Rebecca Francik - Librarian
Lesson Plans
April 8-12, 2013
April 7Happy Birthday Juana Melo and Siomara Ruiz!April 8MAP Window Opens
April 10Smarter Balanced Assessment on iPads for 3rd Grade
April 10Round Table, Learning Walks
April 11Happy Birthday Paula Cox!
April 12Staff Meeting, 7:50
Welcome students back
Review rules of library
Check out books
Read “Tales for Very Picky Eaters” by Josh Schneider
/ People who read more Know more!Book
Web Link / “Tales for Very Picky Eaters” by Josh Schneider
- Support growth and development units being taught in the spring
- learn to use information to make good choices
- Learn about the library resources we have on the human body
Why do parents ask you to eat vegetables?
What foods are good for you?
What should you eat every day?
EALR 1.3
GLE 2.4.14-5 SYSC Systems have inputs and outputs. /
- Investigate and Think Critically: Research, manage and evaluate information and solve problems using digital tools and resources.
- Formulate and synthesize new knowledge.
5th grade
Provide directions and guidance in use of MSP science tools.
4th grade have students read text and pick out important text. Have students summarize what they read. / 5th grade M,T, Th & F will
Practice on MSP site to become familiar with testing tools.
Review library procedures
Promote new and interesting books / Students will:
1)Participate in the discussion
2)Vote on their favorite book
Will check out books that:
- Meet their information need
Teacher will monitor book selection for reading level / 3) Find books at their level
4)Choose books they like
5th grade
Will demonstrate use of webs site for MSP testing. / Will be able fluently use the MSP science website and all its tools.
T. willmonitor student progress. / will be able to identify how to use website tools most effectively
Will guide students with clarifying questions. / Willpractice and determine what tools best meet their needs.
/ 1st-4th grade Enjoying literature together through reading books.Question What can we learn from the world around us? How do we get our ideas and how do we use them?
5th grade –M. T, TH, F Use teacher demonstration station.
Online link to websites is
click on dropbox
Select school-Chess
Select “library” from left nav bar
Select “Library”
Select 5th grade
Select Student Website Evaluation Sheet this is the
Same as the handout but you can click on the links instead of typing them.
8:20 / Pick up 3rd gradersoutside cafeteria doors. Bring in through front doors
8:20:9:00 /
3rd grade
/- Have students enter library and sit boy/girl, boy girl.
- Put books into book drop
- Ask questions listed above
- Read “Tales for Very Picky Eaters” by Josh Schneider
9:15– 10:00 /
/ Purpose of exercise:- Learn to be comfortable and fluent with technology necessary for taking the MSP.
- Think about strategies that will help narrow choices
10:05– 10:50 /
1st/2nd Grade
/ Read - “Tales for Very Picky Eaters” by Josh SchneiderHave students quietly read their book selections. Purpose to practice their reading
/ Planning11:30-12:00 / * * lunch break * * *
12:00 – 12:30 / Library helpers today Work on straightening up the library
12:301:15 / 2nd grade / Pick up class at 12:30 sharp Their books should be in library so bring them straight to library
Check out books first
Same lesson plan as for 3rd grade.
Read - “Tales for Very Picky Eaters” by Josh Schneider
Collect books and have 2 or 3 students deliver them to the classroom.
Walk the rest of the students out to recess.
1:30 2:15 /
/ Pickup up class outside by 1:30 sharpSame lesson plan as for 3rd grade.
Read “Tales for Very Picky Eaters” by Josh Schneider
2:15 – 3:00 / 4thGrade / Same as for 3rd grade
Walk out to the bus together.
3:15 / Walk students outside / Monday duty day Stand at Basketball court after school. Take the walkers outside some will peel off to wait for siblings at the flag pole others will go to bus or crosswalk.
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