LG Noticeboard Submission Guidelines

If you would like to submit an article for inclusion in the LG Noticeboard webpage, please read the following guidelines which provide an overview of the target audience, the type of content usually included on the Noticeboard, format and content guidelines which will assist you in getting your information or message published.

Audience and Reach

The Local Government Association's website www.lgat.tas.gov.au receives a large number of hits from a range of stakeholders and readers within the Tasmanian Local Government sector including elected members, council managers and officers, as well as from industry stakeholders

Content Outline

The LG Noticeboard provides news and information of interest to the Tasmanian Local Government sector. Suitable content includes relevant news items, details of upcoming conferences, training and events, funding opportunities, surveys, award and scholarship programs, and new resources of interest to the sector. The LG Noticeboardoffers something of interest to people at all levels of Local Government.


The LG Noticeboard is updated twice monthly, with content being displayed for approximately one fortnight before being refreshed. Contributors may submit an article for inclusion at any time and articles will be uploaded on the LG Noticeboard at the next available/appropriate display period.

Content Requirements

Articles and advertisements must be relevant and of interest to the Local Government sector. Inclusion of content and material is at the discretion of the LGAT Secretariat.

For News Items, Award Programs and Grant Opportunities:

Please submit up to 120 words (in Word format) d forward, where possible, a suitable image to go with your article (as a jpeg attachment).

For Conferences, Seminars and Workshops:

Please submit the name of the event, the event date, the location, up to 50 words about the event and a link to your webpage where people can go for further information.


For enquiries, please contact:

Stephanie Watson
Communications Manager
Phone: (03) 6233 5119