General Introductions to Worship
Abba, Raymond. 1957. Principles of christian worship with special reference to the free churches. London, New York: Oxford University Press.
Addington, Stephen. 1785. A serious address to christian worshippers, on the importance of an early attendance upon publick worship. Boston: London, printed: Boston, reprinted, by Greenlea i.e., Greenleaf and Freeman, north side the market,.
Allison, C. FitzSimons. 1962. Fear, love, and worship. New York: Seabury Press.
Arnold, J. W. 2003. The why & wonder of worship. Gainesville, FL: BookEnds Press.
Athearn, Laura Armstrong. 1931. Christian worship for american youth. New York, London: The Century Co.
Baker, T. G. A. 1977. Questioning worship. London; Naperville, Ill.: SCM Press; SCM Book Club.
Bartel, Judy. 1982. Christian worship. Christian life program. Vol. Unit 2, no. 4. Brussels, Belgium: International Correspondence Institute.
Barton, Thomas, and Church of England. 1767. The family prayer-book. Ephrata Pa.: Printed by the Ephrata Community for William Barton.
Bay, William. 1984. The beauty of worship. Pacific, Mo.: Mel Bay Publications.
Belknap, Jeremy. 1771. A plain and earnest address from a minister to a parishioner, on the neglect of the publick worship, and preaching of the gospel. Salem Mass.: Sold by Samuel Hall, near the exchange.
Berkley, James D. 1997. Leadership handbook of preaching and worship. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker Books.
Bernard, Thomas Dehany. 1904. The word and sacraments, and other papers : Illustrative of present questions on church ministry and worship. London: Bemrose.
Best, Harold M. 2003. Unceasing worship : Biblical perspectives on worship and the arts. Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press.
Bloy, Myron B. 1969. Multi-media worship; a model and nine viewpoints. An original seabury paperback SP61. New York: Seabury Press.
Bowman, Clarice Margarette. 1951. Restoring worship. New York: Abingdon-Cokesbury Press.
Bowman, Clarice Margarette. 1961. Resources for worship. New York: Association Press.
Bowman, Clarice Margarette. 1964. The living art of worship. A reflection book. New York: Association Press.
Brown, Leslie. 1965. Relevant liturgy. Zabriskie lectures. Vol. 1964. New York: Oxford University Press.
Brunner, Peter. 1968. Worship in the name of jesus [Zur Lehre vom Gottesdienst der im Namen Jesu versammelten Gemeinde.]. St. Louis, MO: Concordia Pub. House.
Campbell, Edward Fay, James Hastings Nichols, James P. Alter, and Mabel H. Erdman. 1943. To glorify god; worship at the heart of the world community. The pioneering church series. New York: Association press, Fleming H. Revell Co.
Chapman, Dean Walter. 2001. How to worship as a presbyterian. 1st ed. Louisville, Ky.: Geneva Press.
Christensen, James L. 1978. Don't waste your time in worship. Old Tappan, N.J.: F. H. Revell Co.
Coleman, Michael, and Lindquist. 1989. Come and worship. Old Tappan, N.J.: Chosen Books. ML3001.C69
Colman, Benjamin. 1728. An argument for and persuasive unto the great and important duty of family worship:. Boston, N.E.: Printed by Gamaliel Rogers, for Thomas Hancock at the Bible and Three Crowns near the town dock.
Cook, Charles W. 1982. An experiment in calling for response to worship and preaching.
Cornwall, Judson. 1983. Let us worship. So. Plainfield, N.J.: Bridge Pub.
Cornwall, Judson. 1985. Elements of worship. South Plainfield, N.J.: Bridge Pub. BV10.2.C676
Cornwall, Judson. 1986. Incense and insurrection. Atlanta, Ga.: K Dimension Publishers.
Cully, Iris V. 1967. Christian worship and church education. Philadelphia: Westminster Press.
Davies, Horton. 1957. Christian worship, its history and meaning. New York: Abingdon Press.
