MPH Program Public Health Competencies Form (rev. 07/28/2016)
Project Title:
Graduating students: Please use this form to reflect on how on how the entire MPH curriculum (i.e. classes, Practicum and Master’s Project) prepared your competency in public health. We hope that this will be a useful reflection, as you move into the job market.
Note: The right-hand column is for Course Directors only.
Course Director only0=Not Applicab1e
1=Improvement Needed
2=Meets Expectations
3=Exceeds Expectations
I. MPH Program Core Public Health Competencies
PO 1) Application of evidence-based knowledge from behavioral and social sciences, biostatistics, epidemiology, environmental health, and health care organization to understanding and improving the health of the public.
PO 2) Usage of appropriate research and analytical strategies to address public health issues.
PO 3) Communication of public health principles and findings to professional and/or community audiences using a variety of media and methods.
PO 6) Understanding of the ethical choices, values, and professional practices implicit in public health decisions, giving consideration to the effect of choices on community stewardship, equity, social justice, and accountability.
PO 4) Collaborate sensitively, professionally, and ethically with individuals from diverse cultural, ethnic, and socioeconomic backgrounds.
PO 5) Recognize dynamic interactions between human and social systems and how they affect relationships among individuals, groups, organizations, communities, and other structures.
Fill out only part A if you are a PHP student, or part B if you are a BIST student
III. Concentration-Specific Competencies:A. MPH Public Health Practice students ONLY: / Course Director only
0=Not Applicab1e
1=Improvement Needed
2=Meets Expectations
3=Exceeds Expectations
PHP 1) Integrate the social determinants of health in the design of interventions within public health systems
PHP 2) Apply core public health sciences in the delivery of the 10 Essential Public Health Services (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention "National Public Health Performance Standards Program (NPHPSP): 10 Essential Public Health Services." Retrieved from (Accessed on 05/18/2016.)
PHP 3) Advocate for policies, programs, and resources that improve health in a community.
PHP 4) Utilizes cultural elements and aspects that influencedecision making by patients, self, and colleagues.
PHP 5) Incorporate analytic public health skills to evaluate programs and reported studies in terms of rigor, importance, and relevance to professional practice.
III. Concentration Competencies:
B. MPH-Biostatistics students ONLY: / Course Director only
0=Not Applicab1e
1=Improvement Needed
2=Meets Expectations
3=Exceeds Expectations
BST 1) Select and apply appropriate statistical methods for the analysis of public health data.
BST 2) Evaluate the impact of study design on research conclusions (e.g., bias, confounding, power, causality).
BST 3) Demonstrate good research practices for data collection, validation and storage.
BST 4) Collaborate in the effective translation of research objectives into testable hypotheses.
BST 5) Apply statistical software to conduct analyses using established and/or new statistical functions.
BST 6) Build and interpret multivariable models.
BST 7) Interpret results of statistical analyses found in public health studies.
BST 8) Develop written and oral presentations based on statistical analyses for both public health professionals and educated lay audiences.
Student: Type in the names below; add your own Access ID and Date. Forward the completed Core Public Health Competencies Form to your Project Advisor and FPH Course Director.
Faculty: Type in your access id and date to signify approval. Please note that theCore Public Health Competencies Formis submitted electronically using WSU email addresses. Please copy the student in all communications.
Candidate’s Signature (Type Name): / Access ID: / Date:Approved by Project Advisor (Type Name): / Access ID: / Date:
Approved by Course Director (Type Name) / Access ID: / Date: