public Hearing to consider a proposed local law entitled, “A local law to amend Chapter 180 (Zoning Code) and the Village Zoning Map andfrom the January 5, 2015regular Village Boardmeeting.

Mayor Kurt Wheeler gave the planning update of the Creekside area. The Creekside committee met January 12th with a great turn out. There were a number of new people there for the first time. Dan Kwasnowski of Applied Planning is continuing working with the committee, helping to create a plan with two areas of focus: the village trail network for which the Creekside area will fill in a missing piece and the potential redevelopment of the Creekside area, especially the village parcel . Mr. Kwasnowski has outlined a plan formatted so when the Village applies for a grant, there will be an outline of what the Village would like to do. That plan includes the trail network, recreation opportunities along the creek, parking, development of the Village property, connections through the parking lot and the traffic plan both within and through the lot.

The next meeting of the Creekside committee is scheduled for Thursday, February 19th at 5:30 at the Cazenovia Public Library Community Room and all are welcome.

Mayor Wheeler turned the meeting over to the Attorney for the Village Mr. Jim Stokes who reviewed the few revisions that had been made to the legislation since the January 5th Public Hearing and Village Board meeting, primarily based on specific comments from the County Planning Department. There were no changes to the intent or the coverage of the proposed local law.

A brief discussion followed.

Mayor Wheeler stated the Board was ready to move forward.

Mr. Stokes and the Board reviewed the Full Environmental Assessment. The Board went through Part 2 of the EAF – Identification of Potential Project Impacts. The Board’s findings are documented on the EAF.

Attorney Stokes reviewed the proposed resolution.

Motion made by Mayor Wheeler and seconded by Trustee Mann to pass the following resolution:







WHEREAS, this Board of Trustees has, through several legislative initiatives, been working to implement the goals and recommendations of the joint Village and Town Comprehensive Plan adopted in 2008, and

WHEREAS, this Board of Trustees has been developing and considering a proposed local law to enact revisions to the Village Zoning Code and Zoning Map to establish a new zoning district and regulations for approximately eight (8) acres (per tax map) of lands lying along Riverside Drive and the southerly and northerly banks of Chittenango Creek east of Chenango Street and the dam controlled by the N.Y.S. Canal Authority in a portion of the Village to be known as the Creekside Development (“CD”) zoning district. The effect of this amendment is to change the zoning district classification of the portion of the premises known as 3 Riverside Drive, Tax Parcel Number 94.60-1-6.1, that are located northerly of the northerly boundary of Riverside Drive from its existing R-10 Residential District to R-6 Residential District and the following described tax map parcels from their existing R-10, R-20 and B-1 Districts to a new zoning district to be known as the CD Creekside Development District: 94.60-1-5; 94.60-1-6.2; 94.60-1-7; 94.60-1-8; 94.60-1-9; 94.60-1-10; 94.60-1-11, the portion of tax map parcel 94.60-1-6.1 that lies southerly of Riverside Drive, and the portions of tax map parcels 94.45-1-22, 94.45-1-23 and 94.45-1-23.1 that lie within the boundaries of Riverside Drive and easterly of Riverside Drive (collectively the “Premises”), and

WHEREAS, the Premises consist of an area of the Village that was historically devoted to primarily mill and commercial uses taking advantage of the water power provided by Chittenango Creek in years past. More recently, the Premises have been devoted to a mix of residential, commercial and office uses. Tax parcel number 94.60-1-11 is presently improved by an office building and parking area constructed in approximately 1970 for use as a medical office building, and has been continuously devoted to office use since. Tax parcel number 94.60-1-10 has long been devoted to commercial use as garage and staging area for a local telecommunications company. Tax parcel number 94.60-1-5, now owned by the Village, was, until recently, the long-time site of the Town of Cazenovia Highway Garage, and tax parcel number 94.60-1-6.2 is also owned by the Village. Other portions of the Premises are devoted to single family use (tax parcels 94.60-1-6.1, 95.45-1-23 and 95.45-1-23.1), an apartment house (tax parcel 94.60-1-8), a Boy Scout Troop headquarters (94.60-1-7) and a small personal storage and studio building (tax parcel 94.60-1-9), and

WHEREAS, the portion of the Premises lying to the east and north of the existing office building along the southerly side of Chittenango Creek on tax parcel number 94.60-1-11 is presently undeveloped, although there are existing, but unmaintained, walking trails dating back to the 1970’s, and

WHEREAS, the proposed local lawdoes not contemplate the immediate construction of any new buildings or facilities upon or within the Premises. Rather, it is the intent of this legislation to anticipate and provide for the orderly future development of the Premises in a manner envisioned by the Village Comprehensive Plan that is not adequately provided for under the existing zoning district classifications, and