Davies, J.G., ed. The Westminster Dictionary of Worship. Philadelphia: Westminster John Knox, 1979. A masterful, indispensable work, ith articles on every subject related to worship.
Davis, Henry Grady. 1961. Why we worship. A fortress book. Philadelphia: Fortress Press.
Dearborn, Tim, and Scott Coil. 2004. Worship at the next level : Insight from contemporary voices. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker Books.
Demerest, Ada Rose. 1931. Junior worship, with programs, songs and stories. Cincinnati, O.: The Standard publishing company.
Devan, S. Arthur. 1942. Ascent to zion. New York: The Macmillan company.
Dickinson, Jonathan. 1738. The reasonableness of nonconformity to the church of england, in point of worship. Boston, New England,: Printed and sold by Kneeland and Green,.
Dobson, J. O. 1941. Worship. London: Student Christian Movement Press.
Duchesne, L., and M. L. McClure. 1919. Christian worship: Its origin and evolution. 5th ed. London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge.
Duffy, Regis A. 1982. Real presence : Worship, sacraments, and commitment. 1st ed. San Francisco: Harper & Row.
Garrett, T. S. 1963. Christian worship; an introductory outline. 2d ed. London, New York: Oxford University Press.
Guyon,Jeanne Marie Bouvier de La Motte. 1789. The worship of god, in spirit and truth: Or, A short and easy method of prayer. Philadelphia: Printed by Francis Bailey, at Yorick's-Head in Market-Street.
Hahn, Wilhelm Traugott. 1963. Worship and congregation. Ecumenical studies in worship. Vol. 12. Richmond, Va.: John Knox Press.
Hanson, Richard S. 1988. Worshiping with the child. Nashville: Abingdon Press.
Hardman, O. 1937. A history of christian worship. The london theological library. Nashville: Cokesbury Press.
Hardman, O. 1948. A history of christian worship. London theological library. Second Edition ed. London: University of London Press ; Hodder and Stoughton.
Hart, Trevor A., and Steven R. Guthrie. 2007. Faithful performances : Enacting christian tradition. Ashgate studies in theology, imagination, and the arts. Aldershot, England ; Burlington, VT: Ashgate.
Hazelton, Roger. 1946. The god we worship. New York: The Macmillan Co.
Hebert, A. G. 1961. Liturgy and society; the function of the church in the modern world. London: Faber and Faber.
Hedley, George. 1953. Christian worship, some meanings and means. New York: Macmillan.
Herbert, Arthur Sumner. 1959. Worship in ancient israel. Ecumenical studies in worship. Vol. 5. Richmond: John Knox Press.
Holmes, Theda, Wendy Stackable, and Kaye Moreno. 1986. The holiness and honor of praise. South Plainfield, NJ: Bridge Publishing.
Horton, Douglas. 1959. The meaning of worship. The lyman beecher lectures. Vol. 1958. New York: Harper.
Howard, Jenny, and Christian Healing Ministries, Inc. 2001. Praise, worship and healing. The school of healing prayer. Vol. Level II. Jacksonville, FL: Christian Healing Ministries.
Hybels, Lynne. 1984. The joy of personal worship. Wheaton, Ill.: Victor Books.
Irwin, Kevin W. 2005. Models of the eucharist. New York: Paulist Press.
Johnson, Lawrence J., and National Association of Pastoral Musicians. 1983. The mystery of faith : The ministers of music. Washington, D.C.: National Association of Pastoral Musicians.
Kay, J. Alan. 1953. The nature of christian worship. London: Epworth Press.
Labberton, Mark. 2007. The dangerous act of worship : Living god's call to justice. Downers Grove, Ill.: IVP Books.
Lang, Bernhard. 1997. Sacred games : A history of christian worship. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press.
Learned, Erastus. 1800. The nature and importance of christian worship. Printed at Worcester Mass.,: by Isaiah Thomas, Jun.
Lee, Roy Stuart. 1956. Psychology and worship. Burroughs memorial lectures. Vol. 1953. New York: Philosophical Library.
