Minutes – PLD Executive Board Meeting
June 20, 2008
Corvallis Public Library
Attending:Carol Uhte, Steve Skidmore, Robin Beerbower, Linda Lybecker, and Su Ikeda.
Carol called the meeting to order at 11:00.
The agenda was approved as written. The April 17 minutes need to reflect that we approved the proposed Public Library Standards Revision for Section G: Facilities.
OLA Board Meeting Report – Carol and Steve
Wise and Retired Round Table (WARRT) group started up.
Oregonian will no longer be on the state database as of July 31.
Finance-- Carol
Financial data was reviewed. Data current up to 4/30/08. Balance is $7,394.97.
Final OLA Conference Report – Robin, Carol
Robin handed out expense sheet for PLD for the conference. Total PLD paid was $244.00.
PLD made about $200.00 from the preconfernce not including expenses to OLA/WLA.
He Reads, She Reads had overflow out into the hall.
Robin suggested “listeners advisory” for a pre-conference. It could cover technology, nationally known narrator, all based on audio books.
Robin is thinking about a session with author Mark Acito. He has written “Attack of the Theater People” and “How I paid for College.” He could also be a possibility for the PLD Dinner.
PNLA Scholarship
Steve made a motion to award scholarship to Lori Moore. Linda seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
PLD Elections
Need positions 3 and 4 for two year terms, secretary and chair elect.
Robin Beerbower will be chair.
Carol Uhte will be past chair.
Todd Dunkelberg is running for chair elect.
Steve Skidmore is running for Secretary.
Wyma and Linda are leaving the board.
Sue and Abigail still have one year to serve.
Carol will send an email looking for people interested in running for the Board.
PLD Standards Survey Results
Survey is completed and results are in.
Carol proposed that we look at the “Governance” standard for revisal.
Upcoming meetings:
Friday, July 25, 2008 from 11-3 at the Salem Public Library
We will set a calendar for the upcoming year at the July 25 meeting.
Thank You Linda and Wyma!
Carol expressed thanks to Linda and Wyma for all of their work for the Board.
Post call for nominations for Board positions
/June 30
Amend April 17 minutes to reflect approval of revisions to Public Library Standards, section G: Facilities
/June 30
Look over Public Library Standards survey to prepare for discussion at next meeting
/Su, Steve
Find out dates for OLA Board meetings
/July 25
Set up meeting room for our next meeting
/July 25
Gather information for pre-conference /Robin
/July 25
Create election Ballot /Carol
/July 15
Look over Governance Standard /Board
Annual Report Draft /Carol
/July 25
Respectfully Submitted,
Todd Dunkelberg, Secretary