WHEREAS, upon notice duly published and posted, a public hearing on the adoption of proposed Local Law 2015-1 was duly held by this Village Board at which time all those wishing to be heard were heard by this Board, and

WHEREAS, the public hearing has been, or hereby is closed, and

WHEREAS, pursuant to a referral duly made pursuant to the provisions of Section 239-m of the General Municipal Law, the Madison County Planning Agency has reviewed proposed Local Law 2015-1, and has recommended that the question of the adoption of this local law be returned to this Board of Trustees for local determination, and

WHEREAS, in making its recommendation, the County Planning Agency stated, “Overall, the proposed local law to enact a Creekside Development District is well conceived and well supported by the vision for the Village demonstrated through it[sic] Comprehensive Plan”, and

WHEREAS, revisions of the local law recommended by the County Planning Agency, all of which were minor, non-substantial text changes, have all been incorporated into the local law, and

WHEREAS, this Board has reviewed the full environmental assessment form and has considered the likelihood of any potential adverse environmental impacts that might result from the adoption of Local Law 2015-1.


  1. That the enactment of Local Law 2015-1 is a Type 1 action for purposes of the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act. There are no involved federal agencies, and there are no other involved agencies. The enactment of Local Law 2015-1 does not affect any lands located within New York State agricultural districts and does not involve the exercise of eminent domain or other public acquisition of land or the advance of public funds for any construction.
  1. That the enactment of Local Law 2015-1 will not have any significant adverse effects upon the environment. A negative declaration pursuant to the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act shall be prepared and filed in accordance with SEQRA’S implementing regulations. The reasons supporting this determination are as follows:
  1. the action consists solely of a legislative enactment designed and intended to achieve goals and recommendations of the Village’s Comprehensive Plan and to ensure preservation of neighborhood and community character while also promoting the economic development goals of the Comprehensive Plan. The Board is aware of the likelihood that an expansion of the current existing nonconforming office use at 4 Chenango Street will be made more likely as a consequence of the adoption of this local law, and has taken that likelihood into account in its review of the potential environmental impacts of the adoption of this legislation. It is the Board’s conclusion that any such expansion, along with any future development along Riverside Drive based upon the uses permitted in the District, will be compatible with the existing residential neighborhoods. The landscaping and buffering regulations of the Village Zoning Code (sections 180-109 through 180-111) will all be applicable in this District and will, along with Planning Board scrutiny through the special permit review process, protect and preserve existing neighborhood and community character.
  1. Architectural controls, administered by the Village’s Historic Preservation Commission, will also work to ensure the preservation of the existing neighborhood and community character;
  2. The Village’s “dark skies” lighting regulations will be applicable within the district, the enforcement of which will preclude adverse impacts from artificial lighting;
  3. Enforcement of the Village’s current noise regulations will also work to prevent unwanted noise impacts on neighbors and the community;
  4. The narrowly defined nonresidential uses allowed in the District, which are permitted only upon the Planning Board’s special permit approval, can be carried on in harmony with the nearby residential, public and historic properties.
  5. As detailed below, the amendments to the zoning code and zoning map are in accordance with the Village Comprehensive Plan.
  1. This Board, after due deliberation, finds the amendment of the Village Zoning Code and Zoning Map contemplated by Local Law 2015-1 to be in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan for the Village of Cazenovia, as amended. This local law will promote and protect the health, safety and general welfare of the Village of Cazenovia. As evidenced by the excerpts of the Comprehensive Plan cited herein, major goals of the Comprehensive Plan include promoting local businesses and encouraging local employment, promoting mixed use development along Chittenango Creek, while preserving the character and quality of residential neighborhoods and further developing and promoting pedestrian trails and public access to natural areas. The zone change enacted by this legislation serves all of these objectives. The Premises have long been devoted to a mixed uses operated harmoniously with the adjoining residential neighborhoods. Office uses have historically been very compatible with adjoining and nearby residential uses due to their typically limited hours of operation and lack of noise, odors and other obtrusive impacts. This legislation creates an ideal location in the Village for new senior multifamily housing units close to the Village center, and also creates the opportunity for businesses needing office space to establish and grow within the Village, thereby maintaining local employment. The potential for reactivation of public walking trails on the Premises will be a significant step toward a public trail system that is unbroken through the Village, making the Village more pedestrian friendly and enticing to residents and visitors alike. The Comprehensive Plan specifically recognized this potential for this area of the Village, stating, “There is also strong potential for mixed-use commercial/professional/residential development, along Chittenango Creek at Albany Street south to [sic] Riverside Drive,” and further stating that the Village should “Consider rezoning property along Chittenango Creek and Riverside Drive for mixed-use development.”