Lester, Muriel. 1937. Why worship?. New York ; Nashville: Abingdon Cokesbury Press.
MacArthur, John. 1983. The ultimate priority : John macarthur, jr. on worship. Chicago, Ill.: Moody Press. BV10.2 M23 1983
Magsam, Charles M. 1958. The inner life of worship. St. Meinrad, Ind.: Grail Publications.
Martin, Albert William. 1930. Worship in the sunday school, for workers in small schools. Cokesbury series. Nashville, Tenn.: Cokesbury Press. BV 10.2.M33 1982
Martin, Ralph P. The Worship of God: Some Theological, Pastoral and Practical Reflections. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans, 1982. Filled with New Testament insights on the many dimensions of worship.
Maxwell, William D. 1936. An outline of christian worship, its development and forms. London: Oxford university press, H. Milford.
Maxwell, William D. 1939. An outline of christian worship : Its development and forms. London: Oxford University Press.
Maxwell, William D. 1945. An outline of christian worship : Its development and forms. 3rd impression (Revis) ed. London: Oxford University Press.
Meland, Bernard Eugene. 1934. Modern man's worship; a search for reality in religion. New York, London: Harper & Brothers.
Micks, Marianne H. 1970. The future present: The phenomenon of christian worship. New York: Seabury Press.
Micks, Marianne H. 1982. The joy of worship. Library of living faith. 1st ed. Philadelphia: Westminster Press.
Moodey, Joshua. 1691. The great sin of formality in god's worship: Or, the formal worshipper proved a lyar and deceiver. Boston,: Printed by Benjamin Harris, and John Allen, at the London-Coffee-House. And are to be sold by Richard Wilkins.
Navarro, Kevin J. 2005. The complete worship service : Creating a taste of heaven on earth. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker Books.
Neusner, Jacob, and Inc NetLibrary. 2005. Performing israel's faith. Waco, Tex.: Baylor University Press.
Nicholls, William. 1958. Jacob's ladder: The meaning of worship. Ecumenical studies in worship. Vol. 4. Richmond: John Knox Press.
Osborn, G. Edwin. 1960. The glory of christian worship. Indianapolis: Christian Theological Seminary Press.
Panikkar, Raimundo. 1973. Worship and secular man; an essay on the liturgical nature of man, considering secularization as a major phenomenon of our time and worship as an apparent fact of all times. A study towards an integral anthropology. Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis Books.
Paquier, Richard. 1967. Dynamics of worship; foundations and uses of liturgy [Traité de liturgique.]. Philadelphia: Fortress Press.
Parker, Fitzgerald Sale. 1929. The practice and experience of christian worship; a study of biblical and ecclesiastical worship practices with especial reference to the origin and development of the worship service of episcopal methodism. The quillian lectures for 1929. Nashville, Tenn.: Cokesbury Press.
Parrinder, Edward Geoffrey. 1961. Worship in the world's religions. New York: Association Press.
Peacocke, A. R., and Ann Pederson. 2006. The music of creation, with CD. Theology and the sciences. Minneapolis: Fortress Press.
Ray, David R. 2000. Wonderful worship in smaller churches. Cleveland, Ohio: Pilgrim Press.
Saliers, Don E. 1984. Worship and spirituality. Spirituality and the christian life. 1st ed. Philadelphia: Westminster Press.
Segler, Franklin M. Christian Worship: Its Theology and Practice. Nashville: Broadman, 1967. Revised edition edited by Randall Bradley. Nashville: Broadman & Holman, 1996. A classic introduction for those in the Free Church tradition. BV 10.2 S4
Schalm, Bernard. 1962. The church at worship. Minister's handbook series. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House.
Schattauer, Thomas H. 1999. Inside out : Worship in an age of mission. Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press.
Scheer, Greg. 2006. The art of worship : A musician's guide to leading modern worship. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker Books.
Schroeder, Frederick W. 1966. Worship in the reformed tradition. Philadelphia: United Church Press.
