
Nicholas Dennis (ND) Chairman - Sutton on Sea Resident

Colin Greenaway (CG) Vice Chairman - Trusthorpe Resident

Cllr Joyce Taylor (JT) Mablethorpe & Sutton Town Council

Malcolm Nicholls (MN) Mablethorpe Resident

Elizabeth Smart (ES) Mablethorpe Resident

Rosemary Payne (RP) Mablethorpe Resident

Josie Creamer (JC) Mablethorpe Resident

Ann Britz (AB) Trusthorpe Resident

Pat Gordon (PG) Trusthorpe Resident

John Simpson (JS) Trusthorpe Resident

Don Taylor (DT) Sutton on Sea Resident

Doreen Hinde (DH) Sutton on Sea Resident

Sue Neville (SN) Sutton on Sea Resident

Ann Britz (AB) Trusthorpe Resident

Michael Evans (ME) Mablethorpe Resident

Inspector John Morris (JMo) Lincolnshire Police - Policing, anti social behaviour, street scene and enforcement theme group

Sgt Paul Patterson (PPa) Lincolnshire Police

Judith Mercer (JMe) Voluntary Action East Lindsey (VAEL)

Improved information and publicity theme group

Mike McDonald (MM) MASCOT – Regeneration, Housing and Planning theme group

Vanessa Strange (VS) LCC Accessibility Planning Partnership – Transport, accessibility & highways theme group

Paddy Prince (PPr) LCC Children’s Services – Young people’s services and facilities theme group

Laura Archer (LA) LCC Children’s Services

Shaun Lee (SL) Mablethorpe Youth Forum

Jamie Ward (JW) Mablethorpe Youth Forum

Darren Clayton (DC) Business Manager – Housing and Community Development

Allyson Ingamells (AI) Neighbourhood Manager, ELDC

Debbie Prince (DP) Neighbourhood Projects Officer, ELDC

Steve Hinsley (SH) Community Development Officer, ELDC

Mark Mehaffey (MM) Neighbourhood Engagement and Enforcement Officer, ELDC

Julie Fell (JFe) Grounds Maintenance Assistant, ELDC (Minute taker)


Cllr David Andrews (DA) East Lindsey District Council

Cllr Tony Howard (TH) Lincolnshire County Council

Rev Alison Harvey (AH) Faith Communities St Mary’s Church, Mablethorpe

Janet Farr (JFa) CG Partnership – Education, training, health services & prevention theme group

