Clintonville Evergy Collaborative

9/14/2015 Meeting notes

Facilitator: Suzanne C., Notetaker: Greg and Bobby

Present: Dave Dwyer, Greg Pace, Geoff Wilcox (new), Janeen Sand, Marty Ellis, Bobby Jones, Mac & Debbie Crawford, Eugene Beer, Andrea Gorzitze, Julie Kronenberger, Karen Day, Suzanne Csejtey,Jess Hinshaw (new), Diane Harry, Lou Peters, Mary Jane Quick, Bill Brown, Pat McCarthy, Jocelyn Nevel, Jack Wilsback, Dave & Kris Plisga, Dan Brilhart

Insurance:Debbie:Michael Gruber says we are too new to get board insurance, need to wait a year. He priced liability insurance at $500/year. Basic liability $2 mil limit, $2 million for after job done, $5000 medical expenses, it’s very gray when it comes to liability insurance for volunteers. ComFest has insurance for volunteers, but they have thousands of volunteers. Michael estimates ours would be $750 minimum in addition to the $500 and suggests this year we go with the $500 for the few installations we do. This would cover the home, if they don’t like what we did, etc. It would not cover serious personal injury. We can use our Columbus Foundation money for insurance. Lou P. had extra insurance for a time period during their project, cost less than $100 extra. Dan asked about insurance, what happens if there is al leak and it affects the house structure, if a ladder falls who takes the bill?Waivers should be sign and personal health insurance must be in place for the individual to volunteer/work.Dave and Susanne have installer insurance and only want a select few as installers. Suzanne said you can buy workers comp insurance for yourself. Pat will look into other possible companies for board insurance and based on next conversations, insurance committee will work on this and bring recommendations to the full group.

Treasurer:Karen:$2170 Columbus foundation grant money left. Kemba acct balance: $475. From dues. Kemba was taking out a $10/month fee because balance was under $500 but Karen is correcting this.

Outstanding: harnesses, $445, $2106 available, $48 for yard signs, Karen will take dues payments.

Sunday’s Clintonville solar tour:Dan called State Farm for insurance, his would not cover medical for volunteers.

Other agenda:Dave Dwyer said we need to move past insurance concerns and move to trust each other. If you want to work on a roof, you need to take your own responsibility. This is taking up all of our time!

PACE:Deb trying to get meeting with MORPC.

GEO solar tour:We will wait until next year to participate.

Suzanne on CEC home projects:The people who are making progress on their projects are doing a lot of work themselves and communicating a lot.

Dave:With the large project they are doing, Suzanne and Dave cannot do a lot of the work as they have in our first projects. Now that we have six or eight projects getting some momentum, we need to get re-organized.

List of ten issues:

-insurance (ins. Committee deal with it)

-Finance (so many options now. Need people to dig into that. Mozaic, village power, etc.)

-Recruitment (professionals)

-Communications chief (maybe 2 or 3 person cmte): the dropbox, etc. to create and familiarize group with

-meeting organizing cmte (at least 2 or 3)

-safety cmte (3 people)

-permitting cmte

-product research cmte

-time bank cmte (3 people)

-media & marketing cmte

Dave suggests each group needs to be semi-autonomous but with a direct mission.If everyone can commit to ONE of these committees, then our education on solar will expand quickly and in a healthy way.

Suzanne: we have an installation cmte but have not been able to implement it yet.

Mac: a continuing education program needs to be done, to keep us up with the research and equipment aspect.

Suzanne attended Newark Yes Club meeting on Sunday. Richard Downs of Licking County Solar Co-op said this should all be done in joy and moving things along for everybody.Transition. She iterated that we are trying to be a part of local economics.

Could a company like Solarize (Cleveland??) help us with our struggle to organize our process? Could drastically shorten design time.

Need the support of the first project owners to share information.

Project order:

Julie K.







Debbie will work on this and send out list of committees in email, so people can choose a cmte to be a part of.

You need to snuggle up with solar

Solar edge site
Iron ore site

Next meeting:

Wednesday Oct 14

Lou Peters facilitating