Segler, Franklin M. 1967. Christian worship, its theology and practice. Nashville: Broadman Press. BV 10.2 S4
Segler, Franklin M., C. Randall Bradley, and Franklin M. Segler. 1996. Understanding, preparing for, and practicing christian worship. 2nd ed. Nashville, Tenn.: Broadman & Holman.
Shakarian, Demos. 1992. Come let us exalt him. Costa Mesa, Calif.: Full Gospel Business
Steele, Richard, Don Kistler, and Richard Steele. 1988. A remedy for wandering thoughts in the worship of god. Harrisonburg, Va.: Sprinkle Publications.
Steere, Douglas V. 1938. Prayer and worship. Hazen books on religion. New York: Association press.
Stoddard, Solomon. 1708. The inexcusableness of neglecting the worship of god, under a pretence of being in an unconverted condition. Boston in N.E.: Printed by B. Green. Sold by Samuel Phillips, at the brick shop.
Strack, Jay, Diane Strack, and Student Leadership University. 2006. Worship in the storm. Student leadership university study guide series. Nashville, TN: Nelson Impact.
Swank, Calvin P. 1927. A catechism in christian worship. Philadelphia: United Lutheran Publication House.
Tippit, Sammy. 1989. Worthy of worship. Chicago: Moody Press.
Toon, Peter. 2000. Genuine godliness & true piety : Worshipping god in faith, hope and love. Carrollton, Tex.: Ekklesia Society.
Underhill, Evelyn. 1936. Worship. The library of constructive theology. 1st ed. London: Nisbet.
Underhill, Evelyn. 1937. Worship. The library of constructive theology. 1st ed. New York: Harper.
Underhill, Evelyn. 1937. Worship. The library of constructive theology. 2d ed. London: Nisbet.
Underhill, Evelyn. 1937. Worship. The library of constructive theology. 1st ed. New York: Harper.
Underhill, Evelyn. 1937. Worship. The library of constructive theology. 2d ed. London: Nisbet.
Underhill, Evelyn. 1957. Worship. Harper torchbooks, TB10. 1st Harper torchbook ed. New York: Harper.
Underhill, Evelyn. 1957. Worship. Harper torchbooks, TB10. 1st Harper torchbook ed. New York: Harper.
Van Dyk, Leanne. 2005. A more profound alleluia : Theology and worship in harmony. Calvin institute of christian worship liturgical studies series. Grand Rapids, Mich.: W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co.
Vogt, Von Ogden. 1927. Modern worship. New Haven; London: Yale university press; H. Milford, Oxford university press.
von Allmen, Jean-Jacques. 1965. Worship, its theology and practice. New York: Oxford University Press.
Walker, Paul L. 1981. The ministry of worship. Cleveland, Tenn.: Pathway Press.
Wainwright, Geoffrey. Doxology: The Praise of God in Worship, Doctrine and Life. New York: Oxford University Press, 1980. A creative volume on systematic theology as seen through the eyes of worship. BT 75.2.W34 1980
Webber, Robert E. Worship Old and New. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan, 1982; rev.ed. 1994. A groundbreaking book that urges readers to rethink worship theologically. BV15.W4 1994
Webber, Robert E., ed. The Complete Library of Christian Worship. Nashville: StarSong, 1994. Webber has edited a multivolume encyclopedia on Christian worship that appears to be the most comprehensive attempt yet to describe and interpret the numerous and various aspects of worship. Boasting 650 contributing editors and more than 3,700 pages, this work includes the following individual volumes: The Biblical Foundations of Christian Worship; Twenty Centuries of Christian Worship; The Renewal of Sunday Worship; Music and the Arts in Sacred Actions of Worship; and The Ministries of Christian Worship.
Webster, Dick, and Flo Webster. 1990. Worship and warfare : A prayer companion. 1st ed. Taipei, Taiwan : Campus Evangelical Fellowship: .
Wengert, Timothy J. 2006. A formula for parish practice : Using the formula of concord in congregations. Lutheran quarterly books. Grand Rapids, Mich.: William B. Eerdmans.