1. / Welcome and Introductions
The Chairman opened the meeting and introduced Darren Clayton who has been appointed as Business Manager for the Housing and Community Development service. / ACTION
2. / Minutes of the Last Meeting
The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed as a true record.
3.1 / Matters Arising
Swimming Pool – Cllr Taylor said that ELDC are fully aware of the depth of feeling regarding this matter and reported that children in classes 5 and 6 at Mablethorpe County Primary only receive 4 lessons per year at Alford Grammar School. DC assured the group that their views would be heard and heard seriously and suggested forming a sub-group. South View pool cannot be used as it is only available to members and Council pools are too cold. MM liaised with Haven last year and who said their pool could be opened off-season as an interim measure but this has not progressed further. CG suggested that the long-term plans of Mablethorpe should be looked into i.e. flood defences and the eco town bid.
4.1 / Neighbourhood Management Workshop Report Findings
Papers were circulated to the board prior to the meeting; no comments were made so AI will progress with the action plan and report back at the next meeting.
5.1 / Code of Guidance
The board agreed that the code of guidance demonstrates a way of working that is suitable for all. This document was approved.
6.1 / Logo Competition
A logo sample was circulated along with an application form for approval by the group. This will now be available to the general public and will probably be advertised by way of a notice in the local press giving an address to apply to. The deadline for entries will be 31st July, as the judging will take place on 6th August. The prize will most likely be a book or music voucher to the value of £25.
7.1 / Election to Theme Groups
Volunteers are required to join theme groups i.e. Policing/Anti-Social and Education/Training etc. The board will agree on volunteers and report back the results next time. Nicholas Dennis, Pat Gordon and Ann Britz will sit on the LSP Rural Accessibility group. Rosemary Payne and Elizabeth Smart will support the youth forum.
8.4 / Report from Forums
Youth Forum – The Graffiti Project was the main topic of discussion; this is continuing on the seafront with a professional graffiti artist teaching residents the art and has now become so popular that booking is necessary.
The forum is keen to develop intergenerational projects such as dancing and hope to progress with this soon.
The band project has been slow to progress recently but will hopefully pick up soon; SL is trying to organise a gig at Theddlethorpe and there is still funding left for this.
Alterations and improvements have been made to Tennyson Youth Centre and everyone is welcome to have a look around.
Mablethorpe – an update was given from Mablethorpe residents and issues such as health and twinning were raised.
There is some concern about cross-contamination with the dual bins that are being installed.
The works to the drain by the beck are underway.
Two pubs in the town have applied for a 24-hour licence.
Queens Park flats – walkway along the front the lights go out too early.
Parking on Victoria Road and Queens Park Close is causing an obstruction.
An incident of racial abuse has been reported in the town. This has been addressed in partnership between ELDC and Lynx Homes.
A skip has been left for a long period of time, small children have been seen playing in it and it contains dirty disposable nappies etc. The next meeting will be held on 23rd July at 6pm.
Trusthorpe – the meeting received presentations on twinning and a Rural Impact project that will tackle issues such as graffiti.
There is a lack of benches in the village.
Roads and pavements are in a poor condition and there is no crossing point, which is desperately needed.
There is rubbish in dykes and a lack of recycling facilities.
The garden development is progressing well and the group have been assured that the bridge will not be affected.
The public need to be made aware of meetings and the time has been changed to 6pm to facilitate this.
Sutton on Sea – a presentation was given from the Friends of Marisco. A presentation on twinning was also given here and is felt would bear most relevance to towns with common problems. Sutton have also agreed to have evening meetings
9.5 / Report from Theme Groups
Lincolnshire Police – John Jones who was covering the beat has now been appointed permanently.
A total of 23 parking tickets have been issued since the last meeting.
The group is trying to promote local groups, clubs and activities and give presentations to youth groups etc.
Mobility scooters – Jmo has researched the legislation and this will be produced into a leaflet.
Speeding and trailer deployment – other forces also have it as their priority so it has had to be shared, however another patrol car will soon be fitted with a tow bar.
VAEL – the publicity communications group met and 12 – 15 people attended.
The local newspaper is being used to feed information.
The next meeting is on 18th June and all residents are welcome. VAEL have recently appointed a Publicity and Marketing Officer who will be introduced at this meeting, which is scheduled for 9.30am at the CAP.
Regeneration – this group met on 15th May with 10 people in attendance, 5 of which were residents. There is a two-part remit; housing and planning.
Lidl have submitted an application to expand their existing store.
The main current issue is Britain in Bloom and MM is pleased with the report that has been received from ELDC, Woodthorpe Garden Centre and North Sea Camp have sent 6 prisoners to assist with maintenance of the gardens in Queens Park.
Beds are not yet planted up and MM reported that this was tied in to ELDC’s schedule. Trusthorpe and Sutton on Sea will be included next year. A maximum of 30% of the total points are awarded for perennial plants and these should be plants that give year round interest. JT pointed out that the traffic island is covered in cones and weeds.
LCC Accessibility and Planning – VS reported on feedback from residents regarding travel and infrastructure. Age Concern have collated information from questionnaires but this needs further work to convert it into a usable format. VS advised that anyone is welcome to attend meetings.
LCC Children’s Services – PPr reported that the group has not met since the last board meeting. Children’s Services has undergone a restructure and Mablethorpe has been clustered with Louth. Tracey Robinson will be the key contact from now on and Laura Archer will replace PPr on this board.
10.1 / Neighbourhood Management Officer Report
This report was circulated prior to the meeting and there were no issues raised from this.
11.2 / Future Agenda Items/Presentation
The board were asked for suggestions of items they would like adding to the agenda. The Chairman stated he would like to see representatives from the Environment Agency, Lindsey Marsh Drainage Board, East Lindsey District Council and the Town Council to discuss environmental issues.
It was asked if Brenda Turnbull could be invited to attend the next meeting as she works in the Coastal Action Zone section of ELDC, although this may warrant a meeting of it’s own.
12.4 / Any Other Business
Dog waste bins on the promenade; there is many at the north end but few towards Sutton. Owners are allowing their dogs to foul and there is no one monitoring the beach for this.
It is felt that Mablethorpe has been classed as ‘not worth development’ and that the eco-town is more likely to be at Manby rather than Strubby. There will be a public meeting on 24th June to discuss the eco-town and AI advised that ELDC had already produced a briefing note on what it all entails. AI will send a copy to all board members.
A resident suggested that as printer ink and paper are now so expensive, more economical practices are followed when briefing notes etc. are circulated.
All seven district councils in Lincolnshire have formed a partnership to provide free travel to over 60’s and a briefing note was circulated to the board.
13.1 / Dates, Times and Venues of Next Meetings
Wednesday 6th August, 6.30pm – 8.30pm, Enterprise Hall, Trusthorpe Road, Sutton on Sea.
Thursday 9th October, 6.00pm – 8.00pm, Trusthorpe Village Hall.
Thursday 11th December, 6.00pm – 8.00pm, Community Room, Mablethorpe CAP and Library, Stanley Avenue, Mablethorpe.