The overall vision statement of the Comprehensive Plan emphasizes the goal of fostering sustainable economic development while preserving the current community character, and this legislation is intended to achieve both objectives. This local law achieves the balance envisioned by the Comprehensive Plan by allowing a limited number of nonresidential uses to foster economic development under Planning Board special permit scrutiny to ensure compatibility with existing residential uses. In particular, the Village Comprehensive Plan contains the following provisions relevant to the amendment of the zoning code and map contemplated by this legislation, all of which this Board finds to be supportive of its finding that the legislation is in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan:

Page 9 (Executive Summary, Historical Setting)

Historically, Cazenovia has evolved from its initial industry of

mills and manufacturing companies along its waterways…

Community Vision Statement

Preserve and enhance the unique characteristics of the Cazenovia community, which reflect a composition of distinctive natural, cultural, historic, and scenic resources. Encourage sustainable economic growth while maintaining an inviting atmosphere for all to experience Cazenovia’s historic village, magnificent lake, quaint hamlet, and productive agrarian landscape.

Part I: Planning Process

Page 16-17: Community Goals


3. Encourage and expand pedestrian and vehicular interconnectedness.

4. Encourage preservation of historic character of Village residential houses and neighborhoods.


1. Establish a healthy and sustainable balance of land uses throughout the Town, Village and the hamlet of New Woodstock.

4. Enhance and maintain the Village, Town, and Hamlet of New Woodstock character.


2. Adopt effective strategies for protecting and enhancing the natural, scenic, cultural and historic resources of significance to the Cazenovia community.


4. Maintain and upgrade the local transportation system and parking.


1. Continue to maintain and enhance all parks and recreational trails.


1. Promote and support a sustainable economy with a healthy mixture of commercial retail, professional business, agribusiness, agricultural practices, and hospitality or educational services.

2. Promote recreational, heritage, and agricultural tourism.

3. Maintain and enhance historic character of the Village Business District.

4. Proactively encourage and strengthen the economic vitality of the Village Business District.

5. Encourage efficient and safe vehicular and pedestrian circulation through the Village Business District.

6. Facilitate maximum use of all parking options and promote innovative solutions to parking throughout the Village Business District.

8. Facilitate and support the growth of small businesses and agribusiness.

9. Proactively work to attract desirable businesses and create jobs within the Town.

10. Identify means to maintain and enhance level of services while controlling property taxes.

Part II – Inventory and Analysis of Community Resources

Chapter II.2 – Land Use and Zoning

Page 31

Although the Village Business District appears to be fully built out, there are opportunities for infill development, redevelopment, and reuse of existing properties on Albany Street and behind Albany Street along Riverside Drive

Chapter II.3 – Natural Resources

Page 47

The Village has select open space through its parks, cemeteries, residential lawns, Chittenango Creek corridor…

Chapter 11.6 – Community Economy

Page 77

The business district is busy but is not functioning at its full potential. There are opportunities for growth and development to better complement the historic character of Cazenovia and the needs of residents for goods and services.

Part III – Community Recommendations

Chapter III.1 – Housing and Residential Neighborhoods

Page 108 (Introduction)

A. Introduction

The Cazenovia community is deeply committed to maintaining the character of its residential housing and neighborhoods.

The goals and recommended action steps for housing and residential neighborhoods aim to incorporate the following criteria into future renovations and development:

• Neighborhood connectivity with environmental and recreational resources

Chapter 111.2 – Land Use and Zoning

Page 113:

There is potential for new development along Chittenango Creek, south of Albany Street near Riverside Drive. This area is currently zoned R-10, however, uses other than single-family residential would be a better fit for this area. Mixed use with professional, retail commercial, and some residential would complement the business district to the north and the residential uses to the south. A zone change to allow such uses is recommended. Protection of Chittenango Creek is crucial, however, so any future development in the area should be managed to adequately protect this natural resource.

Chapter III.5 – Community Services

Page 138 (Recreational Resources)

2. Recreational Trail Improvements

Currently, the Village and Town enjoy many recreational trails. However, many of these trails are not connected or existing connections have not been clearly identified and directional signage is needed. Below is a discussion of the potential opportunities to improve existing trail connections and to develop new connections.

i. Link Trail

It is recommended that the Town and Village help facilitate completion of the sections of the Link Trail that traverse through the community. Currently there are several gaps in the trail, where hikers must walk along public roads. Directional signage informing users of off trail connections would serve the community until future trail

connections can be developed.

Page 140 – Goals

Goal 1 – Continue to maintain and enhance all parks and recreational trails.

Action Step 12: Work with CPF to improve access to CPF trails.